Back in 2007 Sup Forums , /d/ and other boards all coordinated to raid Hal Turner, a white supremacist talk show. Hal Turner is basically another Richard Spencer. Sup Forums was always leftwing. This shift to the far right is very recent. You're all fucking newfags.
Sup Forums was always leftwing
Other urls found in this thread:
Wrong, newfriend
Shareblue is a meme. The reason why Sup Forums is changing is because oldfags are starting to get fed up and postinng. This shift is from within and you're doing the same thing democrats did to voters. You're forgetting that Sup Forums isn't a monolith. There are opposing views. But keep crying and claiming everything is a conspiracy.
video of the Hal Turner raids from back in the day.
He was an FBI plant.
the "slide threads" you keep referring to aren't shareblue. They're from within.
Wrong, I've been on Sup Forums since 2008, it was always right wing. We raided and trolled just to be dicks, not because of politics.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
Im still here
More like we fucking grew up, retard.
I was there, and 17 at the time. You think a 17 year old knows anything more than what CNN and Hollywood tell him?
Also at that point in time we raided everything we could if it was funny, and this was funny. It wasn't so much politically motivated, we would raid tumblerinas if they existed back then too.
Turner was raided because he was a butthurt asshole in the internet who got assblasted by all the raids. Sup Forums raided camwhores plenty of times because it was funny, it was done for the lulz, not because Sup Forums was a bastion of cuckservative christfag camwhore haters
The establishment had a right wing republican puppet in power back then
Sup Forums is contrarian by nature which is why we always oppose the elite (regardless of wether they were left or right) because they are always in power
Go back to bed Hal
>anything right wing is automatically white supremacy
kys commie virgin
>Sup Forums was always leftwing
A+ argument champ, wtf i hate having national borders now
t. Shariablue
Hows the cubiclefarm virgin?
Nuh uh, Sup Forums was always right wing.
We're all going to grow up one day and become liberal
>he didn't become more conservative as he grew up
What are you some sort of fagget?
>Sup Forums is all of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is what I think it was years ago
Don't let facts like people actually infiltrating and getting paid get in the way. It's all made up, there is no online presence for political influence. What a silly idea.
Kill yourself OP
>this is a slide thread sage it
Google brian oodesta arrested for cp
We have a shareblue i sder but breaking news is
The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
Previous Threads:
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We aren't any wing. We're chaotic neutral. Back in 07' bush was in power so we were left wing to him. In 08 to 16 obama was in so we were right wing. With Trump after a few years we'll swing back left. Have some perspective if you're gonna post old memes, newfag.
the year we got invaded by chanologyfags who also were involved with occupy wallstreet
before that Sup Forums outside /new/ was still left wing but less idiotic and there was a lot more stormfags running around Sup Forums
Now I's a right-wing death squad.
Don't be so afraid of change. It's 2017, not 2007, get with the times.
You can't stop progress.
Oh look a shariablue copypasta.
Been here since 2005, registered libertarian but wasn't politically active. The modern left has pushed me further and further right the older I get.
lol you mean the far left faggots that left us for DU And OD after chanology fizzled out? Those aren't oldfags, they're eternal summer just like you.
^-this. IDIFTL
>Well someone watched legion.
Sup Forums has too many people, with too many opinions to have any sort of stance.
>Chaotic Neutral
is about as close as it gets
and we're still doing exactly that
we're just old men now
>Hal Turner's radio show got raided
>therefore Sup Forums was left wing
>True Capitalist Radio gets raided
>therefore Sup Forums hates spooks
>Tom Green gets raided daily for ages
>therefore traps btfo
its both retard that's the point
Sup Forums can never side with uptight language police.
The political spectrum has shifted so far that a 2006 liberal is a 2017 "Nazi".
Back in 2007 we were all dumb teenagers.
Actually you're wrong. Sup Forums may have slightly went a little right but society went FAR LEFT. So it gives the illusion that we moved. Also, I shit post of richard spencer all the time who cares, it's fun.
>But keep crying and claiming everything is a conspiracy.
I don't think he mentioned a conspiracy.
What do you know about it.
We raided him because it was funny. It was never about his politics.
Another guy denying a conspiracy.
Fuck I haven't seen that meme in a decade
Someone post that image of that faggot on twitter that said he used to post on Sup Forums back in '07 but then grew up and became liberal.
He reminds me of OP.
I've been here since Sup Forums's inception you illegal immigrant, it's always been the containment board for far right politics about the day of the rope and holocaust debunking, Sup Forums is still the faggot doorstep for communist trannies 13 year olds it always was.
Yeah everyone fnished college and got their first post college paycheck at a fulltime job in the private sectorn and realized leftists are shit.
You hear that Sup Forums? Anonymous is a SJW entity
Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Sup Forums never had a political leaning you fucking retard, it definitely wasn't "always leftwing". Its only until western society as a whole started being openly EXTREME left that Sup Forums started leaning right because Sup Forums has always been counter culture.
You're an idiot. Sup Forums has never been left or right. We are anti-establishment. It doesn't matter who is in power if they are for the things screwing our world up we will be against them regardless of whether they are left or right. This is why we were against Bush and Obama both. They were two sides of the same fucking coin.
Hey, u don't say that!
>Sup Forums is one board
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums is one person
wewing pretty hard over here lad
>hurr Sup Forums is a right wing website
>hurr Sup Forums is a left wing website
It's an anime imageboard you fucking spergs
You are also wrong m8.
