Other urls found in this thread:
oy vey we white like you goys
>A Jewish man using his whiteness as a weapon against white people
>Exhibit A.
Why is this not viral ?
Because the truth is hard to swallow
>Not knowing in current year that Jews = white
>She isn't one of the 'good' jewish girls
It was, the original video was either deleted or I can't find it
What kind of 'bizness' does a 13yo girl have?
((( I T K E E P S H A P P E N I N G )))
Anyone that isn't black is white, according to CNN
what is this, datamining for ants?
separated at birth
jews are white you fucking shitlord
Sometimes blacks can be white too
Are you 12? Jews have been considered white for generations. It's because of the current year that people are starting to realize "white" means nothing if Jews just use their "whiteness" to fuck over Christian/Atheist/Pagan European Americans
>that girl
if she's white I'm aryan
Why is this whore's account verified?
Typical trickster top kek
Italians aren't white stop grouping those degenerates into our race reeeeeeeeeeee!
>T Y P I C A L T R I C K S
Maybe that's why Italian girls like me so much
>typical trickers there slo-mo
What did he mean by this?
>typical trickster mer-Shlomo
he nearly said merchant.
>T...typical t-tricks there, m-m... SCHLOMO!
Why are Nazis such pathetic losers?
Bae Mitzvah Hoes
he was going to say merchant
t. chaim
kek was he about to call him merchant ?
Oussmi - the goddess of anarcho-capitalism.
I never heard of her so I looked her up.
No hope for the West. It is done.
Yeah, the original video was deleted for "harassment and/or bullying", presumably because the uploader politely pointed out that Jews aren't white.
Last I checked, the original had about 70k views, so it never really went viral to begin with. I'm assuming it went relatively unnoticed until some leftycuck stumbled upon the video and reported it.
i couldn't tell if she was italian or jewish with that nose
top kek
>talks like a fag
>shit's all retarded
There's a name for that I think
Why are jews ok with a 13 year old acting like this if she is one of them
He has the exact voice of RAMZPAUL holy shit.
>dem tits
Fucking hell
I would succ a dinner out dat ass
Jews truly are the master race
cash me aushwitz how boh dah goy
Then why aren't they obtained from white guilt?