Let's have a brainmeme thread guys !
Let's have a brainmeme thread guys !
this is true though
You started with a good one. Have bump.
Isn't that image illegal to own Kraut?
All I have are bumps.
I even thought about that just after posting it. Yes, it probably is.
Anyone got the blank version of this?
best yet
that's some excellent frenchie shitposting
that escalated quickly.
Can you eat spiders eggs?
Only if you're really hungry
>implying being a cuck is a defensible position
icebergs too
this website in a nutshell
>posting with mom
Christ im dying
>reporting yourself
the only one that is accurate
Basically this, traitors of humanity including their own people.
this one stings
What about pic related?
>marathon trilogy
Kaiserreich was just Uber-Prussia, so it'd be the 2nd to last one.
Unironic original content.
Good taste my friend
Captain Blood represent
>no tohno-chan
Do you have an English translation?
Here is the one and only guide to German politics, shill.
>not listening to pink noise for 10 years straight
>german smoker
ya talking bout Schmidt or something?
Do people really microdose LSD? It seems useless
Nah, there is a one issue party that tries to revoke the ban on indoor smoking in restaurants and bars.
shit I reached the lowest area already.
>Antonio Gramsci
what is the commie doing there? Most people have read something from him where I live
What's the template for iceberg, please ?
> 9 gag below Sup Forums
I hope it's satire
Its literally a submerged iceberg, super popular picture
Supposedly it increases productivity
>traps on the same level as vore
traps are normalfag at this point
>not listening to your tinnitus
Your like a little babby
this one is funny
anyone have the one with jordan peterson as the final stage?
oh, ok then
Whatever helps you sleep at night
That escalated quickly.
So we're literally taking memes from kikebook now?
All memes our ours
Pretty accurate.
Saekano is absolute degenerate tier trash
Jew elephant has the potential to be memed
Been stuck at "weird" for the past 5 years now, now beginning to show "creep" tier interests
this unironically
brain meme best meme
You mean study it to make it real next time
It's ylilauta