>So my question to you is this...
>w-wait you're not answering my question so I'll say it again
>I'm asking you a question and you're failing to answer it *laughs*
>OK so my next question is this...
>*repeat until you catch your opponent off guard or run out of time*
>...you're dodging my questions because you can't answer them but unfortunately we're out of time
>thank you for joining us (I win lol!)
So my question to you is this
holy fuck this so much, fuck this guy
they actually don't answer his questions though
Oh look, another shariablue character assassination attempt.
get fucked, your king nigger will be hanging from a rope before you can say "Sup Forums BTFO!!!!"
He only does that when they actually don't answer his questions though.
Tucker does well against stupid college liberals, radical socialists, and even some educated young people. But he got outdebated by Bill Nye, he swings and misses with actual intellectuals, and has to resort to the strawmen and moving the goalposts.
t. 90 IQ
*makes snide remark*
he is a low level intellect, we should seek
out someone more articulate and intelligent.
smoke some meth with your maori apes
The maoris belong to the NZfags.
We sniff petrol with abos ya fuckwit
>bill nye
>actual intellectual
this would be a good point if the retards he interviewed actually answered the goshdarn questions
>on your twitter, you've written "eat feces, donald trump"
>tfw you give them time to answer your question for the 10th time
>on national tv
>and millions of viewers are still waiting for the answer
theres no shame in winning
It is oddly common how those interviewed will refuse to answer questions.
I almost feel Tucker should just have a written form of his questions put in front of those interviewed and just point to the question when they try deflecting yet again.
Less than 100k viewers actually
Because they don't answer, they dodge. My issue with Tucker is that he still does that cucky thing conservatives always did where they walk back and try to argue away the racism of whatever Trump is doing. "Its not *actually* a Muslim ban (but we totally wish it was) BUT REALLY we're not racist!" Its annoying, even if you aren't ready to be a real racist on TV you can't win when you do that, attack back instead.
not an arguement
>According to Accuracy in Media: Overall, Tucker Carlson Tonight averaged 2.699 million total viewers, nearly beating the combined total of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show (1.369 million) and CNN's town hall special (1.357 million).
literally gotcha the show
he always asks fallacies, strawmen or obvious questions to get the answer he wants, not the actual facts.
Its like TYT or Maddow of Fox
dude I went to watch the trump rally from two weeks ago on LSBN's busted up shitty stream and there were almost 700k views.
Just for one thoroughly fucked up jewtube stream. When doing the math, be sure to notice the trends.
>he always asks fallacies, strawmen
such as?
>obvious questions to get the answer he wants
literally nothing wrong with this
only time he was wrong was the climate thing with bill nye, hes usually not such a caveman
Bill made the entirely unscientific and evidence-less claim that the climate would be today like it was in the 1750s without human-made CO2 and the industrial revolution. What caused the increase during the medieval warming period? How can he possible know, without experimentation, that the counterfactual claim isn't true? There is no way to control variables. That's why this isn't science.
Nice try shill. How does it feel knowing a white hetero male like Tucker amounts to much more than you ever will?
we know it's true because we get to be rich and famous if we say it's true
you dummy i bet you've never been paid to generate scientific facts before
Go away Foxy Grape man
I wasn't implying that Bill Nye was an intellectual, I was saying that Tucker doesn't do well against intellectuals. He also didn't do well against Bill Nye.
Arrest Obongo Nigger King
he got trashed by yvette felarca
He can't do that for another reason: it gives liberals an easy out if they can just claim he's a bigot, forcing him to go on the defensive. He had to defeat them in the context of their own arguments
I know, and Tucker was unable to capitalize on that possible misrepresentation. Instead he chose to ask him when the next ice age would happen, as if that's a question that can be answered with any accuracy during a 5 minute segment on TV.
He set up an irrelevant and unreasonable standard of "proof" and even when his guest tried to answer, he interrupted him. These are the signs of someone who is more concerned with disputing someone rather than seeking the truth.
>molymeme slander threads for days on end
>oh well rinse and repeat with carlson
yawn, sage
How do you go on one of the most popular national TV shows to shill one of the most contentious arguments as a well-versed celebrity and mock scientist and then not have ready to go your elevator interview 5 counterpoint shutdowns on a whim?
Dude's an A+ level moron, just like most of the rest of Tucker's guests.
