When was America great? Why?
This is a common question leftists ask, what is a good answer to this question?
When was America great? Why?
This is a common question leftists ask, what is a good answer to this question?
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When it was white.
right after ww2
When niggers and women didn't have rights
Because niggers and women didn't have rights
When it was 90% white in the 1950s.
Maybe great just means better than it is, because it's kind of turning to shit lately.
Nice ((trick)) question. America still is great.
mid sixties and things were shit. i blame rock music.
between 1950's and early 90's.
When one person could support at least a family of 5. Also, reaching that point did not demand going 10,000s of thousands into debt.
As a small example: The 70 to 80 y/o dentists at my dental school paid for their tuition with a summer job. Completing dental school and a two year unpaid residency equals approximately 600,000 thousand dollars of debt. That's an enormous change in such a short time.
and picture is another issue.
When only white land owning males could vote.
Goddamn goddamn.
The period of American history from 1870-1929 was the greatest in American history. youtu.be
>tfw be woken up by her
At least some women like to LARP as her with their clothes
from 1776 to 2000
Audrey had a really qt face so I can forgive her for not being Thicc.
What this user said. There was a time when you could get an entry-level job right out of highschool, afford a house, a car, and a family of four. Something about much of the 1st world global infrastructure being bombed to utter shit, except for in the US, propelled us into controlling much of the global economy? and everyone catching up to us and surpassing us over time? It's all pretty obscured and weird and jewed the fuck up.
In the 60's because we were still mostly white, we went to the moon, and we were safe and prosperous. A man could afford a house and family with a simple factory job. It's been downhill since then.
America is great because America is good.
During the cold war.
That was pretty much the peak of Murica. The entire world was looking at America and thought it was amazing.
America embarrassed the communists with how great it was. All the technological advancements and the American dream was simply amazing.
After the cold war ended America regressed. With George Bush America became a laughing stock. With Obongo America became a third world shithole and a complete embarrassment.
The cold war America was probably the best place and time period to ever live in.
So why shouldn't we advocate for free education, then?
literally for the last 100 years until ~20 years ago
i fucking hate the world so much senpai
Why did it start to go downhill? Why can't a man suport a family or pay his way trough college today? I want the real reason.
when we had the largest economic boom and people were flooding in to escape their oppressive socialist dictatorships. our ideals were based on free markets and small government control. These liberal ideologies brought the greatest innovations in the world and in the only 200 years this country it has existed it has perpetuated the growth of science, math and technology and overall improved the human condition.
America was great when we held onto free market ideologies and had a small competent government of volunteers.
early to mid 90s
america is still great though
i think the idea that anyone can be american as long as they hold to a certain set of values is a great thing that you can only find here.
sure illegals should be kicked out, and legal immigration limited, but i don't feel the country has declined much, in fact we have improved in many ways.
In what ways have you improved?
Fag rights? Feminism? Less white people? More liberals/marxists? More corrupt media? More deep state influence? Higher taxes? Funding ISIS? More money to Israel?
Come on, dude, what the fuck are you smoking?
well we just elected trump and republicans have more power now than they did since the 1920s.
plus you could argue the decadence of the 1950s led to the 60s and the liberal revolutions. the future back then was heading towards the left, but now we are heading right again.
as far as gay rights, i do support that because it is none of my business, but i am against feminism and islam.
and i believe there are more white people in today's america than in 1950, they have grown too, it is just we have welcomed others which has made the nation better in many places. look at how diverse texas is, and it is great, and not anti-white.
America is great because America is good
You would grandma
From July 4, 1776 up until September 18, 1947
The real question is why aren't you in Berkeley right now defending the women and the elderly at march4trump from violent leftists?
Electing Trump isn't a legitimate claim to having improved things.
The only reason Trump got elected was because of how bad things are in the US.
What you are saying is that essentially EVERYTHING has gone worse and worse, and Trump might be able to fix it.
>as far as gay rights, i do support that
You're completely clueless.
Gay right doesn't simply mean that fags can have civil partnerships. It also includes things like getting people's lives ruined because their (Christian) religion doesn't allow them to service gays. ''Gay rights'' also allow fags to adopt children, which are sexually abused at insanely high numbers.
''Gay rights'' also allows people in New York to arrest people who don't acknowledge the 31+ gender pronouns.
>Industrial powerhouse of the 20th century
>A nation that valued family above all else
>Created the most powerful army in the history of mankind in such a short period of time
>Every citizen understood the threat of communism and the International Jewish threat to sovereignty
When/why it stopped being great.
>After the cold war
>Communist plants in Hollywood and Academia sow the seeds of cultural marxism
>Corrupt music industry which promoted the music of Negroes because they were cheaper to keep under contract
>Slave mentality is spread to the masses along with slave/master mentality that pits citizen against citizen in a non-existent class/ethnic struggle
>The perversion of Freedom into cultural marxism (minorities deserve more representation because they are disadvantaged)
>Sexual revolution destroys family unit
>Desegregation leads to brain drain within black communities, intelligent blacks deal business with the more profitable whites while they remain segregated by class in ghettos
These are hard redpills to swallow, but they are undoubtedly true..
