Identity Midwest

>tfw you never had anything important
>niggers in cities
>no name, flag or movement to speak of

Perfect clay for a Huwite ethnostate:
Endless wheat fields
Voted trump
Between two mountain ranges
Industrial heartland

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally the Germany of the USA. Population pre-1967 was almost as German as Germany. Still hasn't decided to inherit the legacy and start the 4th Reich.

>tfw you never had anything important

Yeah I mean if you don't count the inventors of the airplane or almost every astronaut, the Midwest never had anything important.

midwesterners have never been on the moon.

Neil Armstrong was from Ohio you retard.

>Implying the moon landing wasn't a hoax

Soon user.

>being this retarded

The moon landing was a Masonic ritual

The mon ladnign was FAKE NEWS and it was in fact a failed plan to grab the universe by the pussy.

Digits confirm, moon landing faked

I've been thinking about moving to Indiana. How is it lads?

I just got a call from a VERY CREDITABLE source wich stated that Indiana wasnt born in USA

Go to space

Cleveland reporting in.

We actually do a good job segregating our cities and niggers are pretty much second class citizens around here. We don't even let them in most clubs.

I juts found out that space had wires in polish space rocket just befor the landing!

Cleveland didnt leave the indians voluntraly,they were fired becouse of their pathetic ratings!

More astronauts are from Ohio than any other state

So what would the Midwest riech flag be? A new name?

Illinois fag reporting
My state is 2 years or $12Billion in debt, I desperately want out
Even Iowa and Wisconsin are looking good

*2 years or $12B behind in paying its bills is what I mean
My school can't even afford to do cadaver lab for its PT students this year
Teachers being laid off en masse
We're all fucking fucked

My homestate too

where my hoosier bros at?

Get rid of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Add in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.
That's a perfect state if I do say so.

hell yeah my dude, let's get some sugar cream pie and some soda-pop


Right here. Indianapolis.

Biggest war memorials other than DC.

I was born there, left when I was 2, never went back. How is it?

Should we identify ourselves as Vinland?

Vin = meadow

Most of the land is basically one large meadow

>We waz Vikangs n' shiieet

North Dakota here. I'm very happy with the current status of my state.

>tfw living one of the only big liberal cities

Wisconsin has a pretty big identity but the other stands are pretty bland culturally wise

Weather is AIDS on a stick. 36 right now and a few days ago it was 65. Low cost of living, and easy to be an entrepreneur. High ambition is key to this city. Here you can scrap together 100000 and buy five pieces of decent real estate to earn more cash, 2500 a month. Then you can do what so many others have done and buy more and more rental houses with your extra money and become rich. Can't do that in major major areas.

I flip houses, buy houses and rent em, I'm 21 and have my own house and am in the process of buying an 80 grand duplex for my parents to stay.

midwest weather is literal cancer

the winters are just so awful, especially this winter. now whatsoever, cold but not blisteringly cold

it makes you feel so lethargic, lazy and depressed

i hate winter so much after christmas.

Truly a place that hasn't been totally bought up by globalist and Jewish interests. Democratic leadership in Marion county, but it only hurts niggers who become state welfare slaves. This is white folk promise land.

Prefect place to have white children in, Also can Pennsylvania be considered honorary midwestern.

I definitely agree. Always depressing. It makes everyone depressed.

it's the most corrupt state in the union.

It's over. South Dakota is gone. Please do not come here. We're fully SICK!

This is what the ethnostate should look like, I'm planning on removing Delaware.

>Wisconsin has a pretty big identity
Not at all. Literally nope. Cheese curds and fat stupid people with dumb accents aren't an identity.

In Indy a few months ago, I drove past monument circle (the center of downtown indy) and found dozens of people with signs and guy Fawkes masks. I thought maybe I missed the memo. I park my car and go up to them and they were truly dumbass scum. They all wore masks and carried "no DAPL" signs and just "Wikileaks" signs. I asked them if they've been on Sup Forums and they said yeah totally, I said how much, and they said not so much anymore. Weird. I asked them about the Jews, trump, Hillary, and they were so off the mark. Who the fuck were these idiots? Do they just watch the gay user YouTube videos? Either way I was very disappointed in their lack of intellect and desire to wear this gay mask.

Western Pennsylvania, I would call the Midwest being land above the Confederacy and between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains

Don't forgot white only bubblers. Then we can finally get rid of this bottled water obsession.

