Is homosexuality a mental illness?

Is homosexuality a mental illness?

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Yes. Case closed, back to your homes everybody.

Well by the most objectiive standards it is an evolutionary defect.

Yep. Shock therapy required


Sage&hide shill threads.


Show me one homosexual with a STABLE family or one that didn't suffer some kind of childhood abuse/trauma.


I guess it depends on how you define a mental illness. In itself, homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone or lower the quality of life for the person who engages in it, but homosexuality is associated with an increased risk of various mental conditions. This includes self-harm, (at least historically) pedophilia and other types of paraphilia, drug abuse and criminal behavior. Other than this association, there doesn't seem to be any coherent reason as to how homosexuality is bad for society other than the lack of children produced. Given how few homosexuals (excluding bisexuals) there are and given how many other conditions that cause childlessness (autism, anorexia, etc, even financial prosperity) this seems to be a minor problem.

just a production of an improper childhood.

>an evolutionary defect

Group fitness vs individual fitness.

Non-reproducing individuals increase the ratio of adults to children.

More farmers and fighters to support the community's next generation is just one of the benefits enjoyed by the whole group.

"mental illness" is a philosophical concept

some yes, in some others case it is probably a genetic defect


so what you're saying is, gays contribute to the aging population putting strain on social services? shock them all I say

unless you have one

Neil Patrick Harris.

Neil is funny thus he gets a pass for being a homo

i dunno but finding women repulsive is understandable

>portuguese economics

I'm saying they never claim child benefits, maternity pay or put pressure maternity wards or schools.

Its a biological method to combat overpopulation. The weakest males know they have no chance to breed so they submit to fellow males.

No daddy Pence it's perfectly normal and healthy.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, you sexy stud...

...God damn it take your pants off! already!!

>homosexual here
Yea it sucks, wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. if not a mental illness definitely one of the worse afflictions out there.

You're just mad you can't be more like poland and the us

More to the point if a life organism doesn't possess the instinct to reproduce and survive than that is ipso facto an illness of some sort.

Imo is more likely an incorrect sexual imprint.
And as such, can not be treated or changed.

The only thing you can do as a gay is not to have irresponsible sex and practice sexual morals.

>mental illness
>a choice
pick exactly one, fags

Wait, why do you hate being a homosex?:
It's who you are man.
>inb4 magical sky fairy in the sky told me bumsecks is bad and I must kms

Give 'em enough electricity and you can change them.

Or they die eventually, either works.

What's his name again

Wich faggots can't even do as all of them are complete promiscuous

It is mostly a learned behaviour.

They are more mentally damaged than mentally handicapped

Mike "shock fetishist" Pence

The best idea I've heard is that it's a combination of men who produce too much oestrogen and become feminine, and also that it has to do with upbringing that usually excludes the nuclear family. Though there are exceptions.

I honestly just think it's a hormonal defect that causes psychological changes from altering brain chemistry.

this was quite informative

that's like saying show us proof that there are no straight families that are unstable and filled with abuse

It is a man problem, not a gay problem.

A gay man's sexual advances are met with the eagerness of an other horny male.
If women were as likely to reciprocate a male's advances as other males are, straights would be equaly promiscuous.

It is everyone's responsibility to live like a man, not a hog.

>implying gays actually contribute

No, it's definitely a gay problem.

>be me
>be a guy
>be a reasonably normal guy who's horny as hell 90% of the time
>oh look I could go plunge out some dude's ass
>or I could at the very least buy a hooker

mehmet, I...

It's all god's fault for creating penises so attractive, they make you want to sit on them.

>readign comprehension
if women just offered themselves to you for a fuck would you tell them to fuck off?


But that does not mean I'd actually be happy shacking up with a man.

I think it might be an evolutionary response to crowded environment. Homosex rate goes up in dense animal populations too.

lol i never said that
i just said straight male people would be just as promiscuous as gay people if women were just as sexual as males

Without a doubt

No need for further questions.

Well it's well-known that if you pack a bunch of guys onto a boat for a long time that some of them are going to fuck each other because they don't have any better options, just as in a prison, and when you let them lose on shore leave they're going to drink and fuck and spend all their money in the process. So for sure there are tendencies at work here.

I don't know if Hungary is such a big problem or if this dude would, given the choice, rather fuck other dudes.

okay there is clearly some lost in translation happening between us

It's only relative in the context of society though.

An insane man in an insane world must pretend to be insane in order to appear sane to the outside.

Can confirm, that's what happened to me.