Is BBC a legitimate news source?
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Used to be a preferable outlet, but not for the past 5+ years.
the Bought By Communist news source? Not always.
Sage&hide shill threads.
Aren't they the CNN of UK?
they're the more reliable and less sensationalist CNN for us murricans
No. You should only read RT and Breitbart. They are the only reliable big outlets remaining. Ignore BBC, Guardian, NYT, WSJ, WaPo, NBC, ABC, Fox News, CBS, Bloomberg, AP, AFP and Reuters.
>people call BBC leftist propaganda
>there's never any real leftists on panel shows/political debates
>just an occasional Blairite who agrees with the Tory guy anyway
>BBC, Guardian, NYT, WSJ, WaPo, NBC, ABC, Fox News, CBS, Bloomberg, AP, AFP and Reuters.
DM is also fake news now.
Russian confirmed.
They're alright, they've been showing their bias lately, but they're still far from the worst.
More like if Time and CNN had a baby.
They don't employ the same sort of incendiary rhetoric that CNN does.
If you get it BBC World is like CNN International, both being better than their namesakes.
No. Wikipedia is more legitimate, and that's not an overstatement. Real journalism is mostly dead.
>Is BBC a legitimate news source?
They're fucking terrible you stooge. Basically Euro-CNN but worse.
>Somehow everyone is a globalist who is allowed onscreen
>not leftist propaganda
it's somehow worse than cnn and openly covers up for and protects pedos
Paedophile enablers.
Always on the scrounge for more £ every year.
Produce shitty leftist agenda shows such as eastenders.
Produce children in need to scrounge more £ from the public.
fuck the bbc.
This is hysterically bad.
Their actual website is decent they do have some leftist bias and they do sometimes shove their own opinion into an article but for the most part it is considered accurate.
The actual broadcasting show is a shitshow.
Putin please
That's why I don't watch TV.
>Their actual website is decent
It's utter biased shite.
This, their definitely part of Team Globalism but they're not as obliquely propagandistic as other outlets
they're* reeeee
Better than most American media, still pretty shit.
The website is decentish for very basic facts, but don't believe everything, don't expect the actual full truth and don't expect any facts inconvenient to whatever globalist narrative is currently being peddled to be ignored or marginalised.
Anything broadcast by it is utter shit though and on the level of blatant propaganda.
So basically, better than most American media, still pretty shit.
This is a better answer
The only decent news source in that list is Reuters. Everything else is shit.
>they do have some leftist bias and they do sometimes shove their own opinion into an article
>but they're fine I swear
>I mean, it's not like they're doing that one thing that labels news outlets as untrustworthy and shit-tier partisan cockgobblers
There are no legitimate "news" corps.
We are at war, we've been engaged in domestic warfare 100% for a decade.
Ha boy you guessen.
Compared to other media sites they are much better and more reliable for recent events. Finding a news site that is 100% objective truth without any bias from the author is practically impossible.
BBC was like a mirror of CNN during the election, they just weren't quite as brash with their anti-Trump and sort of pretended to be neutral sometimes
not even close, BBC is shit but not that shit
Channel 4 news is the CNN of the UK
Reuters and AP are the only decent sources of news left
> breitbart
Stopped reading your post after that.
>Does state run news have an angle
Idk use your noggin.
>Police told El Pais newspaper they had not yet been able to contact any of the diners, who are not thought to be Spaniards
where are they from, Sup Forums?
Sky News is better.
Sky news is basically our version of fox news.
Must be a bunch of those filthy fucking whites
I used to use it as my go-to news source years ago if I wanted something unbiased (or maybe just minimally anti-American bias rather than just liberal bias). In the past few years though? Hell no. Even my dad who is still extremely patriotic towards England completely dropped the BBC for being disgustingly biased.
roit now m8 ill fuckin jab at ya m8 ill punch ya in the gabba
What kind of question is that? COME THE FUCK ON /POL !!!!