What a waste of resources. Sad.

this is why this board doesnt accomplish anything

The water that comes from our tap at home in the United States is recycled sewage water. Fuck that


t. wisconsinite

In reality, it's just going to be Alaska.

>Every glass of water contains a molecule that has passed through the anus of Genghis Khan.

What is your point?

yea im in wisconsin too

this winter has been the worst winter i have ever experienced

absolutely zero snow in january and feburary, we had snow early in december and a few days ago and thats it.

grey skies and 30/40 degree weather with constant raining all winter

i want to kill myself during these times

Ohio and Indiana should combine to form a mega state.

We literally memed Brexit and Trump into office you literal retard.

I grew up in Cleveland what part you from

Does the Midwest have an official flag?
Also Ohio reporting in

Thank god, this weather is literally the only thing that is holding back the hordes of brown filth at this point.

I don't know what genghis khan has to do with this but I challenge you to fill a glass with tap water and wait an hour and see what's at the bottom. It's not shit but it's a spoonful of chemicals. Do we trust the government (Jews) to safely purify our water without altering our minds?

Recycling the water leave opportunity for corruption

shrug, I have well water.

Stop being a rootless urbanite, move out to the country, and start working with your hands.

they always come back in summer to take over our parks


Alex Jones tier conspiracy

I live on a half acre with a garden and hens, I'm 21 but best believe my next home purchase will be a farm with livestock

I know.

The day of the rope can not come soon enough.

It's alright
Politicians can be nutjobs out there but its' relatively safe
lots of minorities flooding it though but still mostly white
endless farmlands, lots of severe storms in the summer
rich people bringing some jobs in and rapid suburbanization

South Dakota fag here.

>tfw you never had anything important
but muh mount rushmore!

Can we trust the Jews?

Gib eastern michigan back to the US pls


At least include Alberta, Saskatchewan and interior BC

Detroit is there, Let the leaves have the niggers. We can live without that shithole city.

Fuck you. We dont need a reason for liberals to move here because some shallow thing is here for them to have gay pride parades over.

If you dont like it, fucking get out. Theres plenty of shallow shit in California.

Fuck off, faggots. We're urban sprawling our way outward and taking over the midwest.

t. Chicongo


Indianapolis: No Jews allowed

Please. The white girls love the bbc in ohio.

Shitholes are Jealous of the success of Pennsylvania and the Midwest.

Women will like whatever you tell them to like.

If we really wanted we could meme them into liking small dicks cause they tickle the clitoris more or some nonsense. Or that small dick sex is fine cuisine while big dicks are fast food.

Any Wisconsin Bros out there?


Yup, live 30 miles from da stadium, ya der hey.

You're talking about Columbus and the rural areas, and I agree with you. Mostly Columbus, it is a Somali infested hellhole with nothing going on but nigger worship of college sports teams. I used to see 8/10 qts with niggers on the daily when I was there.

Cleveland, things are completely different though. You rarely ever see an attractive coalburner,.

Oh I live in Wood County. Central Wisconsin

winter in indiana hasn't been horrible, just fucking bipolar



Who else /stlouis/ here? These niggers need to go.

Yes but I can't remember if it was 4-5 years ago... Was an awful winter. Snow plowed into 15 foot hills of just snow. Negative 40 windchill for like 2 weeks in a row.

What part you live in?

no shit but sun flowers and tornadoes here in north dakota

im here sconniebro fucking been pacing indoors for the last 3 days... weather breaks tomorrow, thank god

Can I immigrate to USA please.

Can I become an honorary American

and snow, but luckily it was a pretty short winter this year

I want Trump to be my president

if from ND bich

>low taxes
>low cost of living, if you have middle -class income you can afford anything
>vast defense and infrastructural manufacturing hub
>tons of high paying jobs in law, investments, accounting for a state of its size
>semi-functional govt
>real estate market is on fire but still low CoL
>dairy capital
>beautiful nature, camping, and lakes.
>down to earth vibe and friendly people everywhere
>Extreme class segregation so you dont need to associate with poor or fat

Wyoming here. Can I join the midwest Huwite ethnostate?

Just become part of Texas and help us get rid of all of the mexican invaders.
East and west coasts are trash and we really need help keeping the invaders out.

Soon. If Trump would just give white European and South Africans priority on immigration and shut it down from other shitholes, we could be a 80% white again in a couple decades.

based 41four rep0rtin

please, got plenty of you norskes up here already, need to offset the horde