>macron 30 point lead over la pen in polls
>but hurr durr la pen will win XDDDD
Face it, you're looking at the 25th President of France.
>macron 30 point lead over la pen in polls
>but hurr durr la pen will win XDDDD
Face it, you're looking at the 25th President of France.
Other urls found in this thread:
>still believing in polls after 2016
> centered and resonable candidate
> charismatic and intelligent
> has yet to be accused of financial fraud like le pen and Filion
Why is this a bad thing?
>le macaron
That lead has already shrunk after his comments on colonialism
And regardless, there's a real chance he might not even make the second round, especially if Hamon and Melenchon put aside their differences and run together
There is very little room in politics anymore for the imagined middle ground that Macron represents
Yes he is our next
President of France
Emperor of European Union of Sovereign States
Boy this sounds familiar.
> Le radical centrist maverick meme
> Le there is no French culture but a plurality of cultures in France meme
> Le muh colonialism meme
Fuck him, he's a puppet for the kike bankers. If he gets the job, just nuke us.
Not at all comparable. If anything Hillary was the equivalent of Hollande - immensely unlikeable, supposedly left-wing candidate offering half measures to save an economy choking on its own largess. Macron is likeable and capable of delivering his message, and if Fillon hadn't had his scandal I think he would have won as well.
Le pen is more of a walking meme
Citation needed
You already made this thread
I already told you
La Pen will win
That's why everyone should vote fillon, not le meme. Le meme is just a puppet of the marCON.
I don't get it how the MSM dare to call that guy an independent centrist. He's a former member of the PS and has extreme liberal views on immigration
He is fucking awful, a banker who was also Hollande's minister ffs. How could you possibly think he's a good candidate.
France needed Fillon badly, but his scandals won't let him win unfortunately.
Fuck off Greece
You don't know shit about economics
Who wants reason when your people are getting run over in the streets by foreigners? The time for reason is over.
Regardless, I only thought MLP had a shot if Fillon was her runoff opponent. It's sad, because Macron is awful in so many ways.
Don't talk too fast Pericles.
Pay your debts to the Don.
Don Fillon.
If trump could win, so can fillon. French/pol/ should mobilize and we should lend them our power.
It's not so much the scandal in itself, every politician does this shit, it's the way he handled it.
They'll probably come up with some dirt on MLP just before the election now they've revoked her parliamentary immunity. We'll see if she handles it any better.
It's a bad thing because he's boring as fuck and is mister "keep going like before"
stopped reading there
beware FAKE NEWS
The Tv debate on March 20 will show who's the boss.
>Analogous to Fillon
That is a fact.
Shit guys, Trump is WAY down in the polls.
There's no possible way he's gonna be the next president.
Hillary will take this whole thing, she has no chance of losing honestly.
He's milquetoast as fuck. Marine is far better.
no political program, will only apply what EU wants. Supported by all the jwes of our country as Attali or Cohn Bendit.
Also said france has no culture, said colonization was a crime against humanity in Algeria : he's sucking balls of sandniggers and wants to open borders.
>all those anglos shilling for Macron despite not knowing shit about him
so that's where our net contribution to the EU goes, hmmmm, really fires up the old coconut
You realise French and American electoral systems are different, right? You cannot become French president without more that 50% voters.
>he still thinks elections matter
How to spot the bluepilled
We had more than 50% of voters but popular vote doesn't recognize that because they stole a bunch of votes through fraction magic and allowing illegals to vote.
That's nice for you mate. The best Le Pen ever did was barely 30%.
And that might be enough to get her elected if her opposition is too demoralized to even vote against her.
Imagine a Melanchon/Le Pen second turn, how many people would actually bother to vote?
This image describe perfectly what your saying
I'm very aware of the differences.
I'm just saying, people counting chickens before they hatch is what led to the liberal shitstorm that happened when Trump won on election night.
>2nd tour
please bro...
Marine will face Macron we all know that, and LR and PS will tell to vote for him because "muuh marine is nazi" and then Macron will win with 70%, remember 2002.
Sorry dude forgot the image
Aren't we discussing real world here?
kek i was wondering what image are you talking about
+ nice pic I'll reuse it
Yes but that doesn't mean the polls are always wrong. Especially given the fact that our electoral system makes our chicken way easier to count.
2002 was a completely different time, socio-politically, though.
>They were running Jean-Marie Le Pen, who is far more controversial than MLP.
>LR voters weren't as polarized
>Muslims weren't massacring the French
>EU was still able to be overlooked as a detail of French politics
>No refugee crisis
>> centered and resonable candidate
He's a turbo globalist.
