/nu/pol hate thread

ITT we drive out lazy degenerate Reddit scum from /r/the_donald that worship e-celebrities such as that Varg faggot and Molyneux instead of making any meaningful contribution to a meaningful conversation

Aside from the fact that a lot of you cunts are leftovers from this horrendous election cycle and thus keep shitting up the board with your Trump generals, you have also forever ruined the bantz on Sup Forums because you reddit fags have absolutely no sense in humor.

You r9k faggots can fuck off as well. Go get laid and stop basing your entire political identity off of the fact that you can't get any.

Fuck nu-Sup Forums and its threads

>that worship e-celebrities such as that Varg faggot and Molyneux

>stop watching people that spread our message
Fuckoff shill

>implying Sup Forums can be fixed

It was much better years ago but we're never going back. This place simply got way too popular.

>our message
you retarded?


Varg and Milo are redpilled

Yes, a pedophilic subversive kike is "redpilled".

Gtfo sodomite faggot lover and while you are at it braise odin n fug da church cuz that'll push us forward

Is "meaningful conversation" a new joke like "quick rundown" or "you've really made me think"?

You don't fucking get it, please leave.

"They're not real ebin white nationalist neo nazzies!! reee! out out out!"

Don't fall for shill propaganda

>redpilled trap
just jump into the oven will you

Seriously, if you think varg and co is just an eceleb, you don't know anything about recent wp history. Read about 'is black metal a white noise', William pierces efforts to break into that world, primarily through hendrick mobus etc

Not sure why a bunch of uneducated internet racists fell for a faghot like trump with kike kids.

I should run for office if I knew how easy it was to con suckers like y'all.

>mentally ill namefag trying to share an ideology with the same people that despise your very existence

"anybody who disagrees with my homosexual worship of faggot celebrities is a libtard shill"

>browsing Sup Forums since it was /new/
>deal with stormfaggotry on a daily basis
>find it funny
>ironically shitpost kike memes
>get called a leftover when i don't take it seriously

fuck off newfag, this is my board

>redditfags come to Sup Forums to shill for Trump
>board quality decreases
>Sup Forums somehow becomes the most popular board on Sup Forums (I wonder where all those posters came from)
>board quality deteriorates further
>most posters have this weird reddit-tier mentality (I wonder why)
>can't make a serious thread without people shitposting worse than Sup Forumstards or the thread 404'ing
>half the threads are about Donald Trump, celebrities, and Twitter posts
>fake news by the mass media is rightly called out
>but fake news that conforms to these fags' political stance is propagated daily (such as a literal blog post about Sup Forums that people pretended was a leak from CTR)
>board has literally become shills vs. shills
>these same /nu/polfags keep shitposting on other boards, too

Truly depolarizes your axons, doesn't it?

>varg not an e celeb

I've been here since Ukraine owned Crimea!

I'm not new!!


Funny only the fat larping nazis seem to hate me here

"anybody who disagrees with my homosexual worship of a leader is a Jew kike reddit shill"

Reminder if you want to simulate stormfront instead of being productive go to 8©h Sup Forums

>there's a difference between niggers and black men, stormfag!

This post really made me think

>redpilled trap

Newfag detected.
Sup Forums alway has been pro-Trump. The Reddit swarm came after he was announced winner.

>Milo "the homosexual Jew who advocates for pedophilia" is Sup Forums's leader XDDDD
Eh! Oh! Nu/pol/ needs to go!

>Milo is a pedo

0.02 has been deposited


check'd and agree'd

>""""redpilled trap"""""

You're joking right?

we aren't going anywhere you evil, hateful white trash.


>Sup Forums alway has been pro-Trump. The Reddit swarm came after he was announced winner.

Not overwhelmingly. And the reddit swarm came much earlier than that. It was during the primaries.

>unironically shilling for this kike

>trash talking VARG

>go get laid
People who have sex are fucking freaks I hope they get cancer. Sex is for degenerate trash.

you have no sense of humour

you're totally not trolling

Hey not a larping nazi here just a regular person, you belong in an over faggot half because you are a namefag and half because you claim to be a trap which is absolutely degenerate

Does anyone else hate "national libertarians" and their cringe inducing "ideology"?

