Drumpfkins BTFO

Drumpfkins BTFO

Will he ever recover?

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>"We have not spied on anyone."
>t. the guilty party

Almost got an aneurysm.

>Obama's mere utterances is reality

Get Obama's dick out of your mouth, shill.

>BREAKING NEWS: Former Obama administration employee says Obama administration did nothing wrong.


Holy shit if you're going to lie, lie big, I guess?


Obama's been a political terrorist/"organizer" for decades. He's basically a highly trained political sabateur and provocateur. fuck him. his execution will be met with quiet applause.

> trump has a wittle baby nightmare at 3am
> wakes up and tweets it as fact

>...but we may have collected some information "incidentally" :^)

Fresh OC, y'all, come and get it.

I'm not a smart man but didn't Nixon say something similar about Watergate?

Trump is literally Hitler.

Sounds like a lie to me.

Chocolate jesus never lies.

>if you like your plan, you can keep it.

>Trump makes accusation without evidence
No proof, can't be real! Drumpfs a stupid liar he's unhinged, IMPEACH!

>Obama official makes a claim to counter Trump's original claim also with zero evidence to back the claim up

He says he really didn't do it! DROOMF BTFO

>obama spokesman
>he has to get a pr lawyer to deny the claim for him
guilty as fuck

Here it comes, the masterstroke.

Obama is going to jail.

Yeah people seem to forget that he was in ACORN which was a pretty radical left leaning activist organization which advocated for some pretty radical and detrimental activism.

he didnt make any claim. he said any claims were false. that sounds more like

>"ever ordered surveillance on any US citizen"
Uhm, hello~
>What is the NSA

Most obvious fake news ever. Sad!

>Do you plead guilty to brutally raping and murdering this woman and her 4 year old son?
>I dindu nuffin
>Ok carry on you're good


holy fuck shit
that was their response?
that is real?

holy shit king nigger is going to prison

I find that statement hard to believe, his staff never ordered some terror suspect or leaker who had US citizenship to be spied on?

>Spokesperson for the accused proclaims "nuh-uh"

How can Drumpf ever recover from such a proverbial smash

Well, no - you need to understand, that in the case you described, they were not investigating any US citizens - but instead possible criminals / terrorists whatevs.
In that vein, I would like to bring to your attention, that our former great leader, did not specifically imprison "Jewish People" in the KZ's - but instead only those under the suspicion of being traitors to germany. Most of which, for (((some unexplainable circumstance))) proved to be of jewish descent / faith.

But obama, you drone striked an American citizen. How did you know where he was then? How did you aim the missile? Did you turn the drone cams off?