Is this question even "politially incorrect"? FUCKIN' NAH
They LITERALLY have been found out to have been employing Jimmy Savile knowing hes was a fucking paedophile / necrophiliac (YES - fucking necrophiliac - He got access to morgues in hospitals for specifically that purpose) and many other paedophiles and perverts. Rolf Hariss for one.
Just look at their "comdy" shows - Its just full of dick jokes and overtly perverted degeneracy. There is no way you can't think this is a FUCKING DISGUSTING corporation.
Watch any BBC "doumentary" and you'll be spoken to like you are a retard-puppy. So condecending!! ANy one with an ounce of self respect would recognise this.
Oh yeah and heres another point - FOR ALL THOSE INTERNATIONALS HERE, THIS IS NOT A JOKE - In the UK you have to have a LICENCE TO WATCH TV. Yes - again, Im not joking. If you dont have a licence the BBC will send G4S round to your house to come in to your house and check if you have a TV in the property. Its fucking unbelievable. And the worst part is - my fellow countrymen for the most part don't even recognise this as a violation of their privacy!!
The UK is cucked to fuck and can't even recognise it
I just noticed you are a burger.
I guess looking at the BBC from the "outside looking in" might make it seem more legit.
Dont let the flouncy accents fool you.
The BBC is not informative in the slightest.
It has an agenda and is just brainwashing - like CNN.
>this thread again
Last one got BTFO?
Nothing's changed since the last time you posted it. Expect the same result.
They run the exact same anti western, anti european, anti white globalist kike propaganda as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, The Guardian, etc.
5 years? try 20. Muh Andrew Gilligan.
>defended Jimmy Saville along with other pedos for years despite the stacking amount of evidence against him/them
yeah, no.
Absolutely not legit. Sure, you can still get some truthful news reporting from the BBC but most of it is just a disinformation and propaganda operation. More and more Brits are waking up to it.
How well does Putin pay, out of interest? Is it better or worse than Shareblue?
I watch RT but I don't delude myself that it's not also largely directed by the Russian state. However, it's useful to get opposite biased views and then be able to work out where the truth actually is. Breitbart is great for publishing stuff that the msm ignore but it's also guilty of occasional fake news - at least it has been in the past. Still way ahead of MSM though.
no, fake news.
It's a big black cock.
You don't go to jail if you own a TV and don't pay a license fee that goes to CNN.
Does USA have a TV licence fee?
get onto Marine Le Pens instagram and smash that photo of her kneeling at a cross with /DEUS VULT/ comments
haha no.
as legit as you get, if you look at the ethnic makeup of directors, editors etc. you can easily gather that they are directly staffed by MOSSAD operatives in collusion with its UK branches of intelligence agency. Its other major operation is the abuse of children for blackmail purposes, acting as an umbrella under which the elite gather and are controlled by israel.
Hell no. That's why our TV has so many ads. We do have public radio and that's just terrible. We barely trust our government to deliver the mail. At least that is run like a legit business and it actually works.
This is what freedom in the UK looks like:
hiroshimoot fix the spam filter for jewgle you slanty bastard
How do I do that? and what is that exactly?
I think it's pretty funny watching britbongs defend BBC, as if the British-run State apparatus is somehow less of a propaganda mouthpiece than is RT.
Not any more. Maybe never. It's pure propaganda.
It became "America's most trusted news source" and swiftly became absolute lies. It was extremely obvious during the Scottish independence referendum.
In the last year or 2 it's turned into a kind of Huffington post / African feminist womens interests magazine.
Reminder that the BBC ran this headline after a syrian migrant prematurely blew himself up
it's state propaganda
decades ago they used to have great series at least, but not anymore
>go to Japan
>hey, stop sexualizing little girls!
>Salon and huffpost higher quality than infowars
No one serious reads any of these.
BBC is mainstream MSM. Whatever disease and dysfunction the MSM has in the main, the BBC will have in particular.
It's a garbage, shamelessly biased news source whose only saving grace is the ubiquitous presence of British accents which most foreigners consider "sophisticated". It's the David Icke of news sources.
Go ask /sg/ about their "reliable reporting".