So the "consensus" on this board seems to be that climate change is a myth and conspiracy perpetuated by the science...

So the "consensus" on this board seems to be that climate change is a myth and conspiracy perpetuated by the science community. For what reason would that be? It seems to me highly unlikely that the science community is bought off to this extent, and it seems much more likely that the few scientists who disagree with the consensus actually are the ones who are paid off.

Let's say that the climate change people actually are bought off. By whom, and for what reason? Wouldn't the oil moguls and the like who have a vested in not having legislature towards protecting have the financial means necessary to bribe the scientists purporting this myth?

Now I understand not wanting to solve the issue or not wanting to tackle the issue since the US making strides towards fixing their pollution would make the economy less competetive and the US fixing their shit wouldn't really solve the problem considering there are other countries such as China who would never sacrifice competitiveness for the environment but there seems to be a lot of people actually denying climate change as well. Why?

>mfw my neighborhood was supposed to be underwater by 2015 according to (((climate scientists))).

>So the "consensus" on this board seems to be that climate change is a myth and conspiracy perpetuated by the science community.

No, apolalyptic-style AGW is a myth and conspiracy perpetuated by parts of the science community.

So you think climate change is some jewish lie, then?

because it's been proven that NOAA and IPCC have fabricated their results. IPCC has also been proven to actively fight against researchers that disagree with the climate change narrative. It is incredibly likely that a clique rules climate science and drowns out alternative voices, because we literally have evidence that this happens.

What isn't a Jewish lie

>to this extent
Its primarily shilled by one or two organizations in each country. or did you buy the 97% meme hook line and sinker?

>So the "consensus" on this board seems to be that climate change is a myth and conspiracy
our contention is literally the exact opposite

What would be the benefit for these scientists to lie about climate change?

When have the left been correct about anything? The founder of the weather channel called Bill Nye a "pretend scientist wearing a bow tie". Why do you think China isn't falling for the climate change meme?

Tfw too smart for kike lies.

You also have to take into account the possibility that they may be experiencing cognitive dissonance.

I 100% agree with climate change. Fuck the people that don't. It's also redpilled to care about your land and ensure that future generations can see how your counry shaped its early people and the foundations of your culture built on it.

Climate denial was made up by the Chinese and Americans to keep themselves competitive with oil and coal markets and subsequent manufacturing environment.

"what would be the benefit of these scientists perpetuating the theory that results in huge portions of their funding"

gee user I dont know really activates the almonds doesnt it?

The fact that they receive millions, if not billions of dollars from the government.

>Climate scientists get funds from the state
>Climate change is one of the top talking points for liberals

Liberal governments benefit from scientists claiming that climate change is a real threat, and thus, making up stuff to get more funds from said liberals acts as a nice incentive for climate scientists.

There is climate Change, but humanity has no say in the matter, Just look at climate Charts for the last 150.000 years and you will see how miniscule our influence is


At first it was called "global warming", then it became "climate change". Now whether it gets hotter or colder doesn't mater. Any change in the climate whatsoever = further proof of "climate change". Oh so convenient, isn't it? Really fires up my prefrontal cortex.

The final solution to the climate change problem would be the mass genocide of every human with an IQ below 100 that doesn't follow K-selection strategy and isn't willing to live self-sufficiently in decentralized pockets of homogeneous permacultures.

Prove me wrong.
Actually, don't bother - you can't.

Something that recieves little attention is the effect sun-spots have on our climate. A sun-spot sends solar winds towards earth, when it reaches the atmosphere it vaporizes air and mix with sulphur, creating skies which makes a greenhouse effect. The occurence to sun-spots is related to when the Earth goes into ice-ages.

I'm not saying that pollution is healthy, it is certainly not and also a contributing factor to destabilizing our climate. Funfact: six freightships pollute as much as all the cars in the world.

>science can't be bought off
you clearly don't know shit about medicine or academia you fucking retard. Do research next time or fucking kill yourself.

>For what reason would that be?
Carbon Tax.

Money forcefully demanded from the entire world and used as incentive to construct a global all-powerful and all-controlling world government without check or balance. When the answer to something is a tax, it is 99% likely to be built from the ground up on a web of lies and deceit.

Run away anthropogenic global warming is a failed hypothesis. A failed hypothesis isn't a myth or a conspiracy. But too many got in front of it too fast and built careers and egos around it. Not "real" scientists. But grant chasing half-assed "scientists" that couldn't cut it in a real scientific field. The first hint that it's bullshit is that they are always reduced to claiming "consensus". Which is a political construct. Not a scientific one. And the "consensus" narrative is largely built on bullshit itself. And every scandal seems to neatly be investigated by organizations that benefit from funding generated by the alarmism.

Climate changes naturally. We contribute some smaller amount to it.

No one knows how much the climatologists are producing overblown shit. According to them we should have been living in a hellscape by now every prediction has been proven wrong.

How real is it? No one knows.

What I do is the government has fucked up everything else they tried to do so I am happy if they fuck off and let the free market handle this.

Fucktons of government funding for anything that can somehow shoehorn it in.

jew and capitalist are confusing I know. Cuz no one ever did anything for money.

its not even a conspiracy though

this is like saying the direction of liberal politics is a conspiracy

its the culmination of many things that combine into pushing AGW

people are incentivized by different things to push it, some are true believers, others know its complete horseshit but do it for money, power, employment, social status, even entertainment

>It seems to me highly unlikely that the science community is bought off to this extent

Dated daughter head of Biology department @ sub-Ivy University.
Recommended incorporating CO2 emissions into research, no matter how tenuous the connection, in order to guarantee funding.

Your lack of imagination (or bias), makes me completely unwilling to read the rest of your post.

i think the consensus is climate change isn't a big deal

>blue ID for a bluepill

>everyone going on about funding
>missing the point entirely

Want to know why global warming is a fraud?
If global warming, caused by CO2 levels rising due to human activity, is true, you would need to establish some sort of global governing body in order to combat it.

It doesn't matter how many solar panels Sweden buys or how many Priuses we drive in America if China is still pumping out the pollution.

Global warming is just another jewish scheme for world government.

Why do they do it?

They want status
They want more jobs
They are now in the lie too deep to go back on it

just because china wants to pollute the world doesn't mean we have.
and since when did we agree with china fuck those dirty sub humans
we are smarter and have morals unlike that country where is your patriotism?
we do what is right.

I also dont understand how you can tell scientists, people who have dedicated their
lives to this field, that they are wrong.

satellites orbit the earth because of SCIENCE.
this was not something that happened by chance.
we are on the internet because of SCIENCE.
air planes fly because of SCIENCE.
you dont have smallpox because of SCIENCE.

but all the sudden science is a lie and a myth?

Just because it is science doesn't mean it should be right.

Just because scientists said that doesn't mean it's true