Is this the ultimate goal of the globalists? or is there more to their pushing of multiculturalism?
Is this the ultimate goal of the globalists? or is there more to their pushing of multiculturalism?
>That last line
How can a person be so naive...
A population lacking any form of identity and difference is one that is easy to control. We are to be cattle.
>diversity is your strength, goyim!
>reduces diversity to master and slave race
Judaism: not even once.
there should only be one kind of fish in the sea.
there should only be one grain we eat
diversity is our strength...?
>Implying it would be anywhere near that lightskinned and symmetrical
Try dark brown slant-eyed underbite mongrel. Lol. As if everyone's gonna look like fucking Zayn Malik.
> some people actually believe there will be a single ethnic group any time in humans history
This. It's a trap. Nigger genes are strong.
>as miscegenation becomes commonplace
You don't understand. We will have an identity as humans. We need to be united to advance our civilization into space
This. They look like they're Mediterranean or maybe light-skinned Latino. If all mongrels looked like that I would maybe be ok with this idea but we all know that won't be the case.
>Nigger genes are strong
I don't get it either. People will always differentiate each other along some criteria, and if somehow we do all become one race, we will not all have the exact same skin tones. Look at niggers, they shit on each other all the time for being whiter or blacker, and that doesn't include tribal bullshit, (for the ones in Africa) and who's a bigger ghetto nigger and who isn't.
People will still be the same, except it will be discrimination on who's a lighter or darker brown, and there will still be divisions stemming from cultural and geographical differences, and everything that divides people now.
I do not understand how these retards cannot see this.
Double talkin' jive.
>tfw race AND gender are things of myth
Its mostly about dumbing down whites to make them more controllable, whites are just too dangerous in their current form.
Can this be considered a straight couple?
There is. Just look at brazil
Is that guy a pence?
that pic makes me feel breddy gud about my dick size and body in general
But its working on low IQ whites AND leftist whites with some intelligence...
That's definitely not what humans would look like if all the races mixed
We dont need to be phycally the same to achieve that
the goal is H.G. Wells' Time Machine future, the Morlock mongrel slave race works underground while the Glorious Master Race dwells in Heaven-like existence above. You can already see shit like that happening in places like Brazil and Mexico.
Thats my favorite LARP ever, (because its not a LARP)
The worst part is that in the 1800s we could rather easily have created a world in which race would never again be an issue...
Miscegenation is rare, even in America. It's most rare among whites.
I'm excited for a global Brazilian future where everyone looks like pic related
Is that Finn the black storm trooper?
If about 50% of whites are willing to date other races then we will get multikulti'd in a few generations desu senpai
Brazil is a dam lesson of wat NOT to do! misegenation has doomed half that continet to perpetual favalas.
Favalas crime and poverty are a permanent feature because of race mixing.
>be liberal
>Hitler was bad because he wanted everyone to look the same
>promote racemixing
>so that everyone looks the same
>There's one obvious benefit to all this:"race" will no longer be an issue.
They want to wipe us out don't they?
Holy fuck. That kid took the Brazilian monkey meme too seriously
It's less than that. Remember that people don't want to seem racist.
there is no single brazilian ethnicity
youre dumb, stfu
I really didn't want to see that, user
How can people possibly think this will happen?
Globalists push multiculturalism as a tool for breaking down borders to meet their ends of globalists. Wealthy globalists are all also technocrats and oligarchs. They want to consolidate global power and wealth into their own hands and consolidate global poverty into the hands of the rest of the human population on earth who will have to serve them hand and foot in order to survive. Globalists who are not wealthy are cultural marxists who think that a global utopia will make it possible for everyone who wants to to live like Kanye. One group is intelligent but nefarious. The other group is stupid, easily manipulated, and driven entirely by emotion.
to make rent 50,000x more expensive
I have 16 cousins, 1 race mixed with an african, another with a chink. The other ones have SWEET FUCK ALL children.
They are all liberal morons though.
It's working on white niggers and lefty whites.
Political views are somewhat influenced by genetics.
White niggers and Marxists are breeding themselves into inferiority.
