You can pick 4.
Location: CNN Primetime.
Moderators: Don Lemon
Topic: Was the wiretapping of Trump Towers by King Obongo Ethical?
Pick your debate team
Other urls found in this thread:
Shapiro Adams D'Souza
Hardmode: 1 team member has to be female.
>No Styx
Normies couldn't handle his enlightened autism.
It's funny really.
>no david duke
shit thread
Lauren Southern, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones
But you left out the best ones. I'll take
>Bill Whittle
>Steve Green
>Scott Ott
and whoever the blonde is a 3x3 in order to grab peoples attention.
> meme strat
Milo, Molymeme, Tomi Lauren, the indish guy
Tucker, Molymeme, Adams and Judge Jeanine.
1. Judge Jeanine
2. Kike Midget
3. Dinesh D'Shyamalan
4. Tucker
Alternate: Alex
Honestly, all you would need is Jeanine vs everyone.
Four Alex Jones's.
That's about all, peace out.
>No Sam Hyde
These slide threads are garbage.
Alright, I got Tucker, Scott, McInnes and Jones. Let's roll.
No Ron Paul?
I already picked molyneux
>Bill Whittle
>not a kike loving neocon shill
just alex
as soon as we walk into the studio we both cast divine protection and stake don lemons gay vampire pedophile heart
Pierson, Southern, Molyneux, and Adams.
The fact that you would pick a women over any of those people tells me that you watch way too much fox news.
Milo, Carlson, Shapiro
don't need a fourth. most of the ones in the picture are horrible at debating anything.
>breaking moral issues down Barney style
>logical fast talking. Can't get a word in edgewise
>insightful big picture stuff
>triggering laughing and that Tucker(tm) stupefied look
> No Jordan Peterson
Dropped, incinerated & peed on
I'll take judge pirro please
All I need is Alex Jones and all he needs to do is take off his shirt to assert is alpha dominance and ask if you wanna suck
Tucker, judge, argument man, dilbert
Not even a difficult choice
Tucker, molymeme, Scott Adams, Alex jones as wild card
Ben Shapiro is top priority
Stefan Moly, Alex, Tucker, Milo and Gavin all tend to use straw men sometimes and play off feelings.
dilbert, jones, and tomi for qtness
Milo in drag.
Hannity (balance out the gay)
Watson. Southern. Pajeet. And Jones for the wildcard.
hannity and tucker combo would create an overload of smug laughter. it would frustrate the opponent to death
I'd imagine Hannity is horrible at debating
all he seems to do is go by his pre-written script
I just want Dan PenĂ to be the guest.
This. Anybody who doesn't have Ben Shapiro on their list has let their disgust for kikes overwhelm their better judgement.
He may be a kike but Shapiro will fucking decimate just about anybody.
Tucker, Shapiro, Molymeme
I had to get a woman there, sorry
Molyneux, Watson, Tucker, Adams.
Tucker Carlson, Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson, and fuck... I want Judge Jeanine Pirro or Hannity but Milo would make it more entertaining... bleh I guess the Judge or Hannity whatever. Ok Hannity. Fuck... hard choices damn.
This is really the best team. Mark and Paul? And Hannity with Tucker? I mean fuck god damn... Jeanine Pirro can fuck shit up too, like epic fuck you up but a Hannity and Tucker tag team? Jesus fucking christ. Almost want to just say fuck it and put Milo in just for ridiculousness and entertainment.
Why no Barron as an option? Isn't he a super genius with a 400 IQ and the true master behind Trump?
Molyneux, Jones, Southern, and McInnes.
>Enlightened autism.
That'sa perfect way to describe Styx
No bogdanoffs, either.
Dude... Jeanine Pirro fucks shit up. Like I'm talking fucks shit up in epic fashion and absolutely destroys and BTFO people. We're talking not just fucking shit up here... but utterly destroying her opponents to the point they have nothing left and will be drooling on themselves.
A woman wouldn't be my first choice either normally but Judge Jeanine is highly intelligent and shows no mercy. You can't dispute her ability fuck shit up and BTFO opposition so fuck yourself faggot.
I really want to see a movie where the globalists have Trump trapped in some Bilderberg stronghold and a gang of Hannity, Tucker, Dilbertman, Ben Garrison and Ted Cruz bust him out
>Gavin Mcinness
Gas your self white man
stefan, shapiro, indian guy, and the humble water filter salesman
>alex jones
>michael savage
the yelling would never cease.
He is good at what he does.
A movie? I want to see this happen in real life.
Came here to say this
1.) Milo seduces Don Lemon and takes him out of the equation.
2.) Tuck, Molymeme, and Shapiro save the day.
Thats an unimaginable power level
Shapiro is the best one here hands down.
