Sup Forums btfo
Haha! The Alt-Right is FINISHED
I can beat the shit out of 99% of people and can take a punch.
So not btfo
That's what this bald faggot thought before getting shot in the guts
He's still shitting in a colostomy bag
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Thinking you can silence free speech with violence=reddit faggot.
>I can beat the shit out of 99% of people and can take a punch.
>So not btfo
If you commit acts of violence against others then you should be prepared to have acts of violence to be done to you.
sage has been disabled for a long time dude
>What is Police
Everybody can throw a punch. Not everyone can take them.
tfw openly racist.
>Get looks
>put on a hard face and look them in the eye until they look away.
99% of people in this world are literal cowards.
>deeming anyone with a different political opinion racist, then deciding that's justification for physical assault
no, you're terrorists and you deserve to go to jail for this. Trump supporters aren't out punching Clintonites, even though they're fucking obnoxious poorly raised parasite trash.
nor was it safe for niggers to play the fool around the police, just cause the president was black
Right Wing Fag Squads BTFO
Its not suddenly ok to block streets because others are doing it.
You're a fucking retard if you actually think that. How many times was Trump "finished" in the election? The Alt-Right can't die, because you retards have used racist, nazi, misogynist, etc. to the point where they mean nothing anymore.
I get a partial chub every time I see that Nazi get punched.
>I get a partial chub every time I see that Nazi get punched
That's the closest you've gotten to a full erect in years.
kek has spoken
That's not what your mom said.
This will happen if you don't stop.
i cant wait for civil war to begin. so many dead liberals.
2/10 for effort
that's factually not true
The cops are on the side of Americans now, not niggers and antifas. If there's a situation they'll believe the account of the Trump supporter, not the commie faggot who tried to kick his ass.
Lay a finger on a Trump supporter and you're the one gonna spend the next year upstate for assault being gangraped by the Aryan Nation, not us.
Welcome to the real world where actions have consequences, faggot.
Sounds like they want us to create an SA.
Getting jumped by a bunch of cowards in masks is very different to a 1 on 1
I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.
First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.
Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.
If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.
>be antifa
>start a fight with neo-nazis
Hey, lets cut the crap here. I'll gladly 1v1 fight anyone who has a problem with my political views enough to want violence upon me.
>>Keep Fantasy Army on /k/
>1 post by this ID
guyz plz he's not even a leaf or a cunt
self bumping (by OP) has been disabled
But your mom gave me a 10/10.
Here's some antifa that get real close to death. Stabbed the fuck up when they outnumbered 30-1.
>dear person who has an opinion which doesn't agree with mine
>we will act violently because somehow that is good behavior and just
The irony of these nazi haters is hysterical
Sage and report the sliders.
What's gayer: not willing to fight for your ideology or willing to fight for it? Muh respectability is why the right has been losing for decades.
Enjoy being sued. Attacking 'racists' (which honestly, the left calls everybody that doesn't agree with them that now) isn't considered constritional like self-defence laws.
This is what happens when you snowflakes think you can spread your marxism in public.
>muh b8ers are CIA
>openly racist in public
What did they say or do that was openly racist in public?
Litigation, oy vey!
I don't think Trump is "racist" but his rhetoric does attract those kind of people. It obviously makes sense that e.g. illegal immigrants are breaking the law, but it doesn't mean all immigrants are breaking the law or do some shady shit.
Its not okay for niggers to be violent, we have cops you don't
grow up wannabe tough guy. Anyone who actually has been in a real fight, sucker punched etc knows that violence is the last act. These niggers start with it as their first act because there is no substance in their false beliefs.
What color are you?
That's what a gun is for. Conceal to carry. Shoot because you felt your life was threatened.
Voila. Dead nigger lovers.
I'm open as a Trump supporter in SoCal, I get nasty looks all the time but you know what I do? I stare them back and give them back a nasty look. I know who has the capacity to fight and who doesn't. I don't back down. If they get mad, Idgaf. I haven't had anyone come up to me either, cowards.
