LEAFLAND HAPPENING: Canada anti-Motion 103 protests and anti-islamophobia counter-protests

Protests and counter-protests in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, Saskatoon, and other cities going on right now. Protestors call for ban of motion on the grounds of free speech infringement; counter-protesters calling islamophobia and racism:


Rundown on Motion 103:
>Liberal backbencher proposed to review "climate of islamophobia" in Canada, and asks for recommendations following the Quebec mosque shooting. Opponents are afraid undefined term and motion for government review of the supposed problem will lead to special treatment of islam and moslems, while making it illegal to criticize certain aspects of this ideology, effectively instituting islamic blasphemy laws in Canada.

Antifa is out in force. Some clashes already happened in Montreal. Tear gas and batons used to break up the groups fighting. Right now crowds growing in front of Toronto city hall. More clashes expected this weekend and into the future as divisions deepen and tempers rise.

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>anti-islamophobia counter-protest

All you need to know is that anybody who says and acts like Islam is above criticism is a piece of dumb shit.

S-So are the antifa for punishing speech that is critical of muslims?

counter-protesters, as in, antifa, are calling their action "anti-islamophobic", essentially implying that those protesting Motion 103 are really just bigots pushing ilsamophobia under the guise of defending free speech


no, they are defending the motion that could potentially make it illegal to criticize islam

their doublespeak is confusing, I should have clarified, see here

I have family that used to live in mississauga but they just moved to fergus last year on their own volition that still believe that multiculturalism is a good idea. Are the canucks that live outside bc/ontario sane?

That's fuckin cooked.
>Australia please don't do this

Kinda funny though, the overwhelming majority of rural/not big city population fuckin hates politically correct shit and Islam and foreigners in general. If they tried this shit here the protests would be yuuuuuuge

apparently they are, at least sane enough to mount an organized protest in multiple cities with sizes large enough to not make it possible for CBC to ignore
>they are still calling protesters far-right, while not acknowledging Antifa as an extremist or violent organization
Frankly, I am surprised there is any sort of serious public pushback at all, especially in places like Toronto, that many write off as lost to SJWs.

Isn't a phobia an IRRATIONAL fear?
>inb4 you're more likely to get hit by lightning
Any fucko who says that needs to then denounce the mainstream media as fearmongers. If Islam isn't the problem, the Media is, because people are scared and IT'S NOT FOR NO FUCKING REASON WHATSOEVER

Scaring people and then telling them they're childish AND morally repugnant for being scared is called GASLIGHTING


You don't have freedom of speech in Canada. There is no law that guarantees it.

Yer fucked .

Whats gonna change when this bill gets passed? Do we go to jail if we insult Mohammed?

Yeah that's sort of insane. I mean, I didn't realize saskatoon was a city that was big enough to harbor antifa. Are the natives really progressive or soomethig?

>asking to identify the term "islamophobia" is islamophobic
how can you win this argument?

maybe you are just an islamophoobe, liberalphobe and communistphobe, user

>far right groups vs opponents
What the fuck is the problem with the news? It's peaceful protesters vs far left groups. Why is the right always called far right?


Thank you got the bump, O, Lord of All Cosmos



Islam is not an ethnic group. Why are libcunts so fucking retarded.

I would have an irrational fear of Muslims too.
Especially when they tend to blow up trains and fly airplanes into buildings.

Dear leaf

It came

Day of the rake will clean up

Maybe I have a RATIONAL aversion to the worst of what Islam, liberalism, and communism have to offer.

But you are no more going to convince me it's a PHOBIA than you are likely to convince me that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

That's pretty rational my dude

I would assume the natives would be mighty pissed off at some other group receiving all these special privileges, getting funding for refugees, for religious schools and programs, etc.

if anyone deserves some kind of government support in Canada, it is the natives, and they are watching this shit while many of their communities still do not have a reliable supply of clean drinking water in their tap

The news is run by leftists. They're not going to make it seem like the left is ever in the wrong.

And the Authoritarian Left absolutely COVETS the "submission" of its subjects that Islam (Islam means "submission") is defined by.

The counter-protesters are Soros faggots. But I thought the motion already failed

Half of the western country will be Islamic in 20 years, plan ahead or you will live like cattle in white ghettos, thats why being a NEET is idiotic, you will end up on the street because the system cant handle the ongoing influx of economical rapefugees, your white collegue wont be able to pay for 10 sandniggers in 10 or 15 years, thats the point the system will collapse

well, just yesterday the CBC reported that the threat called into Concordia University in Montreal against moslems, was a hoax and the perpetrator made it up, as he made up the white supremacist group from whose name he called in the threat.

