Non-burgers from pol, which news outlet you use to keep informed?
As I approach thirty, I feel that I have ignored the world around me for too long, and want to at least know the bare minimum about worldwide events.
Non-burgers from pol, which news outlet you use to keep informed?
I just lurk Sup Forums and sometimes tune into alex jones
Yeah, but you are a burger, dk/dc about geography and probably believes that the earth is flat.
>he fell for the 'earth is round' meme
>earth is flat
Look at the evidence, monkeybro.
Most of the world is shit. Nothing matters unless it's happening in your neighborhood. Although as a Brazilian, you're primed to get fucked at any second of any day, so maybe you should actually keep your eyes open...
>thinks world is "A Ball"
I bet you think mirrors are real too, you fucking sub-human monkey.
For local events I read my cities newspaper, when something big happens I read/listen to a mix of the following.
>Sup Forums - conglomerates breitbart, infowars etc. articles for me
>Some other chans
>Voice of Korea
>China PBS
>Echo Moscow
When you hear how other countries report on news you start to get a sense of international relations and how much harder it is to get info in other countries.
Sup Forums
>you fell for the sphere jew
Why would you assume we don't know or care about geography?
I have to keep track of America's borders, and considering America is anywhere an American so happens to be standing, it's a pretty big chunk of the map to watch.
Alex Jones
with that I get the basic Gestalt
also TD and pol
>earth isnt flat
I bet you fell for the gravityjew too
Mostly RT, cannot trust any other news outlet.
>Non-burgers from pol, which news outlet you use to keep informed?
Sup Forums.
Breitbart and Infowars as well.
Cross reference different outlets and check your sources don't ever trust a journalist they are trying to control the way you think
if the earth was round wouldn't all the aussies fall off?
i swear to god, you spherekeks get stupider every week
Sup Forums
>Non-burgers from pol, which news outlet you use to keep informed?
pol and dailywire