America was great when it was the leading exporter. A time where a worker could quit a job and start a new one the same day, and both the poor and immigrants could pick up work and not rely on welfare.
i think the demographic change was inevitable because most whites like other groups and wanted the nation to be more diverse though
as for gay rights, it is just none of the government's business. i say it is fine for christian businesses not to accept gays but the state should do so.
America was great when wealth was much more greatly distributed among the populace. Plenty of work, low bar to entry, and a respectable living was to be had by many. The American Dream was a reality for so many more than today.
The Democrats knew that Trump hit a nerve because he did not invent this idea that things were once better. He basically reappropriated Obama's "Hope and Change" and took it from them. They knew that their candidate's message was absolute dog shit compared to something positive like Trump's and so they had to go and shit on the idea that things were ever good. Divide the people by race, sex, and orientation and you can convince many that America was never good for anyone if you pick the right demographic.
But the heartlands of America saw through these poisonous ideas. Blacks and Mexicans and Gays and Women alike had their MAGA outliers to boot. Not everyone that the Dems appeal to bought into the idea that there is or was no greatness in America. They realized that Trump never said that MAGA was exclusive to straight, white men. Trump campaigned on an economically inclusive America and deep down everyone who voted Democrat remembers these dashed hopes given to them by Obama and cannot tolerate the opposing team giving the same promise. So they create division while preaching diversity.
What the fuck does it even mean for the government not having any business with ''gay rights''? How can you idiots be this clueless? You don't even know what you're talking about. Just throwing out meaningless buzzwords.
Why should the government interfere and re-define marriage to be between two men?
She's an elegant goddess. I don't think it's possible to put those two words together with very many women now.
you really think blacks were better as second class citizens back in the 50s?
i mean, i'm not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination, but having fire hoses and dogs turned on me by the police because i wanted to go to an integrated school was not a good thing.
it's one thing to say "enough division" but it is also another thing to pretend race relations were utopian prior to the 1960s. they clearly weren't and most blacks don't want to go back to that kind of living.
because marriage in america is a civil procedure, and is not a religious ceremony.
no churches should be compelled to marry gays, but i believe secular judges should if gays want it.
Why should the government interfere and re-define marriage to be between two men?
because we have equal treatment of all citizens guaranteed by the constitution. since marriage is a secular procedure, it should be open to all citizens regardless of orientation.
i am against all religious influence in law. i find it funny that some want christianity in our laws yet would never want islam. but that is exactly why we have secularism, it prevents both.
1890 to 1963ish. America was self determined, enterprising, showed propriety, and didn't victimize itself. It was what it was and said "oh yeah? So what!" To the world.
we still have that though. isn't trump a big fuck you to globalism? we can still be great.
Reagan- and Trump-era.
>Reagan kicking commie ass and prosperous economics
>Trump kicking Muslim ass and prosperous economics
it was a great thing. blacks have proven time and, time again as a whole they need a boot on their neck to behave. sorry man, it's the truth and, you know it. It's too bad for the ones that can behave.
Before political correctness took over.
America was great after the first civil war.
You're not answering the question, you absolute retard. It's all just ''muh Christianity!'' brainwashing you are spewing.
You haven't got the slightest clue what marriage even is.
Even the most gay-friendly society to ever exist (ancient Greece) never acknowledged gay ''marriage'' to be a thing.
You're talking like a complete low IQ madmad.
There is no such thing as a same sex marriage.
Say "America was great when things were improving instead of getting worse".
This is actually a reasonable, achievable and optimistic message, and it is unifying as it doesn't exclude any group of people at all. "Improvement" is also a pretty natural thing, like in tech etc. so Making America Great Again can also mean putting it back on its natural path (i.e. The dankest timeline praise Kek).
Here is my question.
When did it become the norm to have casual sex out of wedlock and try to lose your virginity as early as possible? Why and when did women become sluts?
maybe you feel that way, but do you think most blacks want to go back to that? of course not. and we never will go back to segregation.
integration is the future of american society, whether one likes it or not. the best thing we can do is attempt to get blacks on our side, and i think we are stating to do so since trump won more of them than a usual republican would.
1776 - 2008, 2016 -
t. janis sucking ivan cock over in riga
Damn, almost got quads!
yes there is same sex marriage as the government has control over the marriage laws.
in the past, humans ate and killed each other over stupid things. we never drove cars either. people and things change. should we go back to riding horses because our ancestors never drove cars? saying "we always did it this way" is not an argument against change.
What an argument
Are you nuts. We didn't think America was amazing we thought America was capitalist trash. We were praising Russia and Cuba as the pinnacle of civilization.
Or so it was until we got americanized
>yes there is same sex marriage as the government has control over the marriage laws.
That's the fucking point, you complete retard
Back to my question
Why should the government interfere and re-define marriage to be between two men?
When was anywhere at anytime ever great?
