Prove your not a blonde follower. Give onety citric you have of Trump. I'll start: he hasn't got repeating digs in a while
Prove your not a blonde follower. Give onety citric you have of Trump...
He's white
Wow fuck you.
straight and male
he loves the kikes too much
>those weak ass fucking jabs
top kek, someone post the webm of him getting knocked out with a single hit
This was a satin thread. You took it way too fucking far. Reported and deported. I hope ahchmed burns your house with his dick up your cats ass while you can do nothing because your mother is allowing it to happen. Suck my dick you tatorious dick.
Yeah, he's a huwite jew-loving demon
fuck off back to new cuba and stay there
Is that Florida? Sorry not familiar with illegal problem specifically
Not a blonde follower, have lots of citrus. Sup Forums is satin you tater.
Thread moving so fast no one will notice this was a troll threads. Canada strikes again.
you ever think,"wow, canadians are cucks"
They're not even alike and trudeau is blue eyed faggot
>one critique you have of Trump
He only one because of rural and suburban retards
his mom has blue eyes
and he looks a lot more like fidel than pierre
Why the fuck is the he pooring more money into the military? We don't need to be policing other countries and fucking around in the middle East. Let's protect our own boarders. Stop fucking bombing the Middle East and stop creating more terrorism.
poo in lou is that jew?
>those two people don't look alike
And if Fidel carried the blue eyed gene he could have blue eyed kids dipshit
your slums must not have very good schools god help your shitty country
*gets knocked out*
looks like you lost this round trudeau
Shoo, we don't need these threads.
>punching with open fists
Not a shill, but boxers do that when shsdowboxing. JFYI
thought this was a tranny at first
I'm a brunette.