>Ben Garrison is a nuclear energy denier
WTF I hate Ben Garrison now
Ben Garrison is a nuclear energy denier
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There is literally nothing wrong with nuclear power or genetically modified crops
how do you explain this mutation?
Or he's saying Japanese should stop skimping on protective infrastructure to prevent something that would inevitably happen.
>Gender studies
Obesity, lack of discipline by parents or school, spending too much time on the internet during formative years
He's a lolbergtardian
He will swing on the day of the rope.
Memetic not genetic.
>the islamic horse
wait, is that what Chris Chan is doing now?
no, CWC started his female porn career.
I like to think of it more as 'nuclear' as a whole.
Which includes the ever present threat of world destroying nuclear armageddon.
the fuck
nuclear bombs and by extension energy were the original justification for the UN. now its climate change
Everytime I see anything about chris chan. I just feel shitty. Like, I am overwhelmed by pity...and nausea.
Poor fucker. If that is him in the picture. It looks like him though.
>ben garrison is an idiot
What a surprise, would have never thought of that
>radical islam
>implying it's not just islam
>tfw no one finds the originals on nu/pol/
it's called being a retard like you ahmed
Of course it would be Portland.
You're a Chernobyl, Fukushima Hanford disaster denier.
>tfw """""oldfags""""" still don't realize that jews started and encouraged the defacing of his cartoons
literal neuro-toxin, used in soviet gulags or by nazis (can never remember) to reduce amount of guards needed
just lite it´s used on you, Sven
>nuclear power
So Zyklon Ben is really an Alex Jones tier conspiracy nut. Sad!
srsly, nuclear energy is kryptonite to commie environmentalists, of which the left is replete
Why the fuck is Zyklon Ben against Depopulation?
Garrison is a jew-loving nutjob.
>being against depopulation
>especially when it's niggers being targeted for it
Top cuck
Fukushima is the worst disaster of our time and there's literally nothing we can do to stop it. Tepco doesn't know where melted cores are and radioactive groundwater keeps leaking into ocean. We cannot just pour concrete over it because it will leak into ocean anyway. Radiation inside the buildings is too high even for robots and humans would collapse in seconds.
Marine life is dying in pacific, you can google "pacific die-offs". MSM is covering it up to avoid global panic. Tokyo isn't safe for 2020 olympics either. I would not be suprised if they were cancelled because by 2020 Japan is really fucked. People have radiation sickness symptoms and birth defects have gone trough roof.
Just remember my words if you don't believe me now. Fukushima will lead to major panic in the future when MSM cannot cover it up anymore. It's much worse than chernobyl, reactor 3 had MOX-fuel made from plutonium, thats why it exploded critically, it wasn't hydrogen explosion.
America isn't safe either. Jet stream brings radioactive particles over the pacific and ocean currents will spread them around the world.
Follow them if you want redpill on this. People don't realize that it will slowly kill whole globe. What happens when Japan runs out of nuclear engineers and becomes inhabitable? Who will fix it then?
Unironically this.
If someone is against nuclear energy or GMOs I immediately dismiss them as mentally retarded and don't listen to a single thing they say.
I want to fuck the horse
dont send help, its too late for me
It's him.
... I wonder how his vagina is holding up.
How long can he go before sepsis delivers him in the sweet embrace of death?
...when properly regulated. Fukashima had multiple things about the plant where the company had cut corners. Of course, the company had ties to the right leaning govnerment so it has been mostly covered up in the wake of the disasted.
Japs thrive on radiation
Name one death that has occured as a direct result of radiation exposure from the Fukushima incident.
He's prob one of those guys who believes in the Tessa free power bullshit. Hooking up generators to electric motors, this gives us unlimited electricity!!
i bet one brony here must have nutted to that burka horse