How will he recover?
How will he recover?
Oh look, it's that guy from that show 40 years ago. I guess he's coming to join his co-star.
I bet he just wants some of that sweet, delicious pizza.
>mfw Trump personally rejects his application
Fight him for what???
Nobody can explain this to me
What has trump done?
hes literally taking our rights away
Are you fucking kidding me?
surely he'll get citizenship in a country he wants to help destabilize
>idols will speak and move about
Calm down Sasuke.
Twitter has gone to his head and turned Patrick Stewart into andother George Takei.
We're full.
Trump is literally a white male...
This guy can't even walk, what is he thinking
Nothing but go to a golf club and spend taxpayer money every weekend.
>it's terrible that foreign countries like Russia are influencing American politics
>btw I want to become a citizen for the sole purpose of influencing your political system
are YOU kidding me? does Trump identify as a white male? you can't "literally" be something that comes down to just fluid feelings.....
What ever happened to those celebrities who said they would move to Canada if trump won?
Did they?
So, he already admits he's going to cause trouble. So it's safe to assume his application will be denied
>tfw every single actor is a fucking faggot and you can't watch movies anymore without being disgusted at the political views of the subhuman retards playing the characters and ruining the whole experience for yourself
Why doesn't he fight for the oppressed people in some dictatorship.
It must be hard as a millionaire Hollywood celebrity to fight against a democratically elected leader in a republic. He must be fighting for his life...
Why do this now? I'm not Patrick Stewart fan, but I've enjoyed most of his work, and he always seemed like the most professional actor in the business, all class an professionalism.
Now it's time to step in and be political? I'm not buying it. You know what I think? I think the conspiracies about Hollywood pedophilia and blackmail are 110% true, that it's just an industry that blackmails itself - old coot was probably put in a room with a child, and hidden cameras. Now they're making him go public for certain agendas.
>Why do this now?
Logan just came out. He is costarring in it. This is just a form of promotion for the movie so anti Trump people watch it.
>he's fighting trump totally not trying inavoid some kind of taxes in Europe
It's pretty transparent desu
I lost all respect for him with what he said about Brexit.
Fucking coffin dodger.
>having respect for actors and entertainers
Fucking disgusting DESU
Romans were right about them, degenerate filth
> Sup Forums flooding with libshit humor
Going down like the titanic.
Make it so
Trump literally just deported me right now I'm shaking so much I can't type this is bull.
I hope he gets personally declined as a foreign agitator
Nice nail polish, Patty
Barry would tap that
Who would win a battle Royale? Professor Xavier or Captain Picard or Donald Trump?
Xavier has X-men, Picard has Enterprise and Trump has US military.
Trump can and will reject his application.
Trump has pissed off their Jew bosses by resisting white genocide, so all actors have now been ordered to participate in anti-Trump activities.
Stop spamming this fucking image.
Wow what an idiot. He won't get accepted now because they ask loyalty questions b4 giving citizenship and he basically said he's trying to undrmine the administration of he lies during the interview he'll be denied
You've had decades to become a citizen, and nos the only stated reason for wanting to become an American citizen is to undermine the President of the United States?
So, is it legal to bet on people dying?
>belly of the dragon will drip water
China's incoming very real problem with starvation and then trying to move into and overfish the south sea
>two voices will call out in a silence all well hear
Incoming false flag attack against Russia. America won't be able to account for the weapons the deep state stole and used when Putin comes asks for them.
This all makes terrible sense of you've kept up with sourceanon threads.
>le bald actor man is LEGALLY APPLYING FOR LEGAL CITIZENSHIP STATUS to fight Trump and his evil policies of not letting hundreds of unwashed illegal shitskins in
Such a rebel.
This is Locutus of Borg.
Resistance is futile.
He doesn't want to have britbong taxes.
The left is truly mentally ill. Time for a purge.
Sir Patrick Stewart, can't be a citizen with a knighthood.
this. boycott jewy bullshit.
>I want to fight your president
>make me a citizen
Never cared for him in Star Trek
angry at having to endure him in X-men
please fuck off.