The real fight will be between the remaining Ubermensch Europeans and the Jews
Don't need to be the same in any way, really. I refuse to believe there's people dumb enough to think we need to be "united" as a species to advance into space.
The Elite are all about transcendence, and living forever, and the secrets of the Universe [...] We are on this planet, and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it: there's at least 12 dimensions, and all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out, saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial; the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected, and gravity is bleeding into this universe - that's what they call dark matter - so we are like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind or whatever. [...]
There is this "Sub-transmission Zone" below the third dimension which is turned over to the most horrible things - that's what it resonates to - and it's trying to get up into the third dimension (that's just a basic level consciousness, to launch into the next levels.) And our species is already way up at the fifth/sixth dimension consciousnally [SIC] (our best people). But there's this war, trying to basically destroy Humanity, because Humanity has free will. And there's a decision - which level we want to go to. We have free will, so Evil is allowed to come and contend (and not just good). And the Elites themselves believe they are racing, using human technology, to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization, where they are going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the 'failed species' that is Man. [...]
Google believes the first AI will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activity of the 'hive-mind' of humanity, with billions of people wired into the 'Internet of Things.' And so all of our thoughts go into it, and we are actually building a computer that has real neurons, in real time, that is also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures. So that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true 'crystal ball.' But the big secret is, once you have the 'crystal ball' and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know it, and a true "2.0" in a very bad way. Hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us - not into some "P.K.D. Wire-head System" where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure - but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it, by giving over our consciousness to this system by our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system.[...]
The Devil, whatever you want to call this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology, The Fallen One that's not of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge on how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations. [...] This is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us, rather than the Divine free will we are given to build something much better that empowers the species. So the species is now making a decision about its entire future. [...] They believe we are this ugly, fallen, ugly species: we all need to be killed, they are the rich billionaires who are better than us, and they are going to merge with machines and become Gods and go to the next level.
They do look like meds, not even arab, they are too light skinned and just the faces tell you everything. Whites mixing with others will never end up like this.
>when you put two maximum possible degenerates together and in the end they are still just a man and woman fucking
Shieet, if this is what the result would look like I could care less. But I have a feeling not ALL races were incorporated into these two images.
The resemblance is uncanny
>or is there more to their pushing of multiculturalism?
of course there is. They dont want "multi culture", thats just a buzzword, they want to get rid of culture altogether because getting rid of culture is a part of getting rid of identity and a person without an identity is easy to control.
nevermind race, they even want to get rid of the most basic aspects of a humans identity, like gender.
Indians still spend all their time pooing on the lower castes, and the castes are entirely race-based with the lightest poos at the time and the darkest living in septic tanks
The future race would look more like this
There is one obvious benefit to this; we become the lowest common denominator as a species.
They want to wipe everyone out. Blacks should be chimping, mexicans should be throwing some kind of taco riot.
Not to worry though pol, the act of blending the human race like this would take an eternity. There will be many political shifts, and with any luck many, many ovens crop up in history long before they even come close.
>Voluptuous Diva
Yeah, try to compare OP's picture with this.
this is what they want white people to look like. of course asians will still be asians, africans will still be plenty black, and the middle east will be the same as well. even in america, the niggers and spics will likely be the same. they just want white people extinct
Ive always wondered if Hindus are so enlightened why are they so racist? I know being racist is being enlightened but im asking about the liberal worldview. even the Beatles thought the world of India.
Race isn't the issue, social hierarchies and economic oligarchies are what create the most division between groups of people.
Race just becomes a scapegoat to make the stupid remain stupid
are all our future generations just going to become poos?
the thought of that makes me feel pretty awful desu senpai
Fucking kek'd
Yeah how about no. I will ensure that my blood line remains untainted.
>no niggers
they may have a point
I suppose Jews already are multicultural in their own eyes (this is coming from a Jew trying to parse out their thinking). We are a aran-euro hybrid already so I suppose even if we don't intermarry much we still are multicultural (discounting the caste system of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi) already. That is the ultimate hypocrisy is that people's ability to practice endogamy within a religious context is rarely challenged by academics and journalists alike but endogamy within a secular context has become increasingly frowned upon with no real justification given for the discrepancy between the two categorizations.
