Reminder how the transgenders and gays should be treated.
Reminder how the transgenders and gays should be treated
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This is more degenerate than trannies.
seemed quite homoerotic
Why give him a bottle , dumb.
Trannies and fags should be summarily executed swiftly and without remorse.
But torturing them while whooping like a bunch of niggers is degenerate as fuck, the fuckers in this video should be hanged too.
Nice camera work.
Seems like repressed homosexuality to me
Maybe if their government would let them fuck each other in the ass this wouldnt happen, bet that guy went home and simultaneously wanked and cried in the shower
This is what we need to do to reddit.
>Trannies and fags should be summarily executed swiftly and without remorse.
Edgy as fuck
real russian men
Reminder anime and cartoons are the root cause
>being attracted to 2d traps is gay
This is absurd.
Satisfying, but nowhere near as good as that nigger throwing that tranny faggot on the ground and stomping his skull into the pavement.
If that piece of shit lived, he'll never wear a skirt or vote democrap again.
It looked like that tranny was playing Dark Souls for the first time.
A reminder that Russia is our enemy
Sadly enough, this is completely necessary. Degeneration-enablers like you are the reason for why this is happening. It's entirely your fault.
Violence wouldn't be necessary if we were still living in a time in which people are too scared of losing their reputation to present their perversion to the public.
Sure, but they produce a decent amount of online content.
I think people like that need therapy, not beatings.
>be German
>talk about degenerate enablers
Hang yourself on this € please
It's pretty hard to justify assaulting someone (a crime) who is just minding their own business and not provoking someone
why are russians so barbarian? are they in the stone age?
No they're not.
u mad?
Reminder that you are a domestic enemy too
Soon all of America will resemble this
I think à therapy is better
The worse about trans people is that, in France, their "transformation" is paid with the french taxes
Whats "дaвaиy" mean? I hear it a lot but I cant find it anywhere.
Reminder that Sup Forums is a homosexual board and Canada is the gayest flag of all.
bretty gudd
Every tranny and fag deserves a curb stomp.
Try again in some other thread, ShariaBlue, you're standing out like a sore thumb with your inability to correctly greentext and remind.
>people can't public express their sexuality anymore
what is freedom
russian men are hidden homosexuals.
Underrated post.
you mean дaвaй eмy?
because I've never heard your word
t. oil wrestler
show boi pussy
This would of been a hate crime here
No krautcock, only you should be treated like this.
full vid?
Russian traps are very cute I think
sauce please
t. Kiddie fiddling transgender Turkroach
Slap a Slav
Davaï: allez! ou vas-y!
Says fucking Brazil.
Why the hell did they give him the bottle?
By the looks of it, just some tranny thinking they're hard but then they get fucked after badmouthing the wrong bloke.
ur scandinavian, you should show boipussy
to shove up his ass
This never gets old. This never got much attention because the attacker is black. haha
Yeah I guess that's it, I still cant find anything about it though.
I rest my case.
After that IDK who the bigger faggot was the nigger or the tranny.....
Makes sense
tranny was being a faggot antagonizing based blackie
If that's it, it means "give him"
I the context of a fight "give him your fist/beat him up"
Germany wrecking Europe for the third time in 100 years
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
don't be a grumpy old man, I'm just funposting
Please tell me tranny died
If trannies are mentally ill, how is this any different than beating up a schizophrenic person?
Gross, I dislike trannies but I don't think assault should happen.
Trannies can be trannies, don't bring it into the government.
dead tranny and imprisoned nigger
Well, I can only speak for faggots, but we're getting guns now.
Turns out when a random Islamist tries to bash you, a 1911 with HP rounds seems to ruin its day.
projecting much?
Shit like this is why conservatives lost the culture war. Autists like the idiots in tvis thread go full retard
It's not Sup Forums has a bunch of edgy faggots browsing today who share an equal level of intellect as a pack of wild niggers. They preach freedom of this, that and the other, but when they get their fee-fees hurt they turn to "HURR HOPE THAT FAGGOT DIED HURR" or "UR FREEDUM STOPS WURE MAH FEELINGS BEGIN"
So stupid.
Billions of dollars of pro gay propaganda is what lost the culture war.
Checks out
sure they are, shekelstein
>MtF in America
>Someone tries to beat me up just for being trans
>Health care professional who probably contributes more to society than they do
>Shoot them dead
>Won't even get to court because of hate crime and stand your ground
Sup Forums loves to be edgy neckbeards that talk about how they'll go on witch hunts for transfolk but most of you either beat it to traps or would injure yourselves trying to climb out of bed since your legs are so unused to carrying your fat body
>muh moral superiority
>kill anyone that isn't exactly like me
Never change
Russia may be a shithole but at least they handle gays the right way, the way they fuck up this nigger faggot is funny.
Couldn't agree more, pic related.
o-of course not, don't get weird ideas
Bottom section meant for
>d-don't hurt people it's not nice
You realise this type of stuff is nothing compared to what should be happening, right?
Bet the tranny was humiliated but turned on due to a twisted domination fetish.
Why else would you want to wear a dress and sexy panties? Clearly that trap wants a power fucking.
Tranny getting rekt, lol
t. Hillary
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums faggot.
>has the right to talk about projecting
Pick one and only one.
Schizophrenics dont like to push their disease onto others or fight for its normalization in society
>4 onto 1
Oooooh, you brave boys.
Hitler would be so proud, etc.
If I was there, you'd get a solid fucking kicking, and I'm not even hard.
Not impressed by this display of barbarism, Sup Forums. Not at all.
If you want to live in a world where everyone has to be exaxctly like you, think like you, dress like you...fuck off to China.
You degenerate monkeys need to die. Brazil needs to be made white again.
I cannot abide by them stealing from the fag. Corrective violence is ok but stealing is nigger tier behavior.
>implying Sup Forums hasn't been on a recruiting campagin for the past 2 years, for useful idiots and degenerate masses so real fascists can enact their greater plans
Even Trump, the 90s democract adulteress, is just a sledgehammer to be used against the current social narrative. As it's always been through out history, the natural born rebels who so eagerly latched onto a movement.... Will be the first to go once the plan has succeeded.
kek, ok obama.
The part where they dragged him around by his thong was hilarious. This is what it's going to take to end the plague that is trannies.
I'm white believe it or not. But so what? People shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin.
That's not a tranny. That's an crossdresser.
God you guys are idiots.
an AGP crossdresser*
Thanks m8.