Each board has their own culture.
Sup Forums has always been right, it exists solely because moot wanted leftists to stop complaining on /qa/ about holocaust debunking dumps on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /his/ and a couple others.
Also anti-nigger threads, practically every board complained about them.
>Hal Turner is basically another Richard Spencer
No he isn't. Turner wanted African slavery back and was a NSM member. Spencer's literally just "I think white people should continue to exist".
Also, old Sup Forums was libertarian and atheist.
So right around the time Sup Forums went to shit
t. OG Sup Forums troll
All fields
Shill faggots needs to go back to the shithole they crawled out of.
Sup Forums has NEVER been leftist. If anything it has gone more left.
In 2007 and even before 2007 there were ''I hate niggers threads'' all the time. No one had a problem with them, they were some of the most popular threads on Sup Forums. Sup Forums was filled with anti-semitism and no one had a problem with it.
Sup Forums turned hundreds of thousands of kids from dumb liberals into jew and nigger hating normal people.
It's only very recently when people have started finding problems with ''racism'', because Sup Forums has been invaded by reddit.
In 2007 if you posted ''jews did 9/11'' on ANY board they would just go ''well duh, of course they did''. Now you would get ''GO BACK TO Sup Forums REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE''
Sup Forums is a reflection of current cultural trends. Back in the day it was cool to hate on the right, now the left has gone insane and they're easy targets. You're also comparing Sup Forums and /d/ to Sup Forums. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
You said it my britbong friend!
Let us argue about who is best girl and such!
Found the newfag
You didn't browse /pol in 2008 you Faggot
>pol is an 18+ board
Been here ever since an Sup Forums mod forced my jap politics thread on here about them hating muslims and its what made nippon a successful country without low iq nigger populations.
Zimmerman trial, chris dorner threads, I was in the original cuck shed threads where we discovered Swedens penchant for them and that is how cuck became a household word. I was also here for the brief time Sup Forums liked muslims, albeit short, during the huge popularity gain isis had mear its beginning.
Anything you want to know about m8 about Sup Forums history? I can answer pretty much everything except why do you enjoy sucking so much cock, thats a mystery for everyone lol
been here since 2006 friend :^)
Anti Establishment is not being Left Wing Newfag.
Did Sweden even exist in the mid 2000's?
ive been here before Sup Forums was a board you are a newfag shut the fuck up and kill yourself nigger
>the talent
Kill yourself nigger
Nope. Hal Turner was a snitch, and nothing at all like Richard Spencer, which is why he got raided.
It is pretty interesting how the shills want to connect Hal Turner to Richard Spencer though.
They want us to attack pretty much the only actually serious white nationalist there is.
So was I, like I said, an Sup Forums mod sent me here as did a lot of mods do so right when Sup Forums was created because that what moot ordered them to do.
OP is making a statement about Sup Forums when this faggot hasn't been on this board ever and he is thinking he understands it.
You are getting a little too upset there m8, worrying about how long you've been on here ain't good for your health.
That game required you to get lucky on the coast or start in Madagascar
Sup Forums was always anti-establishment contrarian.
The side is unimportant.
You are getting too upset m8, how about /s4s/, they might be a little bit more suited to your tastes, coming to Sup Forums from Sup Forums isn't an easy culture adaption.
That's an idiot's assessment of Sup Forums.
It's not like if all of the mainstream suddenly decided Trump is great, all of Sup Forums is going to hate Trump.
Sup Forums is first and foremost an anonymous image board.
Sup Forums brings out the opinions that normal people can't express in their real life. That is all Sup Forums is.
Sup Forums is not ''contrarian''. Sup Forums has hated niggers since day 1. If one day it becomes ok to hate niggers, Sup Forums is not going to become a nigger loving board.
Sup Forums opinions have never been contrarian. They're just edgier versions of what normal people think in their heads, but are too afraid to say it.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
Sup Forums likes having fun anywhere that lets you call in and troll them if it's a live stream.
>Falling into delusion and succumbing to fear mongering and bad arguments.
Fixed that for you.
Wrong. We all grew up and saw how wrong the left is.
clearly not asuka
Nobody is fucking interested, mate.
This..and Sup Forums didn't do it for some 'righteous' moral crusade. It was fun. Next you'll tell me Habbo raids and calling Tom Green were because of some liberal bullshit.
Sup Forums was also always racist and a hub of child pornographers.
So yeah, maybe ditching those left wing traits and becoming more decent (ring wing) people was a good idea.
>Been here ever since an Sup Forums mod forced my jap politics thread on here
>sticking up for an angsty Sup Forumsfag teenager
It's 3 bongs past your daily prayer there achmed, go do that while the westerners are talking lol
6 years ago faggot, it was a different time back then, chinese cartoons weren't animated in your trash country yet, they hadn't imported a computer yet lol
This is now a Hal Turner appreciation thread
>muh 8 steps to cuckolding ive been here 5ever xD
Jesus, just stop you embarrassing mongoloid, holy fuck.
Relevent to the OP there most popular male baby name in country = muhammad.
Hal Turner needs shekels
>i've been here since 2011 please recognise me!
Hilarious, truly. It's also "Oliver" but whatever helps you sleep at night pretending you have a clue what's going on.
>literally happy that current year man is your top name
You muslims sure like pretending your anglo, funny thing is, I don't know whats worse.