How is a 22 years old male supposed to dress?
Sup Forums dress sense
Like a trap
Anything but those faggot Peter Pan shorts like trousers.
>I miss the 90's
Leisure time: who fucking cares
Formal functions: a suit that fits you
The end. It's not that hard.
>tfw not part of that group
Damn, they look handsome.
tu demandes à ces connards LOL
Causal. Don't deck out in streetwear like a underage hypebeast, but please don't do that fucking homosexual business casual look with chinos and brown loafers with matching belt and one button undone.
Oh, if you have to wear a suit, you fucked up life, but that's just my opinion.
Looks pretty autistic, even for that time.
I am ten years older so I don't know if that will help, generally I will dress in a polo, jeans, and a pair of doc martens.
Make fun of the shoes if you like, they are the only kind I have owned for the past fifteen years, they are great.
what about reviewbrah?
indoor pants / outdoor pants
indoor shirts / outdoor shirts
>How is a 22 years old male supposed to dress?
You want to have the real redpill shoved up your rectum?
You're supposed to dress APPROPRIATELY.
To the occasion. To your body type. To the location. To your age. To your style.
Everyone's looking for a fucking handbook when there isn't one. If you're attractive you will look good in a burlap sack. If you're ugly good fashion can't save you, but might kick you up a peg.
Use your fucking head.
That said I think we should all dress like 80s refuse and call it fashwave because it will annoy people.
>how to dress like a very expensive manchild.png
Are plain blue jeans and white shirt too fucking worker class for you?
Adidas track pants, bath robe, Ralph Lauren comfy shirt. Hugo boss undies.
This is literally my daily fit
I never leave my parents attic though
I feel like women who look like that, while sexy, probably suffer from eventual health problems. How does she even support those tits when her waist and shoulder are so thin?
Depends on situation. Just avoid baggy jeans, all that nigger shit. Wear shirts, good denim jeans and of course, New Balance sneakers.
he's an autist, what about him
so what's your outfit's total price? you thrift or buy brand new? are you rich?
>Adidas track pants
who dat Seamen Deamon
dat Spunk Punk, dat Fluid Druid
>your winter clothes will continue to collect dust
Deport El-Nino
like this
best post itt
>don't wear nigger shot
>new balance sneakers
pick one
Slav lyfe is best life.
>Pic related is me
It kind of looks like Blake Lively but I can't tell.
dress like a tranny whore
what kind of haircut should i get?