Prove you're not racist Sup Forums
Prove you're not racist Sup Forums
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I'll just hire the best one.
I can't
Ok, I will hire the person on the right to work for my plantations.
Am I a racist now?
>hiring the one who is statistically more intelligent and less criminal is evil
this planet lol
>hire one
>doesn't show qualifications
are they even trying?
That ad is more racist and demeaning to both whites and blacks than anyone who will ever read it because it suggests that whites are inherently racist or superior and blacks are inferior and need to be helped
The ad basically says if you don't hire the black one you're a racist, right, so completely disregard that maybe the position is for a doctor and the white guy graduated with a 4.0 GPA and full honors and partnerships and the black guy could be fresh off the boat from kenya and kind of sort thinks he understands how to use scalpels and will kill any patient he touches
Literally anyone in the world who is a manager that isn't a far leftist will hire the most qualified candidate based on experience and interview and will not be able to make a decision instantly just by looking at two faces
If you don't hire the black one immediately you HATE BLACKS AND NEED TO SENT TO TOLERANCE CAMPS
If you do hire the black one immediately you are amazing and wonderful and tolerant and accepting to all races and genders because you hired the black one by virtue only of the fact that he's black and don't see any further past than skin color
Holy shit liberalism is a plague and I'm glad I'm not in Canada where I'm told I'm a racist for...not being racist
Why am I even typing this nobody will care
>Can I see your papers please?
>I'm going to hire Mr.White here cause he is more qualified
>Yo you be racist nigga for not hiring the black man! I'm taking this to the CBC
kek even robots know Miss Helsinki was bullshit
>Why am I even typing this nobody will care
The easy-going one , white guy on the left, look at his eyes. Black guy is tensed up, waiting for a fight, as always.
the left is the obvious choice but i must process further to determine jewishness....
I care. Try living here. The suppression of free speech and thought policing is real. Kind of feels like I'm drowning 24/7.
That picture doesn't even list their resume or skill set, how the fuck can I make a choice to hire one?
>hire sociopath looking greasy, smelly, dumb nigger
>hire Joe
Really makes me go hmmm
>Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
The gentleman to the right.
To clarify, the position I need filled is that of a dindu gibs rapist.
>Prove you're not racist
But I am
What are the odds both of my interviewees show up needing a haircut yesterday?
What are their qualifications? What job am I hiring for?
If I need to hire a point guard then I'll take the black guy.
I fucking identify as a racist. There's nothing to prove.
The black man
Whitey doesn't shave
I wouldn't hire either of them, and I wouldn't hire you either you fucking leaf.
I'll hire the guy on the left, the guy on the right stole my car radio last week....
>brown eyes
Sorry, we're not hiring.
I eat ass like corn pudding
right is a nigger, but left is potential arab... so I would just wait for a white candidate
not until I see their resumes and conduct at least an interview. Ability and attitude is all that matters.
The one without a criminal record will get the job. Also the one with college acceptance based on merit and not color will get the job.
So to cut through the chase, the white guy will always be the best choice.
Can someone explain capitalism to me, why can't I hire whoever I want, if I do not want "smart" nigger, cripple, women or whomever why should I feel bad? Other people will hire them and I will "lose" because I didn't want to hire good workers because of their skin or whatnot
my business my rules, why are capitalist societist so communist
With no CV? Fuck off.
Regardless of the premise that both have the same credentials, I'd hire the guy that's more relatable to my clientele and area of business if we're talking about low-medium wage work.
Fuck hiring based on bullshit what the CBC and these non-profit awareness tax blackholes thinks Canada should look like.
We should just develop AI and let the machines enslave humanity and purge all shitskins
But I am. I am a full-on racist.
thanks ocasi
god damn thats not real is it? i've seen the other ones so i wouldn't be too surprised?
The right
Left, racism is real and it's real for a reason. I don't wanna hire right, then wait a week and have to hire left anyways.
>Hiring men
I do, senpai.
>Prove you're not racist Sup Forums
I am a racist and there's literally nothing wrong with that.
Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
>Muslims are part of Toronto.
Kek, are they trying to warn you?
