Jesus was muslim?
Jesus was muslim?
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Christ is the counternarrative to the final redpill of becoming a Jew, because when you do the Jew, the Jews kill you.
Yah and his name was Isa
Mudshits came way way WAAAAAAAAY after Jesus.
p.sure OP meant arab
If Jesus existed, he'd be semitic.
MEs are very closeley related to whites, so it wouldn't really make a difference if he's from the ME or from Europe.
Fucking libshit should stop talking about religion if they don't know shit about it
> Jesus lived in Herodian Tetrarchy of the Roman Empire
> People are confused as to why he was depicted as Italian
Religions aren't races.
Islam must be destroyed.
Mohammed was actually a nigger
Stay woke
Jesus was a Roman Citizen, so that makes him Latin, and Italian.
No he is a prophet in the Quran but he was exposed to Buddhism between 13-30, came back enlightened, hence Messiah.
> Kingdom of God is within you
> before Abraham was, I am
>Jesus has popularly been depicted as blond
>Fat Buddha is the same Buddha
Weak b8
i have never seen a blonde jesus
Hitler believed that Jesus was the son of a roman legionari and therefore aryan
Jesus was not a citizen, hence why he was able to be punished by the kike council, rather than having Pilate save his kosher bacon
Those are two different Buddhas.
Yes, I'm sure Jesus fucking Christ would be angry at being depicted with the wrong hair color, that's clearly a reaction that is in line with Jesus' teachings.
Arabian doesn't equal muslim
But Jesus' dad was God, so that makes him white.
>Jesus and Mary were Super Saiyans
Now I've seen everything.
This he's typically pretty swarthy, dark hair, dark eyes, slight tan. He usually looks like a levantine man. What do libshits think people from this area look like.
Although my church does have window with a blonde pale skinned christ. It's beautiful.
why the fuck are jesus and mary burning?
Well it's a good thing I'm not Christian.
I mean i've seen white levantine peoples, but it's generally known he was swarthy with brown skin and brown eyes.
>Islam must be destroyed.
All Abrahamic religions are shit. Look at the 2000 year devastation caused by their dogma and intolerance.
I'll die on my feet as a free man long before I live on my knees as a religious slave.
Bright Halo of Light depicted as fire
can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Afghanistan was a Buddhist land in Jesus' time
Nope, moron
>He usually looks like a levantine man. What do libshits think people from this area look like.
They think the entire region looks like a bunch of dark Arabs without exception
No just a jew sandnigger, which is ten times worse
Judaism has been greatly reduced, Christianity has been castrated.
Islam is the one standing highest, they are next.
Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying to you about 9/11.
Are you sure you're ready?
That the Jew Jesus was White has been a feature of Christianty from almost the beginning. That he wasnt a Jew rebel full of hate but a Western-friendly pacifist is the lie that got it all started.
It was Jewish propaganda, exactly like the Jewish propaganda today that tells us Middle Easterners are not a threat to the West and are actually White themselves.
If the Jews succeed again, in the distant future mongrelized Islamo European iconoclasts may one day laugh at the idea that their invading ancestors werent really peaceful and essentially White themselves.
You ask, you know.
>but it's generally known he was swarthy with brown skin and brown eyes.
Generally known by whom? There is no archaelogical or photographic evidence of Jesus of Nazareth's phenotypes. All that is known is that he was an Israelite. He lived very close to the coast and could have been a number of European and mediterranean ethnicities including *gasp* blue eyed and blond.
Also the OP is interesting because buddha was a north indian Aryan said to have deep blue eyes. Not an asian.
non christian here.
This "What race was Jesus" always amuses me. How retarded plebs use asspulls to try and claims their deity was the same race as him. I've even seen asians try to claim he was chinese. It's fucking retarded.
You want to know Jesus' most likely race? It's pretty fucking obvious what he most likely was:
>born of lower class during roman control of middle eastern state
which means he is probably a mixture of mostly middle eastern and some Mediterranean white or pic related.
Wow. Such mystery.
You can stop being faggots now.
Are we going to now go through history and revise every painting or image of every historical figure who looked like someone else? Jesus is portrayed as white by Europeans because that's the skin colour of the models the painters used. Is that really such a challenging concept to grasp?
hi fellow time-traveler !
doesn't matter what he was. an egrigore is whatever the majority decides it is.
>Roman land
>Jewish kid
>Arab name
I'm a white man with brown hair and hazel eyes. I live in Boise, Idaho. 2,000 years ago, I looked exactly the same.
Laughing Buddha (the fat one) is a different person all together..........
Hebrew, a sand jew.
or at the very least some derivative of Arab.
This makes no sense. Buddha transcended and is no longer around, even in a heaven. The other guy never even existed.
Jesus waz kang n shiet?
>whites depict jesus as white
>niggers depict jesus as black
>"what a great depiction of culture! Its amazing how different people interpret thing differently!"