Theres always an issue somewhere.
because all citizens should have the opportunity to get married per equality under the law
It's because Trump shall usher us into a golden age, reforming what it means to be American by promoting a return to traditional, moral values and reconnecting with our Anglo-Dutch roots. We'll embark upon our own 'Final Solution' which includes [the] mass deportations of Mestizo's, therefore making America truly white once more accompanied by promoting wholesome conservative families, upon seizing the media, the image of the "wholesome working white man" shall return too.
From that point on, we'll possibly set our sights to the stars.
Are you ready Sup Forums? You're about to see something wonderful.
When was it better is the question
Federal Reserve Act + Welfare state + Federal student aid + death of protectionist trade + taking in millions of low skill, low IQ immigrants on top of our already brain dead black population, both of which abuse all of the above at the expense of taxpayers and drive down wages + constant warfare since WWII becoming a massive tax burden + libshits making it even worse with attempts at socialized health care
It's a miracle this country hasn't collapsed already
the 50s had the greatest economic prosperity in our nation's history
That doesn't answer the question, you absolute retard.
Everyone already can get married under the law.
You are asking to re-define marriage to not be marriage anymore.
Why should the government interfere and re-define marriage to be between two men?
Never. America is evil and should be bombed just like its army bombed the shit out of middle east and mentally destroyed once traditional Europe. Europe is cucked and liberal because of America, east is destabilized because of America. All this post WW2 american propaganda was a preparation for mental genocide of Europe and our traditional values, just like they want to do it now to muslim countries. FUCK YOU USA
homosexuals are a danger and a burden to society.
why does marriage need to only be between a man and a woman?
definitions can change over time. letting two men get married is not harmful, in fact it could benefit gays by making them more monogamous.
if you want to complain about people bastardizing marriage, men and women have a 50% divorce rate here in the states. they've ruined it enough.
>what is a good answer to this question?
the 1950 when the top lawman was a tranny
Dumb croat, the burgers only did that shit because of the Jews
When we still ate ass like corn pudding
We were great, not perfect. There have always been things that could have been better. However, we used to be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the world. The biggest industry, the closest to equal rights, the best infrastructure. The place that other countries would look to and wish they were. Now? We aren't.
When America had the Womans role, the Mans role, the families role, God's role, and the morals.
Real answer: Marriage is for raising a family. The benefits gained from it (the tax breaks, etc), are in order to raise and support a family. Gays rarely have families, and they shouldn't have families. Mentally ill individuals should not be raising children.
drone strike on its way Turk, give your family a eulogy
You know Audrey was a belge arisocrat right?
America was great when it was a White Christian nation by and for White Christians. The people were healthier, streets were safer, and there was actually a sense of community. Families sat down for dinner nightly, parents actually raised their children. The only way to return to that is to start doing it. Start having children. Don't give a shit about what your friends say. Instead laugh at them when you're both 40 years and you have a wife and kids and a stable household and all they have is a crummy apartment and a xanax addiction
It's always been greater than any other country
So 1776-Present
It was great when it gained its independence from, at the time, the largest empire in the world. It was great when it welcomed millions of European and Asian immigrants during the industrial revolution. It was great when it helped out the allies take down Nazi Germany during WWII. It was great when it nuked Japan in WWII to prevent a million more deaths than if the war was fought on land. It was great when it sent billions of dollars of aid to reconstruct Europe after the devastation of WWII.
And then, Vietnam happened. Then hippies showed up, and then the placement of puppet presidents of Arab nations happened, and Muslim retaliation happened. And then, America felt like it owned the world and tried to make everything behave like it wanted.
It doesn't ''need'' to be. It's what it is.
There is no such thing as marriage between two men.
> letting two men get married is not harmful
1) It's not marriage
2) letting two men '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''marry''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' allows them to adopt children, which get raped and/or killed by the the insane homos
america is/always has been great
if it's not then why would non-whites have fought in the revolution willingly? why would Frederick Douglass have cited the founding document of the country that made him a slave if it wasn't great? why would people gobally aspire to live here, even in country that we have blown up and destroyed, such as Vietnam and Iraq? why did the rest of the globe give a crap about our fucking electios when most americans have no idea who marine le pen even is?
this is the greatest country of all fucking time, suck my nuts
>gay rights
Here's the thing about this. I am saying this as a gay man.
When it comes down to it, one of the biggest things that the Obama Administration did for America was that it promoted alternative lifestyles as "normal" or "encouraged." I.e. gay rights, the trans debacle...
Let's be real here, being gay isn't what is supposed to happen. Or at least, I don't think it is. ALSO that doesn't mean one needs to be ashamed of it. ALSO the fact that you don't need to be ashamed of it doesn't mean that you should promote this as a way of life that someone else might enjoy or benefit from. There's no benefit from being a faggot. Or a tranny.
1 post by this id
I agree with you for the most part, but definitions changing has ruined alot of things like sex being "a social construct"
>making gays more monogamous
Literally never going to happen
Not an expert in these matters but that would stand to reason.
Reagan legalized a shitload of immigrants forever turning commeifornia blue, leading us to our current situation.
You actually understand what a marriage is.
It's a legal agreement for a man and a woman to give up certain legal rights for the sake of children.
That is all a marriage is.
is being gay a mental illness? Like do you have a source for that claim?