Wow rly make you think

wow rly make you think

White devil btfo

Religion is a cancer on society.

>muh morals
>muh keeping kids off da street
>muh it turned muh life around

We can do all that without fear of damnation from a celestial power.

Christianity is shitskin desert fairytale and it should be treated as such. The only reason there is to retake jerusalem is to torch it.

America is the cancer of the world


>Not being a stoic
feel bad for you.

>nativity scene

wut? The three kings of the orient were from the orient lol.



>What are the three Magi

>Dumb sheep, it's totally in your best interest to import millions of foreigners to replace you!

Do they understand how fucking dumb they sound?

Didn't the Jews kill Christ?

I hate Jew xtianity too (((op)))

Then why are all of you running here and so upset we want to wall off your cartel of a country.

>remove the africans, arabs and immigrants
>all thats left is jews in their own land
>literally nothing changes
wow really ruffles my anal cavity


now try one just without Muslims


nice trips

>remove jews, arabs, africans, and immigrants
>only liberals remain

I don't get the joke.

Too passive.

Looks peaceful

>Inbred education

For what prevents us from saying that the happy life is to have a mind that is free, lofty, fearless and steadfast - a mind that is placed beyond the reach of fear, beyond the reach of desire, that counts virtue the only good, baseness the only evil, and all else but a worthless mass of things, which come and go without increasing or diminishing the highest good, and neither subtract any part from the happy life nor add any part to it?
A man thus grounded must, whether he wills or not, necessarily be attended by constant cheerfulness and a joy that is deep and issues from deep within, since he finds delight in his own resources, and desires no joys greater than his inner joys.
Christianity offers only slavery.

he wasnt a jew, he was a hebrew

Good, Christianity is a shitty religion that encourages weakness.

really made me think

If Hillary had won, would they have blow the stable up?



Where did people get this idea that Trump was anti-Jewish or anti-African?

>replace all ethnics in scene with white people
>white people btfo

Not exactly a random sampling of South Americans



Seems like an upstanding guy, though he really needs to hit the gym and get a better fashion sense.

>nativity scene happens in america
uh... cultural appropriation much???

But I still see you in the picture OP.
A sheep and an ass

>being a stage-player
>being a self-deluder
>pretending to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature
moralists get out

to be honest
good bantz

being christian is too easy
the bible wants you to accept jesus died, and once you do all your sins are forgiven. you can commit all the sin you want if you accept christ died for your sins. it's only moral fags that dont know how to read that make christianity a meme

Now put everybody back and only remove the Mexicans and muslims.

why do they have a nativity scene in march
who appointed the jackass the leader? i thought we were an autonomous collective

who us the uruguay guy?

That's the dumb """""christianism"""" you dumb americans and other protestant sects adopted.

The real christianism is represented by the Catholic Church and has none of that bullshit you cucks have.

>I removed all the Jews
>and Africans

Sounds more in line with a strawman you created just to have a blatant attempt at triggering the religious.

There's only one ideology for our times

>i thought we were an autonomous collective

>The real christianism is represented by the Catholic Church

I feel like Kipling's "If" was inspired by this.

Are you trying to use an artists rendition of the scene?

Are you implying that Mary was a brunette, European?

Are you actually inbred?

suck some arab dick so you can explain your daughters job

>Jews in Judea
ZOMG anti-immigrationists BTFO

>le wise men
Not immigrants.

Also angels aren't immigrants or Jewish, Arab or African.
And nobody in the nativity scene was a Muslim either.

>We Wuz The Three Wisemen and Sheeeeiiit

This, Jesus was a cuck

Mary was the first Christian. Her son fucked up the jews before they got to him.

>Jesus violating the NAP
Good thing they killed him

>Still being religious

I wish the race war would start already.

>stoic talking about his feelings

retard detected

You must be confusing him with Joseph; but yeah it is a massive cult of cuckoldry

> muh immaculate conception

>playing with dolls
grow the fuck up!

People say that Christ was Jewish, but he actually wasn't.

He was a Galilean.

>Jesus said to the Jews "You do not believe because you are not of My sheep" (John 10:24-27)

>People say that Christ was Jewish, but he actually wasn't.
Matthew 1

None of those threads have ever made me think. Well, actually this one kinda did. It makes me think that I'm beeing fooled here.

Joseph was a literal cuck kek

>Thinking Persians are Arabs

Why are Libs the most racist?

Jews were not Israelites as they were not descended from Jacob. They were descended from Esau, the brother of Jacob. While both were grandsons of Abraham and sons of Isaac, Jacob was favored by God. Esau’s descendants were called Edomites, and later they were called Jews since many of them were then living in Judea because the Edomites had been captured by John Hyrcanus and forced to convert to the religion then in place in Judea. Jesus stated in Matthew, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” When Jesus sent his disciples out to spread his message he told them, “Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” The Jews were not a part of the sheep of the house of Israel that Jesus talked about. Note that it is not the fact that the Jews did not believe in the message of Jesus that made them not of his sheep. Jesus knew that it was because they were not of his sheep that they did not believe in his message.

Jesus wasn't a Jew

I love the look on libcucks face when I tell them I'm not Christian and I don't give a fuck what Jesus would have done.

The sheep and donkey don't have to worry about being killed by the muzzies anymore? They must be happy.

sad sad liberals literally can not conceive that they are ever in the wrong. anything they say is agonizingly patronizing.

Sheep are nice and cuddly, so what's the problem?



>Caring this much about autistic bronze age sandnigger lore all to prove how your divine prothet wasn't a Middle Eastener, even though he obviously was.

You're at Wookipeedia tiers of cringe my dude, if you meditated or done some self-observation excericises with even half of this conviction you'd be fucking levitating by now.