After that it's Adams, D'Souza, Molyneux, and Carlson.
everyone else has pretty serious flaws except hannity and idk the third guy in the first row or third guy in second row.
anyone picking milo, alex, gavin, or even pjw is a fucking retard.
all i need is gif related
I'll take the 3 women and the fag. Literally can't lose.
Why don't you take, say, Dice out and stand in for Barron yourself?
You are, after all, like him eleven years old and you have just given proof of how articulate you are by fitting seven "fuck"s into a five-line post, so you would clearly be an asset to any debating team.
But seriously, kiddies, how fucking pathetic is it for a bunch of kids who presumably pride themselves on being tough-minded, independently-thinking cultural rebels and iconoclasts to play at picking which of their substitute-Daddy figures they most want to drool and jerk off over tonight?
This is primetime TV we're talking about here. Ben Shapiro is easily the best debater on this list any list that is missing him is objectively wrong. Too many lists have molymeme too. He gets triggered way too easily and crumbles when he cant mute the person he is talking to. He is a valuable tool for redpilling normies but needs a controlled environment and long winded sermons to get a point across.
The only list that makes sense for primetime tv is Shapiro, Judge Jeanine (for diversity points), Tucker Carlson and Hannity. If i had my way i would use Alex Jones over Hannity but he is too woke for TV plebs. That is the only list worth mentioning.
- Michael Savage
- Alex Jones
- Tucker
rate my picks senpai
Remember that you can't debate liberals with logic.
Ben shapiro would bend Jeanine Pirro over and pound her with his circumcised cock. Stop watching so much fox faggot.
> Steven Bannon
> Steven Miller
> Ann Coulter
> Michael Savage or Alex Jones
Alex Jones
Joe Rogan
>not a fag
I choose PJW, Lauren Southern, and dildobert.
Scott Adams
Alex jones
Boom everyone awakens
- Stefan Molyneux
- Jared Taylor
- Richard Spencer
- Gavin the Chinless
Lauren Southern
Alex Jones four times.
Wouldn't even need a fourth desu
Shapiro, Poo in Loo, Savage, Hannity.
They would obliterate anyone
ill pick one, Alex Jones
Judge Jeanine
Shaprio is a no brainer - and would be the anchor of this team.
Carlson can hold his own and actually knows things.
Adams isn't the greatest political mind but he can be persuasive.
Judge Jeanine... I mean she is a judge!
The rest would be BTFO in a debate.
The rest are a mixed bag of entertainers, crackpots, intellectual lightweights, criminals, pedophilia apologists, and not ready for primetime players.
The Barron thing is joke you massive radical dolt.
Tucker is a proven debater. He very often shuts people down. Mark Dice is an excellent media analyzer and easily finds the holes and fallacies in people's claims, views, and arguments. Judge Jeanine is highly intelligent. Paul Joseph Watson is also awesome at sifting through bullshit and providing iron clad points that can't be disputed with any real facts. Hannity... well everyone knows Hannity ffs.
You have severe mental deficiencies and should be ashamed. Reddit might be a better place for you, heck even Tumblr is probably a better fit for you. Go drink some wine and eat some cheese and let a muslim immigrant rape you or your family.
Holy christ, you're a fool... it's actually pretty entertaining.
>To deliver the whole enchelada on live TV
Southern, Lahren, Coulter
>so sit and listen
>pedophile sympathizer
fuck off out of america you degenerate
Ben Shapiro and Tucker, I guess. Everyone outside Ben is shit though.
Tucker Carlson
(You)r Honor Judge Jeanine Pirro
Sean Hannity
(You)r local TV station Weather girl
the only correct answer
Savage would be enough. Everyone else would be white noise. Maybe D'Souza can sit in the corner and come up with something clever every 15 minutes
Tucker, Molymeme, Maynestreem Medier, and (((Michael Savage)))
I personally would rather have Molymeme than Milo but Milos pretty gud.
You guys are all doing this wrong.
Adams Shapiro Watson Jones
Lauren Southern
Judge Jeanine has several benefits over Shapiro. In terms of a prime time debate, well you got the left out there and Jeanine is a Judge and a woman, plus she's extremely intelligent and a proven debater outside of fox news you stupendous ass spelunker. Shaprio wouldn't be taken as seriously as Jeanine plain and simple.
The fuck is wrong with you anyways?
Dude... Shapiro is a fucking beast of a debater. You have to have him at the one spot
Shapiro and Stefan. Easy. Stefan would rip them apart, and Ben would make sure they can't possibly recover.
Adams, Shapiro, Molymeme, Savage
Tucker, Judge Jeanine, Kike Shapiro, Molymeme
To make it 4, I would add Judge and D'Souza.
Diversity: Check.
Top notch debaters: Check.