I'm sorry but not sorry there's only like maybe 1 percent of the black population maybe 2% that actually works hard and enjoys work. the rest despise work an complain either verbally or with bodily expression they just want the money without the work that's why alot of them turn to drug dealing cause they get money an are able to just think about muh dick. everyone living in the real world knows this
>Implying racism is bad.
What are their resumes? What is the job? How can I hire someone without knowing that?
>renting to women
All landlords I know just dump their application in the trash. Theyre guaranteed to bring up issues and skip rent.
Statistically, the one on the left is probably more intelligent and more valuable than the one on the right
>Beware! Mudslimes are part of the city!
While I freely admit that I don't want one of my daughters marrying a nigger, in the workplace I'd hire the most qualified candidate. That's all about making my life easier.
This type of thing is way too long to have any impact. No ones going to read all that bullshit
I'd hire the one who is statistically less likely to be a thief, murderer, rapist, raging sociopath etc.
Then that would be the one on the left...
I'd rent to the one who is statistically less likely to a scumbag with no concept of accountability for their actions.
If you by racist mean that i recognize my own race as different from other peoples, then i'm a racist. Is that wrong? Are you a racist if you acknowledge a pitbull is different from a bulldog?
Then that would be the one on the right....
Is that kony?
what happens if someone picks the black? is that anti white?
they're implying picking the white is anti black
How am I supposed to hire someone without any information ?
Neither since neither of them is white.
theres a lot of information avaliable i nthat picture.
You can't be racist to white people.
>This is what people actually believe.
redpill reporting in. im with you user....
The guy without bloodshot eyes.
I love watermelon and grape soda + I wave to the chink that lives down the street when he says hello.
It doesn't even fucking shoh if they have hands or legs, how the fuck can the deliver my goods if they're limbless.
i'll go with the one whose population isn't responsible for the majority of the crime.
this is called risk analysis.
purge all humans*
i let my gf get fucked by a nigro and let a bike unchained so he could run away easier
one of them is on drugs you can tell by their eyes.
Why would I? Racism makes sense. Pretending all groups are equal does not.
guy on the right.
t. cotton farmer
hire the guy whos better what the hell pls
since you cant tell by the face this is a trick question which only proves the racism of the creator of the poster, and his own assumptions
Look at his eyes.
>maybe you would like to reconsider?
I can't have a junkie driving my delivery truck and handling my costumers or my money, fuck that. I will also need five personal references and two letters of recomendation.
Carl, Skrillex and Maddie, what a day that was.
Fucking E Stone knows what's up
Left is Mexican/Right is Inner City
>hire the guy whos better what the hell pls
You don't understand how hiring works in Canada. You sit behind a screen beside another person who applied for the position. Then the screen is pulled up really fast and the employer is hit in the face with a trout by someone who then screams, "Quick, hire one!" Then they have 3 seconds to decide before the screen comes down and it's illegal to hire either of them.
You know what thats just crazy enough for canada to be believable.
>Atleast it is not crazy like getting rid of all your gold.
>why not both.jpg
tough times running a company in Canada eh
illegal to hire whites in canada.
Does either man have the prerequisite ATF type-20 license, or at minimum a type-54?
Does a Degree from Baghdad count ?
I think i just made a list for googling that shit man, fuck you.
Nah don't worry Mexico was already on the list.
>brown eyes
pick one
>Quick, hire one.
Said nobody ever.
What kind of fucking business do you Lefties run?
Given the undeniable statistics and studies that show niggers are disproportionately criminals and also have a lower IQ, I'd go with the white guy if I had to stupidly choose on a whim.
I'm drafting a basketball team. Who's privileged now?
I hear niggers make 0 cents for every dollar a white man makes.
Sounds like a pretty easy decision to me, assuming it's a low-skill position.
Neither cause they showed up with zero credentials and I'm hiring someone to take up a position in a nuclear power plant.
>have to be quick ICE is on its way.
I'll hire the white one, because
1) There are almost no black in Russia, so the white guy is more likely to have the appropriate documents to work here; I don't want to fuck with the immigration authorities
2) The guy on the left is statistically more likely to have a good education and experience
Libs are gonna says I'm racist? Who gives a shit, we don't have libtards in Russia.
Holy shit. They are even using the Implicit Bias Test in advertisements.
You have to watch this!
>Quick, Hire One
They do realize this is not a thing, right?