I am now a Macaroon for Macron
But LR and PS are still ok to fight against the FN. So they'll ally at the 2nd turn and LR+PS+Macron = more than 50%. What we call "front républicain" still work, many french are still affraid by FN they pref to be fucked than vote for Marine
Blair is cumming his Pants as we speak.
Mandelson will lick up the resulting mess.
people being afraid to vote in their own best self-interest is the worst plague on western countries
>actual socialist
Don't worry, votes do not matter anyway.
It's a 20 point lead.
the only reason rigging the vote is so easy because everyone pretends to agree with the media dictated mainstream opinion.
if people believe that no one else shares their opinion anyway they won't question it if the turnout for their party is weirdly low
Please allow me to rephrase: which party wins the election doesn't matter anyway.
there's not a single party you would trust to at least try and fix the mess?
or is it more that you think it cannot be solved politically?
What polls are you watching? en.wikipedia.org
I am now a Macron Macaroni
Macron is the french medias president. He's not our 25th President.
Since Renzi was gone, George Soros lacks a puppet in Western Europe. Someone needs to pick up the boats filled with refugees as they leave Africa, the NGOs alone can't do it, but Macron will get it done.
>or is it more that you think it cannot be solved politically?
That would be a way to put it. The state and its policy are determined by material conditions, not by ideological disputes.
macron is the perfect system-candidate
he is worse than le pen
After the shitshow that is Trump and Brexit, the far right in Europe is collapsing, Le Pen is down, Wilders is down, and the AfD is down. Sup Forums BTFO
Which is sad, since Le Pen is way more capable than Trump.
She should be the one elected first.
>hasn't been accused
because he's a good goy who wants mudslimes to take over. haven't you figured this out yet?
Women(especialy sluts) will never be able to truly play the political game
>what is britain
>what is russia
You live in the 16th century or you just stupid ?
At least say korea instead of proving the american education meme isn't just a meme.
Who? The Queen?
Again, who?
You're right, we are in the XXI century, traditionalism is for bigots
>traditionalism is for bigots
I see what you did there.
Fillon stated that all of his voters would go to Le Pen if he didn't make it to the second round. He may be right.
>Also said france has no culture, said colonization was a crime against humanity in Algeria : he's sucking balls of sandniggers and wants to open borders.
it is true,colonizing means stealing sand nigger resources, now sand niggers are colonizing you
whats fair is fair bitch nigga
>t. Abdul Ibn-Khalid Mohammed Khan al-Shawari Bilal Jilal III
>He may be right.
Not likely. Le Pen has a very left-leaning economic programme, the exact opposite of Fillon's.
>Fillon leads
>Le Pen in second
>Macron so far behind as to be meaningless
>Fillon's thievery exposed, Fillon fucked
>Macron in the lead
>Le Pen in second
explain this
Fillon voters prefer Macron to Le Pen.
>has yet to be accused of financial fraud like le pen and Filion
>implying he didn't spend public funds on building connections for his presidential campaign when he was still minister of economy
Sucks that lesquen decided to endorse fillon instead of le pen, it might cause the split to force a marCON win.
of course, its france we are talking about, these people have contributed nothing, eve,r that is why myslims and niggers are walking all over them like garbage.
>He thinks muslims and blacks are the ruling class in France
wew lad
>more like grease
but you believe polls when they say that Le Pen leads the first round
Macron was always in third place at least, what are you talking about?
>I'd rather have a corrupt politician that's taken ten's of millions of dollars from Putin
But mudslimes...amirite?
check last polls
Marine lost point after threatening administration workers of cleansing
Macron lost points after the Algeria BS but gained a lot after a centrist party joined his movement
Some polls give him the first place
You're weeks late
I used to be a big fan of Le Pen, it's been Hillarious to see her crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let her get the nuclear codes.
Say it with me.
If Juppé chimes in, which seems to be more and more plausible, the second round will be Juppé/Macron and Juppé will certainly win
>the second round will be Juppé/Macron
no it won't faggot
T'es un mouton à croire les sondages ma parole
If this faggot wins, European or at least French civil war will happen. Man, that almost makes me wish he will.
Macron will be kill.
Euros minus Britain are an entirely different group of animals.
Most French voters will pick anyone over Le Pen.
>still thinking polls matter
Guess what OP, people lie to polls in order to give you a false sense of political security so that they can laugh at you when the floor drops out from under you like a gallow all the while your pants are down. Also they lie to avoid being in your 1984 wrongthinker's database.
>Juppe enters race
>both Juppe and Macron beat LePen
>leftists commit Sudoku and let conservatives beat out centrists
Why not just have him win in your first round fantasy world?
This, Macron will win with 70% of voters easily if he's against Le Pen, and then he will create a party which will dominate the National Assembly, since we also have that fucked up two-round voting system for legislative elections.