What did she mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:

Has she lost her mind?

They're demanding the oven now.

Can a US president be impeached for libel?

He will declassify the FISA court ruling where Obama spied on him.

Obama the African Kleptocrat will die in prison.

Well at least she handled it like an adult. Oh.. Wait.

who. no she hasn't lost her mind she is a liberal her mind has been long gone. kikes in oves. a president can be impeached for perjury under law not libel, American education sucks. Goodnight

these people are just so dumb.. delusional really.

>tfw the left is the deep state
>mfw they play by 1984
Are leftists now the true evil of this world? What a timeline

This cunt, mccain and mcbreakfastmenu are all in on this crap. Mormon pedos

Democrats are really going to lose their minds if Trump keeps doing this and getting away with it.

It's beautiful.


>(((Louise Mensch)))

If they try we'll be hunting them down shortly after.
This isn't their country to rule. It's ours.

She's been saying he'll be impeached any day now since the inauguration. I know this because we have the same fucking thread every god damn day.
Where do you people even find these literal nobodies?

That's not the offense that she's alleging. She's admitting that yes, the Obama administration used a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump, but is claiming that the only way that warrant would have been issued is if there was probable cause (which is complete bullshit).

If it was complete bullshit the warrent would not have been issued

She's been saying that for months because --> see pic

Lol... its too late. Trumps going to double down. Hes willing to tear the pillars of the temple down in the name of justice.

Rejoice that he has risen.

Is pointing out that you've been wiretapped a felony now? If not then why do they keep saying impeached? They cry wolf multiple times a day and they somehow don't realize it makes their case weaker and weaker each time in the publics eye.

Trying to blur the line between law enforcement and intelligence is an extremely jewish thing.

In Israel Palestinians who get in the way politically find themselves snapped up by military kangaroo courts under "Terrorism" charges and have no rights.

Do you know how FISA Court works? Or the deep state?

She meant that she has braindamage and can't escape the debilitating confirmation bias which, were she of sound mind, would actually have led her to the opposite conclusion.

Intelligence agencies don't need probable cause.

Intel agencies don't operate under the same rules law enforcement does. But that's the point. A two tiered legal system where (((They))) get jury trial and their enemies get railroaded.

Just like Israel.

Mensch is just another insane journolist who is best left trolled and sobbing about Russian conspiracies. You shouldn't take her drug induced ravings seriously.

How does that mean he's going away? Either he's right and Obama could be sent to prison or he's wrong and it's nothing.

This is the proper way to make a joke.

Oversight on FISA warrants and programs operating under FISA authority is laughable. The fallout of Edward Snowden leaks demonstrated this beyond all doubt.

We've known there is no oversight and never would be for decades.

Please, people, you always act like you were born yesterday.


These people keep getting their hopes up only to get them torn down every single time.

It's kinda funny that lefties are now in the position of having to defend the NSA and other domestic spying programs being used for political purposes. I would've thought that opposition to such abominations would be universal but NOPE, it's OK so long as Obama's doing it.

Fucking sickening.

>Using the Guardian as a source
Some on here claim it to be fake news until it suits them. This is very similar in your statement here . Either way, both forms are fucking sickening.

Kek will protect us

Sure Ahmed, bring that clock to the Whitehouse.

What is it with her and child molesters?

she's someone the alt-right twitter trolls have brought to the edge of absolute madness, so I'm not too worried.

It's a FISA wiretap. So it doesn't matter if it's complete bullshit or not. That's the whole point of FISA, to not have to deal with that pesky 4th Amendment.

Anyway, Obama didn't break the law. Ethnically questionable - But the law was already raped and fucked ten ways from Sunday by Bush Jnr. which is what made this possible.

And Obama has nothing on Trump because this tap was done back at the beginning of the general election and would have been used against him then.

As usual...nothing ever happens.

>people in here thinking Louise Mensch is a liberal/leftist

I hate her too but at least get your labels straight

> Feminist. Optimist. Patriot.



What's funny is that they adored Executive Orders under Obama and now loathe them...and right now they love domestic spying and politically motivated use of the intelligence and law enforcement services.

Can't wait to see how that one bites them in the ass down the road.

Man is she going to be disappointed!