>pic related , after calling out antifa I patiently waited
For People You Call Snowflakes The Right Gets BTFO By Them Allot.
Maybe you should train or at least deadlift so you aren't so scared of adrenaline. If you aren't ready to bleed for your morality - enjoy the leftward ratchet. Or maybe you're a relativist like they are?
So you're a nigger? Or a mud skin?
Because the only people who think spouting preposterous claims about ones mothers is an insult, are Arabs and Congoids.
Their mothers actually really are whores for white cock.
Which are you?
what happens when you meet the other 1%?
So I can punch SJWs and BLM supporters as well? I don't like their opinion so I can punch them too.
we wuz vigilantes n shit
Yes faggot that's the point.
Hopefully more to follow. Kill all nigger and spic defending antifags
This only supports us. It proves you dumb grape soda chugging niggers can't stop chimping out.
This is how Europeans deals with these people
bringing a fist to a gun fight is a sure way to end your life early
Hahaha. You're so stupid you don't know what racism looks like.
Nice. Have a Russian vid to square up another continent.
I was in the german UFC branch.
Since I'm 12, I've been taught "do not attack, wait for him to touch you and then kill it."
So, are you really misconstruing being calm with getting fucked up?
You're in for a lot of surprises my friend.
Dems are violent, it seems. Stay on their good side, shill, or you'll end up like Seth Rich. This is a public safety warning from Sup Forums.
>alt-rigth=Sup Forums
fuck those cucks in the alt-rigth and their jewish masters
>republicans losing
lol what happened early morning November 9th
This just proves that most Sup Forumsfags are The_Donald newfags from reddit.
It blows my mind how lefties justify violence as response to ideas and opinions. When they resort into punches, it just means they're out of arguments. Not one of the punched "nazis" had been practicing anything illegal, yet these moral warriors seem to think it's A-OK to go around throwing punches.
Imagine if that Richard Spencer guy had died from that punch, he would had become martyr for alt-right, and that would had been a major boost for alt-right.
so based on their appearance they were asking for it? really deactivates my atoms
White people
>please just leave my country
I'm wondering who's actively promoting genocide here.
So are we in the clear for killing off all nonwhites and liberals then?
BTW antifa and faggotry like it are why many American minorities now support trump and want to defend white western culture. And we would Die to defend it from commie undesirables
This is a p neat series idea DESU senpai.
Kill the nonwhites and liberals.
Wtf I'm out off Sup Forums crazy ride
Minorities in general are being tired of being kicked around by the Left and Democrats, they have been for decades.
>Imagine if that Richard Spencer guy had died from that punch
I can't. I just can't imagine a scenario where a literal cuck from antifa throws a punch hard enough to kill a man. Seriously, the faggot got a running start and sucker punched him, and it didn't even mess up his hair.
These are people who have no idea how to fight. They didn't even roughhouse when they were children.
You do realize that once it's okay to hit a person with whom you disagree that it also goes the other way round?
Thanks nigger.
We actually only dislike people who destroy society, it just so happens most of these people fall in your camps.
We are not racist, we just want to kill everybody who wants to kill us.
>he can beat the shit out of someone
That is a nice slogan.
It's not suddenly safe to be openly stupid in public just because one guy got sucker-punched.
I have a gun. You don't.
He's your father, Hans
>antifas throw a few sucker punches and think they're hot shit
>actually try to fight 'fascists' with a 10-1 advantage and get BTFO, have to get bailed out by the cops
>that brown thing to the right
what a genetic train wreck, jesus christ
also saged for slide thread
>Pretending like libtards are more violent than cuckservatices.
Your White an Weak and Soon Will Be Extinct
my MAGA hat should arrive on monday.
will be interesting to see if anyone dares to fuck with me.
New thread, lads BALT/pol/
They demonstrably are.
They have no principles - they have feelings and visceral reactions, which is what virtually all human violence functions out of.