Anyone else noticed the huge increase in posts of cucked, paid to shill, left wing...

Anyone else noticed the huge increase in posts of cucked, paid to shill, left wing, anyone but trump-cunts from shariablue on Sup Forums lately?

>its as if they're getting desperate now that Obumma is looking at finally getting his wish of getting his arse pummled repeatedly in prison?

it's so fucking annoying, but funny at the same time.

Sometimes you can poke them enough so they freak out and say weird stuff:
It's like when JIDF used to come here, it is obvious and sad most of the time. I agree that it is a sign of desperation though

No. You are most likely paranoid and seeing patterns where there are none. Next you will accuse me of being a shill.

They stepped it up the same day we started the /svg/ threads: they have something to hide.
Don't ever stop distributing information. Even if the general got shut down, we can still spread the evidence.

I miss calling out the jidf

Just like this little guy.

I kek'd nice b8m8
Absolutely, I can understand with the kikes to a degree which i never thought i'd say, they have one country and have a slight bit of power over another. that is it, however islam have loads of countries due to their cancerous nature. which also surround them, of course they're going to want to put up the war on all fronts. But the left, its just so fucking pathetic. They are a complete laugh riot nowadays. And pure evil judging from the majority of the leaks.

Bang, spot on mate. I believe they are truly worried now, we could potentially expose them for what they truly are. And they are terrified.

They were so fuckin obvious, and they got so easily triggered.

They really could be fucked it this legitimately takes off

This. I almost liked them. Share our on the other hand doesn't even try to press their agenda, and just tries to hinder us by spamming bullshit.

the shills have been paid to invade since trump won

the left is studying why they lost and they know that right wing spaces are a huge reason behind the surge in trump support

the problem is that htey are too late as usual

even if they shit this place up, hell even if they burn Sup Forums to the ground, it doesnt matter, the fire rises

Out of curiosity what is the general consensus, with regards where you live in the USA, on the awareness/red pilled level of the populace? does it vary state to state, race to race? (c'mon even pooinloos tend to be more red pilled due to thier history with allahsnackbars. East asians too such as Japan).

It got to the point were serious questions, or days with impactful happenings can't discuss them or focus on them


Why are Jews trying to flood white-allied countries with muslims as these countries, reflecting their new populations, will become more hostile to Israel?

absolutely, bump

> not understanding the Kalergi plan
If you're not SB you're pretty new indeed

Well, explain the 'plan'. Isn't muslim dominated Germany and France going to be hostile to Israel? How does this make sense from a Jewish perspective?

Its as if shariablue have no idea how to properly troll and subconsciously plant a seed in someones head. Its as if they're all paid green fresh idiots in college or middle agers with mid life crisis and shit, who have no arguing techniques because they have just blindly accepted the spoonfed shite they're force-fed, on every level of consumerism the leftist media tries to brainwash them with.

These people attempt to throw b8 out there so they can attack you from any angle they can weasel out of you and take completely out of context. Try not to take them too seriously, they will go above their own (purely aesthetic) moral code in regards to lies which they might not even agree with, purely to push their agenda. They are predicatable and translucent enough to spot a mile away.

Exactly. At least you could still sense a shred of dignity from the JIDF, but Shariablue doesn't have any of that. Shill blue is only in it for the shekels: they out-kiked the kikes.

Look its well known that there are jewish ties in Saudi Arabia, from what I can gather, Jews (allegedly) allow the absolute decimation of these european lands with mass migration, to appease the Saudi's in return, Greater Israel is under development and the islamic world looks the other way due to Saudi's influence in the arabic world.

Either way - its true: the mudslimes are ruled by jews which is funny but i guess so are we

its false: jews are setting up mudslimes. why would they kill us when they would need us to protect them essentially if it came down to it. It has happened time and time again that muslims fuck over the jews, why the hell would the jews trust em now?

please emphasise what you mean mate, do you mean that they are essentially trying to censor Sup Forums using shady means? surely this is illegal?

When soros goes, the outcry will go.

>Either way - its true: the mudslimes are ruled by jews which is funny but i guess so are we

So the Jews are ordering the arabs to attack them? If Jews control the muslims, then why does saudi arabia teach that jews are the devil? Why do these muslims pouring into Europe detest the Jews with such a passion, and why are the Jews trying to integrate them politically and socially? Do the Jews control Iran, Hezbollah, or the Palestinian terror organizations?

> why the hell would the jews trust em now?

Because the Jews being solely behind mass migration of muslims is a lie, thought liberal Jews are more likely to favor such actions. Jews are not a monolithic people. Reminds me of Jews being in favor of communism even though they also own all the banks.

kek thats just an oldfag


Absolutely. The
>prove you aren't a blind follower and offer one criticism of trump
is probably their most effective thread.

I hate jidf, they are mostly kids in middle school being brainwashed that everybody hates us. Hitler tier brainwashing shit

They, the secret societies, including Jewish elites don't give a shit about the basic Jew. The basic Jew is a shield to hide the elite the Same way a freemason is a shield to hide the Illuminati. They will let the Muslims conquer israel and kill the Jews. This will make their "shield" stronger, because more than ever people will sympathize. This is how the powers of Satan work. They exist by taking advantage of our good will. Through deception by playing victim. We will fall for it, and a most terrible war will result from people believing they are fighting for good on both sides. Catholics will increase and rise up to destroy the Muslim threat over the lands of Israel. Just like World War I was the final battle between capital and Monarchy. And world war II was the alliance of capital and communism against fascism. The third world war will be capital communism catholism vs Islam. The three together. The holy Trinity of the new world order is the 3 C's = capitalism, communism, and catholism. Thus the new world order will be created.

funny how hes thrown on the ground and still isnt ready to fight

I think they're from reddit trying to force their opinion onto us.