Why the hate on pjw?
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hes annoying and talks too loud
>(((Civic Nationalist)))/Race Creationist
>Cultural Libertarian
>Accused Trump of being controlled opposition
>Tried to hijack the Alt-Right from people that created it for personal fame.
Normally, I don't mind going up to bat for moderate e-celebs, but PJW is just a bad person.
Shills with divide and conquer tactics.
>there is no evidence of Jews being in positions of power... I don't buy it...
That is why.
The memes about him are funny, I don't even watch his content that much.
>Islam is bad cause they hate gays and demand their women be traditional
I don't know how you guys can listen to this northern monkey he's so nasal
Post the PJW edit of this pic
Why are you disowning the people who is redpilling normies?
Did you except to win with nothing but Sup Forums memes?
what was the next sentence?
It's not hate, it's memes
>Why the hate?
I was going to post this.
It's not really hate for him. I mean some people hate him but all the memes are just made because he has a funny voice.
>Pic Unrelated
Goes for low-hanging fruit like all other nu-Sup Forums youtubers, refuses to name the jew
>I'm the real leader of the alt-right!
p-please stop making these mean photoshops okay? we know that you are getting paid to spread them, so you might as well come clean about it right now!
okay thats about all, peace out.
east European gate keeping Jew.
Don't give people influence, who would back stab you any second.
Source on him being a Jew? He does work for Jewish interest and he's a dishonest shit.
He a fart sniffer and his voice is annoying.
still not old
He was a shill for "the alt-right" all through Trumps campaign. But as soon as LEFTISTS started calling the alt-right neo-Nazis he completely dropped the label, said the alt-right is neo-Nazis but it's okay because he and his followers aren't alt-right, they're "new-right"
Have some fucking faith in your convictions man. He better than anyone should know you never give in to the lefts labels, you just ignore them
I like PJW, but "Main stream meteor" is a fun meme.
Annoying, obnoxious, faggot who panders to Gen Z kiddies by talking about feminism, celebrities and other light subjects rather than discussing the tough subjects and the root cause behind the symptoms decaying our society. He refuses to talk about the JQ because hes bought and paid for just like his handlers.
This. He jumped on and effectively hijacked the alt-right label and used it to push his own (((civic nationalist))) agenda just like Cernovich and others. But the moment the alt-right got heat, he turned his back and dropped the label making everyone else pick up the tab.
This. He's a fucking bandwagoner. He sticks to the trends that are the most popular in the "CUNTCURE COLTCHURE", and thinks he is some kind of bastion of the alt-right even though he is pretty fucking away from what alt-right is.
If you support him you should support the Jewish Faggot as well.
This. I like what he says, but that accent makes him sound like a twat.
pol doesn't hate him.
Just ignore the shills from CTR who are trying to create division among us.
>pol doesn't hate him
>pol is one person
Nobody cares about him here except a bunch of /leftypol/ fags who divide & distract by attacking personalities. I'm sure we'll see anti-"Varg" memes next, and they will be just as stale.
>create mediocre black metal albums
>stab a guy 50 times
>somehow become voice of reason
end your life
It's just banter. There's no real hate going on, we just love memes more that is all.
Varg really is a meme that doesn't need photoshop tho
He's a fag linked with milo. Not much else to say.
>create mediocre black metal albums
Except for this you're right
PJP is actually based. He's like Milo without the gay faggot baggage.
That said, I do find the Maynestreem meteor memes funny, even if they are made by plebbit.
Stop touch benis.
It's Sup Forums you inbred shill retard. Doesn't David Brock teach you sub-minimum-wage filth anything before he sends you out here?
wait what?
>it's not "pol"!! Only people who use "pol" are shills!
>doesn't realize literally 1 reply ago burger used "pol" to call out the shills
so everyone is a shill. good to know.
Also yeah, "refer to us properly1!!" is A-tier normie shit. Get the fuck out.
You couldn't handle my potions, sir knight.
>Anyone who doesn't like my Jew owned e-celeb pals is a shill
Fuck off back to the_donald you limp dick, pasty skinned, cuckolded half breed.
i dont like pjw because all he does is shout at the camera in front of a map, he is very unpleasant to listen to
also infowars is garbage
People don't hate PJW, it's just a niche group of autists. The whole "mainstream meteor" thing is just a meme mainly mocking his goofy accent.
Sup Forums is full of a bunch of ethno-nationalists autists. They love Richard Spencer and champion him as the "Leader of the alt-right" yet when he gets punched by a beta, he literally walks away crying and fixing his hair.
This is who Sup Forums admires. A cuck with no sense of honor or dignity.
PJW, Gavin and others on the other hand are shit on for being too "mainstream" and civic-nationalists. Yet they never backed down to Antifa cucks.
>INB4 M-Muh paid shill
>INB4 "H-Hey r_thedonald"
I don't hate ethno-nationalists. I like the Golden One, I think he has good content. You faggots have to realize that you can't just go from Trump to the JQ. People need to find that path on their own. Let them work from EZ-mode (PJW and Gavin) then to medium (Styx) to hardo mode (George Lincoln Rockwell)
Quit shilling Richard Spencer. He's fucking terrible.
Lil Spencie literally did nothing wrong you shill
very few here like richard spencer and he is most certainly not our leader
No one loves Spencer, except TRS faggots. PJW is just so easily mockable because he's a ranting sperg autitst, with a hilarious accent and a mail-order bride.
Hand over the altrightlegates, Richarhd
>I don't like toasters because all they do is toast.
>I don't like Breaking Bad because all it is is a guy in a hat in New Mexico.
>I don't like bartenders because all they do is serve drinks.
You are a skilled rhetorician. Thank you, and God bless you, and God bless David Brock, our lord and savior, master super-genius of all time forever and ever, amen.
PJW is a whingey pome. Nobody likes a whingey pome. he's to autistic to have any sense of humor and lacks any sort of cunning or wit.
He's a running gag for liberals lad
He's constantly shilled on here
Is she cute?
I know lad, I was being sarcastic
Again. You are skilled.
what should i name this photo?
I knew that would get under your skin shills
WTF, man? Alex Jones is a Jew? I thought he was only married to one?
y-your a paid shill if you dont like PJW!1!!1
Either that, or you have an IQ of about twenty five thousand
Conservatism is, in fact, the new counter culture. Do you disagree?
maybe so but PJW is terrible of making the case
they are all Jews. everyone you see on TV is a Jew even if they have some elaborate story about how they are not
And my I say your grammar surpasses that of Joseph Conrad
>Cohen, Kahane, Kohnen, etc.
You can't have a more Jewy name than that. If I remember correctly, it indicates you are directly from some super Jewy rabbi clan. Although the name fell to inflation.
He never had convictions. He called Trump a Hillary plant, until it became obvious Trump would be the nominee youtube.com
Even (((Mike Cernovich))) is a lot better than PJW, because Mike actually apologized to Spencer after the false flag at hailgate and actually sticks to his conviction.