>Best case scenario:
Trump is wrong (deflecting from Russiagate/Sessions scandals) and continues to get called out for being a pathological liar.
>Worst case:
pic related
If you're a Trumptard, NOW is officially the time to start panicking.
>Best case scenario:
Trump is wrong (deflecting from Russiagate/Sessions scandals) and continues to get called out for being a pathological liar.
>Worst case:
pic related
If you're a Trumptard, NOW is officially the time to start panicking.
>Obama needing probable cause
>Needing probable cause after 9/11
Get real faggot.
>literally who?
Yeah, sorry, this guy's a nobody.
Besides, do you really want to die?
Because we're willing to take this to war; with the weight of most of the military behind us I think you'll regret reaching for the sun.
oh yeah those FISA courts and probably cause....
surveillance on everyone through "probably cause"
FISA is a joke kys
You're right. I'm sure Trump will show evidence for his claim immediately, just as he has for every single unsourced claim of his since he was sworn in. What a paragon of Truth!
REMINDER: Obama found absolutely nothing.
hahahahaha. Needing probable cause to spy on political opponents.
That's cute. There there little one.
Shut the fuck up nerd. There are 3 MILLION more people who would slap your stupid shit down. And also, I don't give a shit about directionless adults sitting around in welfare offices (the military),
You don't need probable cause for a FISA tap. That's why they use them fucktard.
Bring it on then faggot.
We have enough firepower for all of you.
You're nothing.
Bring on your civil war if you're so certain.
Weak little faggot.
You are going to be flayed nigger
Came here to post this. Nice numbers and fpbp.
The ultimate trifecta
I'm serious, please bring it on.
I want to kill you.
Your 3 million are currently being deported
Who the fuck would make something like this?
>federal judges never violate the constitution and are not corruptible
Fuck off chink.
Didn't Snowden show that ALL domestic phones are tapped?
ALL computers are made to be hackable by the NSA.
Most social media (twitter, Facebook, Reddit) is tied into psyop control systems.
Long story short: All citizens are deemed 'guilty' until found innocent in a court of law.
>Manafort accusations are all lies he has nothing to do with Russia!!!!
"Paul Manafort has resigned from Trump's campaign due to undisclosed financial ties to Russian officials"
>Micheal Flynn has nothing to do with russia, you are just a shill for shareblue!!!!
"Flynn resigns amid revelations that he contacted russians officials on two separate occasions"
>Sessions didn't lie to congress, READ THE TRANSCRIPTS!!!
"Sessions has recused himself from any investigations involving trump during a press conference today"
>Trump didnt commit treason, he's /ourguy/ and the best, just the best!
[insert news story in the coming weeks that trump has been impeached]
Its incredibly obvious at this point what is happening, and only a fucking braindead hillbilly could not get the message
Deep state lifer finds cause... Sure it is legit...
>implying that a powerful government official couldn't establish a wiretap without a warrant in the USA.
I laugh at your naivete.
>he doesn't realize that the federal government can wiretap people without a warrant.
>being this uninformed about key issues
>if the wiretap was allowed, obviously there was good reason and drumpf is guilty!
Then why hasn't the Russian debacle been resolved yet? Oh right cause they didn't need probable cause because it's all bullshit.
>Obama caught spying on literally everyone in the world
>Hurr durr Obama dindu nuffin
huh really makes me think
I kek'd
> probable cause
These idiots with rubber stamp couldn't spot probable cause even if one would rub it in their face.
No real oversight for NSA/CIA exists, they do whatever they want, not even bothering with their pet court most of the time.
And if you had proof of such an action you could put a big enough dent in the agency that performed said wiretap that you could effectively prevent it from doing it again. The question then becomes why havent you provided any proof?
just to clarify since most of you trumpers cant add 2 and 2 together, i know the reason.
>national security reasons
>Andrew McCarthy
Do we have the best timeline or what, folks?
>mistaking physical wiretap for NSA "wiretap" spying
rookie mistake, Ted
>Probably cause
>FISA warrant
How long until liberals start claiming FISA courts are legitimate and the NSA dindu nuffin, and to hang Snowden?
This is exactly why Trump shouldn't give an inch to these globalist scum. Any concession you give is perceived as weakness.
yeah but that's not what's in question here. The issue is that Obama admin got a FISA court to agree to monitor Trump actively and the wiretap data then got passed around the Obama admin and leaked.
>October 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.
>says some somebody on the internet
conservatismtoday.com is not real news, you dense fuck
False, they decided it should be up to the needs of the government.
>uncharacteristically denied
Russian Hackers on the FISA court, it would appear.
Meanwhile, a spic judge helps a illegal alien murderer escape out of her courtroom from ICE by letting him go out of her private exit.
3 months, they take to the program very nicely.
Careful He may just decide to come out of his parents basement with his grandpas war rifle.
Now you know what that child like "guilty of something" posture was about.
>putting a dent in the NSA for illegal wiretapping
But they have an unnamed source that they cannot reveal. It's probably the same one CNN has.
>Whatever, Obama, pack your shit and get out.
they are latching onto anything so they were not wrong to elect the faggot in chief. Including lies.
I remember this guy who had evidence of it... Edward... Snowden, I think?
Oh that's right, when he released his information the NSA just stopped doing illegal wiretapping altogether and he was praised as a national hero.
He keeps the evidence in the same draw the DNC keep the evidence of Russia hacking the election.
Then why not release the information BEFORE the election?
Oh that's right, because there wasn't anything found because he isn't working with Russia. Kill yourself, shill.
