Why are people so fucking stupid? Everyone owns a smartphone and snapchat and dresses the same and think "Trump is going to fuck up the world!!" and thinks going couple of months without sex is insane and has meaningless relationships and believes in mainstream news and so on. I wish something horrible would happen like starvation or plague so people would greatly suffer and get off their high horse
Why are people so fucking stupid...
you are just jealous.
Jealous of fucking what, being a braindamaged societal tumor?
I rid myself of my smart phone nearly 6 months ago.
I am much happier and can pay attention more.
Also if you didnt get married prior to tinder, good luck, youre bound for a world of whores.
Left is stupid. Right is stupid. Trump is stupid. Clinton is stupid. There's no global conspiracy. Humans are just really dumb.
>ITT dudes who can't get laid
The real redpill. But Sup Forums will argue this til they're blue in the face.
Daily reminder that believing mainstream news is not any worse than believing bullshit alternative news
Don't hate on people for living their lives, hate on yourself for not being able to because you're too much of a bitch
The ones at the very top are not.
I just hate them because they are stupid and are mad at me that i'm not and try to drag me down on their level
They don't care about you, man. Just do your thing and let them do theirs. Problem solved. But you're probably all high and mighty and judgmental because a girl fucked a dude that wasn't you.
another one
>pretending you don't care about getting some sweet sweet pussy
>pretending this hard you don't want to fuck
It's okay OP, that's just how it goes now.
>tfw want a gf to hold, love, serve, and be served and loved by her in a similar manner
>tfw all whores or fat chicks
fuckin' sucks
Lol nope, you're just ugly, fat, poor, or generally terrible. There are plenty of beautiful women who would love a strong man to provide for them. You have to start bettering yourselves instead of blaming women or society.
>There are plenty of beautiful women who would love a strong man to provide for them
>provide for them
yes user, those are called club sluts. In my post you replied to, I specifically said whores. Why are you repeating what I said in an attempt to create conversation?
A real woman would know it's a mutual thing where you provide things to each other, not necessarily monetary items.
>found the poor guy
Dude please stop trying to backpedal like you didn't imply all women were bloodsucking whores. That's your problem. you guys can't decide whether women should be subservient house maids or self made business women. Work out, get a jerb, stop blaming women and society for your shortcomings.
>making unsubstantiated claims in an attempt to win an argument
sorry man, you are just grasping at straws now.
>there's no global conspiracy
There isn't any argument here boss. I'm just trying to tell you how to get that GF you said you wanted. It's not rocket science. You're either trying to get girls way way hotter than you, or you literally have no clue. Either way I don't understand why you're so mad.
*tips tinfoil*
>I wish something horrible would happen like starvation or plague
Believe me, you don't.
But I believe it is coming...
you offered no substantial "advice"
>implying i don't workout
>implying i don't have a job in electrical engineering
>implying i'm blaming women for my shortcomings
I live in one of the most conservative states in the union and all of my college or high school female classmates have either got knocked up at 16 in high school, got married a year into their college careers, or go to the club every weekend, then whine about how the guys at the club are shit.
Even the dating websites have nothing of value.
Real people are a meme.
Vidya and anime is a better lifestyle desu.
Just bumpin for justice
>this is my unique style, this is how i am
>looks like all the other ones in pics, same clothes, same poses
>I wish something horrible would happen like starvation or plague so people would greatly suffer and get off their high horse
Drumpf will start WW3 so no worries there
Are you working the church angle? I don't mean to offend you if you're actively working to improve your shit brother. It can be hard to find the right girl, but they're still out there I promise.
lol this fucking guy.
You were just born in the wrong reality.
Most people don't care about wisdom and logic, it's all about living and experiencing events even if they are shallow and meaningless.
Intelligence is not a positive trait here.
Weabus are the worst
Niggers weabus are still worst
Aids weabus are still worst
Cancer weabus are still worst
A nuke in your moms ass weabus are still worst
You guys are putrid, you're fucking morbid, you make me puke from the inside, the thought that you're a forever grand child that is.
I don't go to church myself, but a lot of people meet nice girls there. Idk what you're driving at hoss.
Shallow and meaningless are metrics that have different meanings to different people. I promise you aren't any more smart or logical than the people who go out and live their lives how ever they choose.
>Owning convenient electronics
>Taking pictures and sharing them with friends
>Following the current fashion trends like we've been doing since fashion was a thing
How are these bad things?
I'd rather piss stone by my pee hole than having to stay around with you sub human weabus
Pretty sure I am and you're a nihilist piece of shit who should chock on a dick
no, i'm not doing the church thing.
i see first hand what man whores do and it pisses me off. I went on a trip with a couple of my friends, and their measure of success with women is how many they can talk to a a club and take home.
One of the guys plans to move to LA in September, but instead of telling his girlfriend now, which I should add is someone he's dating in an attempt to stop being such a man whore, he's using her for sex a little longer. He knows he doesn't want a long distance relationship and that he will break up with her before the move.
I've tried slapping his shit, but "man, I need my steady supply of sex". I feel sorry for the ladies who get trapped by this scheme.
