Or what?
Or what?
Or nothing. They haven't got the military might to back up its "threats"
I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.
Or they'll try to fuck you in trade like they planned on anyway
Come and get it you fucking faggots.
>those eyes
>that hair
Plus, we have your back after Brexit. We'd rekk those stupid niggers if they tried anything.
I'd tell them this: MAKE ME
Enjoy your sanctions :^)
>UK doesn't pay up
>EU Chimps out and has already invaded France
>USA, UK, Russia fuck up Europe one more time.
Hurts you more than us :)
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean. I mean yeah if there is an open bill somewhere I guess they still need to pay it but the brits have shown no signs that they are not willing to do that.
Why is the EU talking like this is a wrestling match?
Good point, may as well not pay
Sorry? I cant hear you over the sound of you burning bridges with all your major trading partners. You haven't been relevant for years.
Because you're scared.
You want to punish us but you have no bargaining chips.
On what accounts? It's not like they want to be members anymore. This is just the Brussels shills trying to suck every last shekel they can get out of the UK before they leave.
What would be the consequences, if any, if they didn't pay.
women always do this on the breakup, come out with pointless shit to seem superior and hide the fact that they are hurting or have the upper hand while the male does not even give a single iota.
conclusion:EU is a bitch
I am pro-brexit.
But I guess given my flag I need to announce that first.
Let me make one thing clear. Nobody wants Germans to die out more than I do.
I hope you crash the entire EU and we will all be replaced by refuges and turks.
Theyll stop buying Twinings.
I don't like Russia but UK-US never did, it was always about shutting up the dipshit western Europeans and cleansing France of its pussies to get our old pal back.
Third time's the charm. US-UK-RU vs Germany Let's do this.
Compare what you sell to us. it will hurt Germany specifically much worse than the UK if any sanctions are applied.
I don't want to punish you, I want you to destroy the EU and the euro.
You're in good hands lads. We will scorch Europe one more time.
For old times sake.
If the EU is such a bitch then why do you hun fucks constantly talk about it
>EU thinks we give a fuck
Don't let us survive this time.
We are cancer.
More than half of those aren't even in the fucking EU!
>Hong Kong
Hell, their three biggest trading partners aren't in the EU. Fuck you shill.
We got your back, dad. Fuck Germany.
Wrong again, britlel.
Can you deport Comrade Pittella and its pathetic grasp of english and economics to Australia, since you are at it?
Sure thing buddy.
They want their own hostage to pay the ransom.
We're third in the list. Did you not even check the chart?
You sell a ton of cars and machinery to us. If sanctions are applied your cars fall in value massively. These are the facts Hans. I'm sorry.
also We have the commonwealth and the US. What do you have?
You do know that image just shows exports?
Stop talking please. We bailed you sorry cunts out.
Tax heaven status to soon be revoked. Second Irish exodus incoming.
Yes you also defend our airspace you stupid cucks thanks lmao
Yeah, """yours""" kek
>unironically thinking that the Irish lobby in the US will be affected in any way
>52 bn
How did they come up with that number? Is it legitimate claim from the time EU was a mostly economical union? Bc back then it would make sense if you make ,now when it's a giant ussr style organization less so
Their in full panic mode because they know their little politbEuro is on the verge of collapse after Le Pen.
They're throwing out a last little spasm of desperation to horde as much cash to either try and keep the ship afloat, or to retreat to the beaches after it sinks.
Fuck these alienating career politicians. They deserve only suffering.
I hope UK doesn't pay shit, next, USA with china
Brits have been measured and composed since Brexit. The EU has been autistically screeching and making threats, and has a populist uprising/dent crisis to deal with.
I think we know who is panicked. Yuropoors BTFO.
We won the war bro. And we'll have the North back soon too.
All the while the yellow tooths defend our airspace and the Yanks let us steal loads of pharma/tech revenue
We really should be more thankful, I actually kind of feel bad
You can have the fucking north if you can afford it.
Come and make us pay you fuckers.
Apparently they're adding everything the UK benefitted from like lack of import tariffs, agricultural standards, infrastructural programs, tenderings for public works etc etc as in "every bit of advantage the UK, its companies and citizens have received from the EU thus far"
Yeah, and when you try to get the North back, those very fighters defending your airspace will turn on you. And you will be slaughtered like the dogs you are, Taig. Shame Cromwell never finished the job.
The shekels goyim
Give dem
You had better not pay anything, or I'll start scrreching autistically. How come you have not even left yet?