>tfw The Fairly Oddparents BTFO multiculturalism
No you don't understand. You're an idealist who thinks star trek can happen.
Literally the same as an idealist who thinks communism can work.
Utopia means "no place" in Latin.
>Nigger genes are strong.
Yes! it's called the human race.
The combined amount of acne in this picture is staggering. Humans are not meant to alter their hormones.
As if OP's picture will be anything like humanity if mixed together. You think the collective genetic make up will align itself so we all look southern European in appearances? The image is made to not alarm people with how different the future will look.
Are you retarded?
If you were multicultural globalists you would tear down those walls in Israel and let muslim refugees run wild. Nope. You are multicultural globalist for everyone but Israel.
Is this real? On one hand I want to say he looks too much like a monkey, but on the other hand, I can't point out anything exactly and he just seems to have typical black features.
Well that's the thing, blacks are the closest race to monkeys. What you are seeing is a collection of monkey (black) features.
>race will no longer be an issue
Right, that's why there is no racism in Latin America.....we'll just develop new forms of racism based on how mixed you are.
Lol, what will happen is that new "races" are born when certain people stay in certain area. They look the way they look and do things the way they do. And they will always protect their own. This has happened always and will continue happen in the future too. They will never get rid of the race.
I'm just saying perhaps in our own mind we are or at least the argument can be made.
>one race
oh my goodness
>race will no longer be an issue
>monoethnicity will solve our problems
That's why white people have been warring with each other since forever and fought against each other in 2 of the bloodiest conflicts in human history
I mean we could just eliminate non-whites altogether, have only 1 white race and viola, racism is gone
>if this is the end result I could care less.
It likely is. See thats a composite image of a composite image.
Its the mathematical average of every races facial features. >Pic_related are other composite faces.
Youll notice that most/all are attractive.
Some will be darker like and some will be lighter. Varying levels of attractiveness as well.
Its not a *bad* outcome. But its not my ideal. Im a mullatoe but you should care about perserving the worlds ethnicities. At least until we have designer (genetically engineered) children.
No knowledge should be lost forever, and just as Species and the enviroment need to be protected the races do as well.
Its a false argument. You can say that Christians are multi-cultural even if we were all white Europeans because we came from different Euro cultures and that would be false. Multiculturalism has to include different religions. You are more or less religious fascists and supremecists. not that theres anything wrong with that. i wish my people were. but dont try to say you are doing to yourselves what you are doing to us because that is not what you are doing.
I'm not defending it I'm just trying to think through the counter-arguments to be made.
I will forgive you for triggering me if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord. Otherwise we have a guy, (me), triggered by (((you))).
I can't wrap my brain around Christ any more than you can grasp the pride of the tribe.
Why does the idea of a single race trigger so many of you?
Okay. No worries. You will in the end. The future is 100% Christian.
a mono-race would be a good thing for America, i feel it would unite us and the democrats would no longer be able to divide us. we are a nation of immigrants after all, so i feel it is going to be the end result.
though i agree with europe staying white to preserve the looks.
Fucking Goo Backs
Ideally I'd just stay out of religion altogether if Christians forced it upon me. I mean sure, if my life depended on it I would lie and say I accept Jesus, but I couldn't make myself emotionally honestly accept that. If anything, the future will be Muslim, at least long-term, given birth rates.
It started a long ago
What was that short story about the government mandating everyone be the exact same?
How would "the mixing of cultures" produce a "single, ubiquitous ethnic group"? Culture and genetics are different things.
It's also strange to just assume that miscegenation will become "more commonplace"--what evidence do we have that we are not seeing the ceiling already? As long as a minority of people racemix (
I hear ya. But I don't think this is the outcome, because these images don't take into account that there more humans of some ethnicities than of others i.e. they aren't dark enough.
Brasil is multicultural and have some mulatos, but dont have only one fucking ethinicity, you fucking retarded.
Pic related is south brasil.
so Guatemalans will inherit the earth
>include Irish and even Welsh
>no Scottish