>asians depict jesus as asian
>"what a great depiction of culture! Its amazing how different people interpret thing differently!"
>spics depict jesus as a spic
>"what a great depiction of culture! Its amazing how different people interpret thing differently!"
I need some sauce on that reaction image.
Jesus and Mary have been depicted as every race.
Yet another case of 'only bad when white people do it'.
The spic jesus has a twist
kek white ppl,. when will they ever stop culture vultchin.
Kaiokek X10
Did being 'Moroccan land' make Christian Spaniards into Arabs ?
Who the hell ever depicted Jesus as blonde?
Oh, or is the artist just an idiot who likes projecting?
You see, they all were killed.
You're a fucking retard, he was from a poor down-trodden family and MED's are generally not blonde hair and blue eyed, face it he was fucking brown.
What baffles me the most is why they care so much, at the end of the day God isn't human so why does it fuckin matter?
seconding this
cherry blossoms are my favorite part of the nativity scene
white ppl come from albinism. a disease. And theyre ashamed of it.
>He usually looks like a levantine man
Nigger what?
Most modern depictions of Jesus Christ are based off of the works of Leonardo de Vinchi. His depiction of Jesus Christ was bought and paid for by Cesare Borgia, who paid him to paint Jesus as looking like Cesare.
Cesare was of Spanish descent.
It's in the Bible you twat "he had hair like sheeps wool and skin of bronze"
Look like proto polish people lol.
Where, when, ever has Christ been blonde?
Also people in Jerusalem are only brown today because of hundreds of years of Muslim rape
1. The fat statues and figurines do not depict Gautama Buddha himself but a Butai. A Chinese depiction of a guy they say will be a future Buddha
2. Jesus was never shown as a blond man. Pic related.
Only retards would think a Palestinian Jew looks like a Nordic.
>hair like sheeps wool
This doesn't nessesarily mean a lot unless we know what the contemporary regional breed of sheep looked like. They've changed a lot over time.
>skin of bronze
This is difficult as well, because the Romans used seemingly inappropriate words to describe things, like the sky and water could be considered 'bronze' because they used that adjective to describe brightness or shininess or something, not hue.
>he had hair like sheeps wool
New Zealand Yes !!!
If you believe God impregnated a virgin, is it really such a leap to think God made Jesus blond haired and blue eyed?
If you believe, as the jews claim, that Jesus was the son of a roman soldier, then again he could indeed look white.
White ppl be like.
Muh race.
fuck why do people making these comics have to be retarded ? We all know Jesus would have looked like a syrian dude or something.
Black people in Ethiopia depicted him as black, no one say a thing ?? because people would relate better if the guy looked like them. They would appreciate and trust him more, like they know him.
I mean this is so fucking obvious it hurts to see such autism
What's so great about Boise?
>facial structure
That means he had curls and had the skin tone of an Arab.
He was a Judean/Palestinian Jew.
Of course he wasn't blonde.
The pride in her eyes. Truly blessed by Krishna.
wtf is this
Bhatti tribe of Pakistan. 100% identical to modern day Caucasians.
This. So much this. Even reminds me of a clip about some mountain-farmer doing a christmas still-life with elephants - and giving them the "wrong" cow-like knees. People back then just didn't know any better, is all - and now, changing it, would brew up a shitstorm.
blonde is how it is spelled to start.
second off jesus was tan with brown hair but not a mudslime or a currynigger or some shit.
You think god would make "his son" non-white are you retarded
What about it lel. That shit wont work on me, who has pierced the veil.
I always wonder how niggers want to say Albanism is where white people come from.
Do they not realize that albinos are said to have been sent by the gods in African belief? They say they have magical powers.
and then they cite the Nation of Islams story of Yakub the smartest black guy who ever lived they say. who they say genetically engineered white people. Who then was outsmarted by the white people he created and destroyed by them.
What? What is that supposed to prove, that niggers are really inferior?
Albino indians, just these guys.
What are white ppl tryna say? muh supremacy? is this it?
Never seen blond Jesus, lol.
I've never seen imagery where they make jesus look Blonde. At best he's had light brown but it's still not proper yellow blonde.
The problem is when you preach your version of Jesus to the people who gave you Jesus. Whites love to preach, but they hate to listen.
Isn't is possible that Jesus could have been white? Or at least blonde? I mean there's still blonde kids that pop up in that region who, I believe, they are or at least claim to be descended from Alexander the Great.
It's not like the Levant was cut off from the rest of the world.
1) Buddha was Indian not Asian
2) people depict religious figures as what is the norm in their culture. Jesus is portrayed as Asian in Korea, black in Ethiopia etc. Leftists are euro-centric and retarded.
Do you understand the difference between having NO melanin at all and having Pheomelanin?
Do you even know the differences between the brown / black melanin type and the red / pink melanin type?
I liked that anime but there are better. Like how to pick up girls in dungeon.