End of March.
This month
>unelected people making demands of countries
What - the living fuck - is going on in europe?
United kingdom?
Seems like its not that united..
Same problems you had with your colonies..
No leadership
wtf I hate Irish people now
The micks aren't part of the UK. Only the norns, which the republican potatoniggers can try taking back in a proper war if they want.
>mfw WW2 starts but the Allies aren't the Good Goys© this time
Fuck me im stupid the irish arent part of the UK??
And im taking it by "proper war"
You mean car bombs beside schools
that's not the right way to eat a pizza
I just want to see the uk become free, and not just freedom lite(tm)
>Calling other countries irrelevant
>women always do this on the breakup
Implying the EU is a bitch.
>caring about individual nation sovereignty
Delete this.
And you have?
Fuck off, Nigel. I'll eat pizza however I want.
this is the answer
Yeah, and the euro tanked along with the pound.
Well France kind of does but if Le Pen wins than Britain could literally solo the entire EU even without nuclear weapons. The German army is a joke and most other armies are using shitty equipment from the 70s.
World government experiment
>Or what?
they gonna sanction you with america's army. oh wait.
absolute fucking facepalm
this board is not allowed for people under 18
>I cant hear you over the sound of you burning bridges with all your major trading partners.
>russia and india are part of the eu.
really makes my noggin go joggin.
Almost certainly Trump and thus the US.
It's from a commercial about cheesy crust pizza
What are they going to do, blitz you? Those faggot ass pussies won't dare try again, or they're likely to get blown the fuck out for the third time in a century.
is the eu going to use its military "might" against an ally of the USA?
don't think so.
these bingbongs will either pay or cry and pay.
>pay the bill or
>get btfo with massive tariffs and no trade deal
QQ bongs
They literally don't have to pay. If the EU tries to force them to, it only shows what kind of a piece of shit the EU truly us. That would just accelerate the fall of the already collapsing EU.
>EU in charge of being a bunch of salty cunts
Nah, we will just remove the Russian sanctions and trade with China and Russia more. We need to get out off the Anglo sphere asap.
As if anyone ever paid it's EU bills.
Come on guys, the EU is like this dumb friend all junkies have, who lends them money unironically thinking they'll eventually pay him back.
I really hope they do, can I join you guys and the Brits? How do I make sure I don't get shot when I approach your camps?
What stopping UK from doing the same shit to your irrelevant countries and deal with America/Japan?
No it's going to happen democratically because there is no longer much of a justificstion at all for the 6 counties to stay under British rule.
Have you not been following the situation at all?
Oh wait lmao of course you haven't, and that's the reason that this is all coming to a head
Well yeah, we have one of the best armies in the world and nuclear weapons. You however, have neither.
Yeah they won't help you.
>these bingbongs will either pay or cry and pay.
And how, exactly, will that occur?
>get btfo with massive tariffs and no trade deal
We import more from the EU than we export. You need us a lot more than we need you. Try starting a trade war. See how long it lasts when Germany alone has 3 million jobs directly reliant on trade with the UK.
You also rely on our military to protect you from Russia. Given that there's now a British division permanently parked in the Baltic States, I'd have expected you to be a bit more conscious of your dependence.
Face facts, Genghis. We matter. You don't.
>shock the world by voting to leave
>people still underestimate our hatred of eu
gonna have a hard time convincing us to stay for a price of 50 billion
just rage quit the single market more likely, hold out for eu collapse and profit massively from that, as best we can
Bring waffles
Oh you know...a big ol stockpile of nukes...Nothing much...
And France can go either way, so I wouldn't rely on them too much.
A Frenchie commenting on anything military.
Get your white flags ready, and remember whose had to save you twice.
And for all the yank lovers, if Britain stayed neutral or allied with Hitler, the whole world would be fucked now, same story for WW1, but different actors.
Aren't you guys basically guaranteed to elect your anit-EU party soon? Sounds to me like you'll be on the front lines son.
Honestly though, the EU couldn't do shit militarily. The only real power left after Britain is France, and even if they don't elect Le Pen I doubt they'd be terribly happy to be on the front and by far main contributor of a war with Britain and almost certainly the United States. In fact I can only see such a conflict resulting in the EU falling apart even faster, it'd be the dumbest shit they could possibly pull.
We got your fags backs, obviously
France is surrender monkeys
America would have fucked your shit up desu senpai.......