Not true, if you try to play on that field you'll lose because THEY don't play on that field. Racism against white people is perfectly ok after all. Take the god emperor's example, attack back. Its the only way to deal with kikes and shitlibs.
he's bad but he's not nearly as bad as a million leftist pundits. He does not deserve this thread, our attention should be focused more constructively. (clear shareblue attempt, or bad troll)
If white people survive IDGAF if the environment goes to shit. I'd rather live in a madmax world with white females than live in a "paradise" with niggers and muslims which are somehow non-violent
jaja eggzactly!!! fuck fox news bunch a cracka ass niqqaz. fuck druhmptf and fuck wypepo
Bill Nye didn't do well for himself. Tucker even admitted that he was asking his questions to point out the flaw in declaring the climate debate settled science and not worth any debate, not to actually debate the facts and "facts" themselves.
If it was actually settled as Nye claimed, then he should have been able to answer some of Tucker's basic questions and fill in the gaps of misonceptions with well-known findings, but he instead pursed his lips, got crazy eyes, and said some unprompted tin-foil sounding shit in a nefarious manner.
It just showed that Bill Nye is extremely unscientific in his approach and beliefs in one side of the issue.
Tucker asked him when, if the industrial revolution hadn't happened, when the next ice age would have occurred.
First of all, the last ice age was over 8000 years ago. Secondly, even WITH the industrial revolution, we don't know when the next ice age will be. Thirdly, there are way more factors contributing to the global climate than just CO2 emissions.
It was a retarded question with an impossible answer and Tucker acted like Bill reluctance to attempt to answer it was proof that he's completely full of shit. That's disingenuous at the very best.
You forgot:
>put your opponent on a 4 second audio delay and put them in another room, so you will always be able to talk over them and interrupt them, but they'll never be able to take the initiative of the conversation away from you
Well, this can't get any more blatant...
I stand corrected.
I think maybe to an extent, Tucker intentionally says certain things and conducts himself in a way just to trigger some of his guests when they try using dishonest tricks during an interview with them or if they have some fame/notoriety for being dishonest or saying something ignorant.
Then Nye could have just stated that in the span of several seconds and asked for the next question. I mean, here you are some leaf on the internet and even you can mount a reasonable, defensible response.
the whole point is he'll ask an insightful question that undermines their entire argument. they refuse to directly answer the question because their argument is weak, so instead they dance around it in order to give their argument more power, but his trump card is that they cannot answer the question.
it's a smart move on his part to get to a point or allow them to show their own ridiculousness with a straight forward question.
The fuck you talking about
White people are the only ones who give a fuck about the environment
Look how niggers and Chinese treat the environment. There is no climate change hysteria anywhere else than right here in the first world.
You think they're ticketing people for trash in Chad? You think Grand Supreme Leader of Ziare is going to punish the Chinese for dumping chemicals if he's getting a fat check?
Fucking leaves, man.
That's basically what any cross-examining lawyer would do. I don't know why (((they))) have such a problem being put to such casual scrutiny.
It's like Jerry Springer or Judge Judy for people who forgot to not be niggers.
Tucker is a genius. Sage
Then Tucker would've beat him over the head with: "You can't answer a simple question." I debated with someone a few days ago...it might have been you, in fact, who was arguing that if Nye is arguing that they know more or less what effect CO2 has on the climate, then they ought to ALSO know what the climate is without the extra CO2...essentially saying that if you can assert the causal link, then you can subtract that causal link and come up with a concrete answer on what the world would be like.
And that's not a reasonable assertion. So I think Bill had to play the game a bit and just keep reiterating how much human activity affects the climate.
If you're in the right then it doesn't matter what counterquestion comes up. You just set the record straight.
Going out for reiterating a feels point is basic psychological warfare material. That's not what we like to think of as being science.
I have to go take a shower and get my productive day going, but I'd like to leave you with a potentially interesting analogy. I caught the first few hours of the Rex Tillerman confirmation hearings one morning and something about it really stood out to me.
Usually most of the congresspeople are complete morons with nothing but repeated talking points and gotcha questions. I don't know if Rex is a good dude or not, but he was routinely asked to stop giving detailed and thoughtful answers in order to save time so more questions could be asked. If for not other reason than that, Rex earned my respect.
Bill Nye isn't a scientist, though. He's a "science guy." He's basically a television personality, like the Fresh Prince or Bill Cosby.