They're not from the same Star Trek show you fucking normie
what the actual fuck is happening there.
Surely there'll be no recovery from this?
You can't fool me. That's not a real Mexican flag.
More like Patrick Stewart BTFOing all those illegal retards living in the US for 20+ years who couldn't be bothered to get citizenship.
Literally just watched that episode. Blue Beta Picard was pretty hilarious.
See the funny thing about this is that libtards who would be enthused by the idea of this arent seeing Patrick Stewart the veteran actor and favourite son of west Yorkshire. Theyre seeing either Professor X or Captain Picard, or both. They will find the extents of what his charisma can achieve here in the real world rather disappointing.
How come it was never mentioned again that Picard has a mechanical heart?
Read the word APPLYING!!!!.. In Trump administration he MUST pass extreme vetting!!!Good Luck
Who cares. Star Trek is for goony manchildren.
It was in that episode with the dumb fucks looking for "things that make us go". Picard receives a new heart at some starbase because he doesn't want that bitch ass doctor who isn't Crusher on the Enterprise fiddling around in his innards. And in the end she still does and is super smug about it.
Fucking bitch.
>hollywood leftism is so mentally retarded even foreign celebrities want to get in on it just to blow themselves the fuck out
this is like that fungus that infects ants and makes them climb up a blade of grass and explode
Polaski was based you dumb fucking kraut. Crusher was a shit character only put in for muhfeels and sympathizing with terrorists.
fuck off diego. Star trek is alpha as fuck.
just avin a giggle m8
This is illogical
Right, right
>muh hyperadvanced multicultural federation
Pulaski was a bitch, but at least she had a character,
Also, less mama Crusher meant slightly less screen time for ensign Insufferable McLittleshit.
Poolaski was a smug cunt that always bullied Data. And she was ugly af.
Look at this dumb manlet.
>waaaah she bullied muh android ;_; im scared of women ;_;
Pathetic, I'm not sure if you're a Sup Forums castoff or an /r9k/ regular.
will people repeat this for 8 years now?
James McAvoy plays Professor Xavier better anyway
Are takei and shatner still fighting?
Is Kirk the best captain?
Bullshit. he's applying for US citizenship to escape UK taxes.
>All of my friends in washington said there's one thing you can do
>bullying is cool
Sure thing, hardass. You're so salty because you're too old to take some fattie's launch money in school and have to be an ass on the internet instead?
99% percent of the crew on the Enterprise are European, 13% of the world's current population is European. Think about it, this means that non-whites were globally exterminated in the star trek timeline.
>apply for citizenship
>get it
>end up proving how easy the legal system is
I say we give him citizenship and drone strike the leftist boomer shit head, Obongo said it's OK for the president to drone US citizens without giving them a trial.
What's with all these meme actors doing dumb shit.
>Are takei and shatner still fighting?
Bill and George do not speak to each other yes
>Is Kirk the best captain?
By eating your ass like corn pudding
>Bill and George do not speak to each other yes
Can you give me a tldr on that? I haven't been following it
How come that subplot about those one aliens that took over the Federation by inhabiting the bodies never got brought up again even though they sent a single to their kind?
sorry I triggered u snowflake
I agree it it has nothing to do with politics. Stewart got the job because he looks like him but it seems like he never played him right.
I also never liked Ian McKellen either. Magneto, despite having insane powers looked menacing. Ian doesn't look menacing.
The only remotely good Star Trek was DS9 and that was because there were a lot of redpills in the show.
Just follow your nose!
I don't know full details, but...
>George hates Bill for some reason
>Bill doesn't know why
>George gets into fight with Bill
>They stop talking to each other or commenting on the other's doings
>Bill is asked why George hates him
>Bill goes, "I have no idea why he hates me, but I pity him"
For more details you will have to ask someone other than me
>Ian doesn't look menacing.
Indeed, plus Ian is a faggot in real life.
Michael Fassbender is good in any role that he plays, including Magneto, he also made a good David in Prometheus.
Oh watch out!
An actor will "fight" Trump!
Oh no he is done!