>le wrong generation
>muh 140 IQ
>t. buttblasted leaf roastie
Never in my 24 years I cared about it, animal.
Just laughing at your corny choice of words.
Why yes I am a nihilist, better to be realistic about the meaningless nature of everything human than delude myself that I'm some super smarty smart genius.
Fuck off and go play in the trafic you sub shit you are not worthy of this forum
But I own a smartphone, and I don't have snapchat or think Drumpf is fucking up. I also think it is intolerant to say Trump is retard, because retards are cool
>24 years
>still wasting his prime years
Fair enough lol. I'm pretty corny.
The forum part gave you away user~!
Don't try to force it so hard next time, ok?
Then be realist about what you are and shoot yourself in the face for being nothing
You're gonna die anyway :O
Fucking faggety coon
A real saint you are son, but then again perhaps you are homosex yes?
You can't base your view of women and relationships off of some chads and their bimbos. Get some normal adult friends, maybe some that are married or settled down. They will know other normal chicks thus improving your chance to get out of the chad/whore swamp. It's gonna work out user, you sound like a hard working, smart dude. Just don't give up.
Man is in his prime when he is older like 30 or 50
Try to get laid for once faggot
Coon? That's rich, resorting to such a base tactic as racism. Just because I see through all the purported righteousness of you pseudo intellectual types doesn't mean I don't derive enjoyment from shit. Not everything has to have a grand meaning to be fun.
Pretty sure someone who works as a store clerk and fills himself with alcohol and drugs every weekend till he eventually dies of overdose at 25 is not smarter or more logical than me.
That's fine too, but that doesn't mean you have to sit on your hands and wait while everyone else is taking advantage of the all time low price of pussy.
one of my best buddies married last year, because he didn't think he "would find anyone better". The guys at work are believe in the "happy wife, happy life" mantra.
No one in my family, or my friends' families have successful marriages. It's very depressing.
I do have a couple of my women friends who try to hook me up with some of their friends but I don't see those really going anywhere. I'll just go ski, ride my bike, and try to keep busy on my own.
And what is it that you do, O holy one?
>inb4 theology degree
>laughing girls.jpg
But what if you can't get laid or even care?
There's nothing at all wrong with that. Do what you love to do. A good woman will come along when you least expect it. Like I said, it's not impossible man. I just hate seeing these defeatist type threads.
That's fine too, at no point did I say that you had to live any kind of lifestyle. Everyone has their own things they're into. There's plenty of time for women later too, but they won't be a young and prime. I'm not trying to say anyone has the right or wrong way to live.
Cannot word this better
You're not wrong.
>he thinks there's attractive women out there that haven't already had half a dozen dicks in their mouth
>He's this naive
Good goy
Soap exists, toothbrushes also exist. If you're so insecure that you can't cope with a women who isn't a virgin, I don't know what to tell you. How old are you?
Oh I'm wary of your tricks Jewman. But there's nothing I can do to stop your Jewry, so why ruin my mental health fixating on it?
I don't care about virginity.
However, would you want to be in a relationship with a used-up cocksleeve with no self-control or self-respect?
I don't know anyone from my parent's generation that is still married. Literally all my friends' parents are divorced or have remarried, including my own parents. Then I look at my grandparents and my friends' grandparents and they're, for the most part, still together and happy. The divorce rate is probably only going to get worse with generations.
Does a girl being with 6 guys make her either of those things? Honestly if you would have said like 20 dudes I might have been on board, but single digits is still prime.
My parents and all 5 of my uncles are divorced. Some of them got fucked over bigly with alimony, one of the ex wives managed to snake a portion of my uncle's fucking PENSION as part of the settlements. I'm never fucking getting married
Would you consider a girl that casually fucked 9 guys "prime"? Seriously, a woman that spends her youth sleeping around WILL cheat on you. Why? Because according to normies
>lmao it's just sex XXDDDDD
>implying women haven't always slept around
I guess I just don't see what the big damn deal is, buddy. If my gf ever wants to play stupid games, ill get another one who'll treat me just fine. It really is just sex, and it really isn't as scary as mom and dad told you. But sounds like you wouldn't know honestly. Have any of you guys really never just fucked to fuck? I'm genuinely curious.
Enjoy your inevitable divorce. Women are treacherous whores with no sense of loyaly. They know the divorce courts are on their side. As soon she gets bored and Chad walks by, your ass is done.
Never said I was married or getting married. Quit projecting your insecurities onto me.
same here, but even my grandparents who didn't divorce weren't happy. My grandpa knocked up my grandma and was forced to marry her. since they were God fearing catholics, they never divorced.
Personally, I never have had sex "just to fuck". The relationships I've had don't usually bear sex until after three to six months. I guess I can't just one night stands, but when you really care for the person, sex is amazing.
ok cuckie. Keep on slaying those used-up cunts. You're doing god's work.
It's pretty good on its own too. I'm usually like you and take it slow, and you're right. That can be amazing. But I've had some one nighters with some unbelievable chicks that I'll never forget as well. It takes all kinds, I guess that's my message here.
Lol keep on slaying your hand dumbledore, one day a woman will surely pity fuck you.
will do!
Find strength in conformity darling