His name is Hisham Saadi, he is a PhD student at the uni and his friends were quick to say he was a non-practicing moslem (as if that somehow lessens the fact that he just tried to create a false flag anti-moslem crime)

Today CBC is already lumping it in with some instance of dudes that handed out islamic propaganda leaflets getting piss thrown at them in Toronto, and acting like this was an anti-islamic or islamophobic occurrence.
They just said yesterday this was a moslem trying to create a fake anti-moslem crime, and today they are pretending this WAS an anti-moslem crime -- saying the media is biased here is a massive understatement

Ah, the happening fire kindles.

Flames are starting to be seen

At last


>CBC is already lumping it in
Yeah this is exactly what CNN does: take a real event that makes the narrative look bad, then refer to it in piecemeal, cherrypicking information about it, and package it with a bunch of stuff that reinforces their narrative. Voila, event that would have taken wind out if their sails has now been twisted to their benefit.

There is clearly an agenda afoot, and its architects have NO moral compass

False flagging is very common now. It is actually hurting them more than helping.

Fucking Winnipeg is also in on this, holy shit


Will pol care enough about canada to give a shit and ot slide this

Why not make a law banning claustrophobia or arachnophobia?
Makes more sense then banning islamophobia

>Do we go to jail if we insult Mohammed?

You get fined.

Then jail if you no pay.


Well for one you can longer use the term RADICAL ISLAM anymore








So what does the law actually ban? Is it in force legally in Canada right now? Has it been enforced yet?


>Social Justice Tribunals Ontario (SJTO) is a group of eight adjudicative tribunals that play an important role in the administration of justice in Ontario.
>Each year our tribunals receive and resolve nearly 100,000 cases - providing fair, accessible dispute resolution to thousands of Ontarians.

Fuck this shithole country.

it is likely that a few Sup Forumsacks are out there in the crowds, demonstrating for free speech already

as for the bulk of Sup Forums
unless they want to upset the very foundations of meme magic, they must follow the will of Kek
>meming Turdaue out of office is clearly the next step of the cosmic plan after meming Trump in

Hey Imam, whatcha doin?

I like this leaf



canada also has the embodied form of kek on earth, jordan peterson.

The great canadian shithole. We need pro islam bills for people that make up 1% of the country. Canadians had no say in this fucking bill

if the bill passes the police have every right to arrest damn near every drunk injun that lives there

not a single one of them gives a fuck what they say out loud, certainly not pertaining to islam

That reminds me. I was on kikebook the other day just to check messages and a couple of art pages I follow and cause half my friends follow Tradue he was on my feed.

All the comments was criticizing him and the reaction faces was angry and laughing.

This is facebook we are talking about, the lefty hell hole of the internet next to tumblr and twitter.

if you live in Ontario, possibly
as pointed out

Ontario already passed a provincial motion that is similar to what 103 tacitly wishes to see happen in the future for the rest of the country

they are either lying or retarded

thats like moving from the brooklyn ny to montana and saying you love niggers

I don't understand who the fuck wants what

#ThanksJustin ... The countrys done. Here's one for ya Justin, come get me. Fuck Muhammad and Fuck Pisslam, and bring it on antifa turbofaggots

Well in America the media was freaking out over "white supremacist attacks" that turned out to be a black guy. If you heard of the 8 Jewish bomb threats and headstone toppling a at Jewish cemeteries it was him. Pic related is him, his name is Wayne Johnson.

it is not yet a law, but a motion requesting that an inquiry lasting 240 something days is to undertake place, and then recommendations are to be made. THEN they will pass laws. considering Liberals have majority and can pass whatever they like, this is just a way to make it look like they researched and consulted really hard before coming up with whatever they decide to cram through, to look fair and balanced.

the big problem is that the central thing, specifically mentioned by name, which is "islamophobia" that the motion intends to fight, is not defined at all. so you can imagine what broad definitions progressives could come up with together with moslem interest groups, and why people interested in a secular society and freedom of speech might be worried

Federal gov trying to push anti-islamophibia notion, which outlaws any bad critisism of islam. Many canadian patriots march in the streets telling them to fuck off. Antifa-lite groups show up to call patriots racist. Media claims patriots are "FAR RIGHT".

is your reading comprehension on a level of a 3-year-old or did you just not read the post at all?