Funny how you all are so into the pizzagate shit but when of one of your own is a pedophile you ignore it, get some fucking perspective. Quit protecting people only because they share your politics.


Nice digits.

Fuck Varg

Fuck Milo

Fuck Molymeme

Fuck Styx

And most importantly, fuck Pewdiepie.

Stop constantly sucking Trump's cock too. You look like retards.


And fuck you.

Go back to R9k you fucking autist


Fuck off you degenerate freak.

I fucking hate faggots that think that the only ideology that could be discussed here is national socialism. Yes, meme ideologies like socialism and communism should stay the fuck away but every other right-wing ideology (monarchism,conservatism,ancapism,libertarianism etc) has the right to be discussed here as well. Fuck off stormfront.

>monarchism, ancapism, libertarianism are meme ideologies and should be banned. FUCK OFF

Former molymeme subscriber here. Hilarious watching this egotistical cult leader crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear arguments.

Monarchism is anarchocapitalism. Read Hoppe. Also it is dumber than fascism.

Not an argument

If you want a natsoc safe space, there's always stormfront. Fuck off.

>Implying your shilling is worth an argument

Former molymeme subscriber here. Hilarious watching this egotistical cult leader crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear arguments.

If you want a right-wing space fuck off back to Molymeme

Nobody is buying your reddit nazi larping. Go be a collectivist somewhere else.

Your ideas of small government cannot properly address moral issues.

Great minds discuss ideas, mediocre minds discuss events, basement dwellers discuss people

This thread should be pinned

What exactly is wrong with Varg.

He's redpilled on race and the JQ and wants to preserve his white nation.

Die faggot

Post tits

Shit and retarded taste you fucking stupid homo.

Don't you see what's happening here? They're attacking the insurgency on 2 fronts.

1. Flynn-Sessions-Bannon and so on; and

2. Alex Jones-Richard Spencer-Milo-Molyneux and so on on the other.

Whether you like all of these people individually is irrelevant.

You can either fall for the attacks and shilling one-by-one and be back to getting all your infor from 3 news networks and being ruled over by the likes of Hillary and Rubio again shortly or you can not fall for this shit!

You decide, Sup Forums

I've been here about 4 days and 3 hours, i don't care about any of you faggot cunts or your e-celebrities, fuck trump.

Dogshit stupid hue monkey, we don't always need two fucking trump generals.

It should be ideas and the discussion around them that is promoted, not some jewtube faggots shilling for views.

>youtube personalities don't discuss ideas

Hi shareblue. I hope you know that David Brock saves all the shit you post here to blackmail you with.


Excellent digits. Reddit fucks have to go.

I just hate how there's so many stupid Varg threads sucking his dick and the stupid Varg "don't do x" forced meme being everywhere.

Couldn't have said that better

You're one of the few who does get it


Bullshit, he just calls anybody who makes fun of his retarded JewTube idols a shill

It's not, since the monarch as totalitarian power and will eventually use it to manipulate markets and oppress people.

Varg changes his opinion each week, makes no consistent arguments at all, and when he's losing the argument resorts to ad hominem

Molymeme is just that, a meme, he used to make coherent videos but he's kinda losing it now

The others are good to show some of the ideology to new people but they tend to go overboard with the nazi pepes and all that, if you can't redpill people subtly you better not do anything at all.

lolbergs and shitcaps are so easily btfo just by pointing to the refugee crisis. Hoards of niggers invade your land, no law prevents them from doing so... what do?
>Answer: Prep the Bull
Another example... it took 600 years of muslim conquest across europe before the disjointed states and people could muster the crusades... which was itself fucking pitiful.

It's as simple as this... if your philosophy consists of accomodation (Judeo Christianity) and non-violent weakness (lolberg) don't be shocked when jamal and ahmed want to hang around and leech off of the wealth your ancestors intended for you.

>leech off wealth
>without a welfare system
Come on, now you are just intentionally retarded.