>June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied.
>October 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.
>On Tuesday November 8th, 2016 the election was held. Results announced Wednesday November 9th, 2016.
No evidence?
Well, it's hard to dent an organization that's functionally in control of the flow of information.
Gotta change the paradigm.
>a sitting president with proof that an agency performed an illegal wiretap cant do anythign about it
>a pencil pushing geek has the same power as the USA
how fuckign retarded are you user?
KEK. Is that why there is at least one news story about illegal NSA wiretaps a week?
>No evidence is found - but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons
Obama is fucked, isn't he?
If we have to waterboard Obama at Gitmo to find out what happened, I am fine with it.
You do realize these are enough to fully charge Obama with interfering and trying to alter the election process
Remember to sage and hide low energy shill threads user.
Pretty much. Liberals won't accept it.
If trump, let alone any public defendant (this is a crime against the sovereignty of the nation and politics) should pursue charges, this dude is done for.
These digits say I dont need to read the rest of the thread. By fags
>unsourced claim
wikileaks can be authenticated by google you mong
anything similar on the democrats side? thought so
>Worst case scenario:
Trump imprisons O-nigger for treason
>Best case scenario:
Trump uses the NSA to imprison every spook
You guys really are insane.
That's a fucking black tie with white polkas. You can buy one everywhere and it's not solely trump who manufactures them
He is doing something about it, letting the American people know. It's inadvisable to declare open war against the NSA but it's not out of the question to publicize their dishonesty. Meeting into legal battles with the NSA would be costly and non-productive, letting people know that Obama and the NSA were acting upon the laws they openly put into place that says they can spy on anyone for no reason makes much more sense.
Seriously people know this shit happens every day, to deny that this shit happens is ridiculous.
>random ching-chong talking out of his ass
yes....with proof
you are straying from what i was responding to. the previous user stated that a sitting president cant do anything to an agency even when he has proof.
that statement is pants on head retarded, and you are too just for defending him
and now, here is where i laugh profusely
Seriously faggot.. can you really not conceive of an oppressive, corrupt and totalitarian government doing illegal shit to suppress or undermine political dissent?
For fucks sake we already know the NSA spies on everyone and the Patriot Act gave them the authority to witr tap anyone for any reason, which they did. Do you not remember the early 2000's wire tapping of innocent citizens scandal?
>One of ten thousand judges, many of which have reason to please Obama, approved Obama's request
>Implies guilt on behalf of the party Obama doesn't like
>all of these butthurt welfare queens
keep at it internet tough guy's
Worst case: Obama found nothing and Trump can't prove he did it.
Best case: Obama found nothing and Trump can prove he did it. If he did there's material for impeachment.
No wait let me do that again
Back when I was a liberal I voted for Obama since he said he would close Gitmo. It's only fair that since he totally failed at that, he ends up imprisoned there.
They've been offering wiretaps in FISA courts with little to no discretion for years. Not a single warrant has been denied in all of the years the NSA wiretapping shit has been going on.
All of the people sitting on the FISA oversight committee are globalist hacks. Fucking Dianne Feinstein would be one of the few people to challenge a Trump wiretap. Think about that for a second.
>If you're a Liberal-tard, NOW is officially the time to start seppaku.
>people shitting on trump are always celebs with blue checkmarks
really made me think
Yep, this entire surveillance apparatus has only been deemed OK since people thought, they're not really using this against political rivals and IF these powers were abused in that way and it came to light, that it would spell doom for those guilty. That action would be taken then. Well, it appears that's happened.
Nope, you actually have to do a job in the military. Soldier is the most important profession in the world and the military should receive at least 50% of the budget. End your life.
The apostrophe makes your sentence incorrect too.
This quote applies to legal wiretaps. The Donald is most likely refering to shady unauthorized tapping.
>FISA court
To bad they are not a nobody neet, that is were the true power lies.
kys, you probably live in your mothers basement
>they are latching onto anything
Don't care how many faggots say "muh civil war will never work" if trump gets ousted from the White House, I would gladly die to at least try to make the future a better place. 1 4 8 8
>There are 3 MILLION more people
You should hurry up before they've all been deported
>not realizing he's saying Obama wiretapped him without having reasonable cause
are they actually this stupid or are they just playing dumb to further narrative?
I guess that's why every intelligence agency has said that they have found and continue to find little to no connection between Russia and the Trump campaign, much less anything untoward.
kys cuckboi
if you had taken the time to read things (which is also the reason why you have no bearing on current events) you would see that the original comment i responded to was this quote.
So congrats on revealing your idiocy.
How in the flying fuck do you spin it where a man gets impeached for reporting a crime?
Like Sweden when there was a bunch of riots afterwards? Or when he said he saw muslims celebrating 9/11 and pulled out a NY Times article to prove ir?
You need to watch the snowden movie
how are you this dumb?
Lol. King Nigger probabily coulden't even fathom Trump winning.
> all wire taps are legal wire taps
Uhhhh have you been paying attention for I don't know, not even the last 8, I'll be nice and give you 5. Really we're talking 16 years of shit presidents.
>If you're a Trumptard, NOW is officially the time to start panicking.
Why would anyone have to be afraid when hacking the election is IMPOSSIBLE?! It just doesn't happen. The Dems proved it already so he's in the clear.
>If democrats were selling shoulder mounted rockets to street gangs it's because they needed to defend themselves.
Fuck this fuck.
Summary executions for all on the left. Make it happen, Donald.
>republicans fight for patriot act
>get mad when its used against them