This exactly sums it up

>Federal gov trying to push anti-islamophibia notion, which outlaws any bad critisism of islam.

Didn't trudeau convert to islam on live tv?

it makes sense that a muslim would do this.

If I was Canadian I'd be shitting my pants...

This would basically mean Muslims could go full ISIS, LEGALLY.

Good job Canada

He was also a muslim....and a journalist.

There actually protesting here in Hamilton? When they say hundreds it will probably be five people knowing this city.

Damn. I slept in late - I should have been up early and gone to Ottawa city hall for this. Would have livestreamed.

Trudeau is a tool, in both senses of the word.

Here is the cabinet member who pushed this, Iqra Khalid. I can't find the picture but I remember when Trudeau was first adressing this motion she was on his right with a smug ass face. It was weird.

it's illegal to call terror cells terror cells.


This is why the CBC needs to be defunded. They keep saying "Far-right! Far-right! Look at the radical Far-right!" to scare people. And then in the video of the counter-protestors all of them of them are literal Communits with red banner and the hammer and sickle. Where is the mention of Far-left?

Vote for Maxime Bernier or Kellie Leitch for Conservative leadership. We have to defund the CBC.

That's my thinking as well. They live in third world conditions, their own leaders have abandoned them, and then government is busy bending over backwards for every minority except for them.

I'm pretty neutral when it comes to them, but it is a pretty embarrassing state of affairs for the country.


Love my constitution desu

Canada is lost to moose limbs and streetshitters-


This is the french version of the CBC. It's basically CNN's article about "obama administration officials says obama administration officials did nothing wrong" but in french.

Look at the fucking picture they chose for this shit. It's exactly like what CTR has been posting here since the elections.

Shit I didn't know that

make sure the police can'tback trace you internet posts

well, government handouts and marxist wealth redistribution is never good, but if it is going to happen anyway, we should start with our own citizens living, as you pointed out, in third world conditions. they live far far worse in their own country than refugees that we take in do. that is really not acceptable

Protests across the country and not one in Vancouver, damn, I really want to join in on this, fuck these fuckers trying to take away our free speech and our right to criticize any ideology we want to.

Where the hell do you go to learn of a rightwing free speech protest in your local area?

I check out TheRebel and even live in Alberta, but never hear of any such things till after.

protesting in AB or SK is kinda preaching to the choir, and it wouldn't get reported on

>Where the hell do you go to learn of a rightwing free speech protest in your local area?

They aren't organic m8.

They are false flags, they don't want real people like you there.

People who fight for free speech are literally racists now.

Found the name of the protests in like the 4th story I read, one happening in Van from 12-2, so starting right now.

>communist symbols in 21st century

Do I get fined for posting this? Seems impossible since I'm just showing the glorious religion of total peacefulness to my fellow citizen.

How can that be wrong since Islam is perfect, of course.


(((CBC))) is just as bad as CNN, except our government pays for its propaganda.

>if you live in Ontario
Well I do, and frankly, I don't care if I get fined/jailed for saying anti-Muslim things. Fuck 'em, fuck all sand niggers.

But I'm curious to see what kind of disaster that cunt kike dyke Wynne passed under our noses.

Iqra Khalid --> Muslim Student Association --> Muslim Brotherhood --> Islamic Terror

this is the reintroduction of blasphemy laws by the back door

islam is fascism. those antifa turds are fucked up

Where can I vote on Conservative leaders?

I thought the Jewish Defense League already shut the motion down


Pro free speech = "far right"


I guess I'm far right now.

You should try to be smarter about the way in which you talk about Islam. You have to show Islam for what it is without compromising yourself.

The Koran is a shitty book and Shariah is horrible. This is not something you have to say but rather something you can show. Take advantage of this fact.

Welcome to the club

1 post by this ID

>protesting a protest

Pick one

>Where can I vote on Conservative leaders?

You need to become a member of the Conservative Party. It costs $15 I think, and you can do it online. It's fast to do.

The vote is on March 28. I think they send you a ballot in the mail.

Got a souvenirs try and take my shit BAKA

You're lucky you arent this close to the US friend

no clue, I just saw this on the news and was amazed this is even happening on such a large scale in leaflandia

the TVA "experts in American politics" read CNN/MSNBC etc write up an article pushing the same agenda.

One of them said Clinton lost because Americans are not ready to have a woman as president. It's a fucking shame.

When you pass such a rights infringing and orwellian law, what, a month after this mosque shooting it is insulting to people's intelligence. Shit was a complete false flag.