Sup Forums meta

Why cant we have a philosophy board?
A lot of things that don't belong on Sup Forums or /sci/ or /lit/, or /his/ could go there. Like important truths like this:

>Nobody in this world is good except Jesus. We are all flawed sinners with no hope of being good. Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. This is true. We are all rapists. Nobody is a virgin. Nobody is innocent. Not the elderly nor the infants. This is absolutely true. To be good is to control. Free will dictates that we are Gods. This is a satanic belief. There is one God, ruling from outside of this world. All the perceived forces in this world are derivative. Jesus perfectly transcended those worldly forces and was one with them because he worshiped the source of the forces, not the forces themselves which are derivative. We are not good because we worship the world and its forces instead of the outside source of them. Since God controls us, the only thing we can do is beg him to let us repent for fear that he will damn us instead of saving us.


I like the idea of this thread

This man is core Timmy philosophy

>Why cant we have a philosophy board?

We need a religion one before anything.
Deus vult autists and edgy fedorafag atheists need to gtfo.

Well sure but just call it 'Philosophy' so 'atheists' feel like they are welcome.

/religion & philosophy/

Sort of like Sup Forums's /anime & manga/

99.99% of the shit on this board is opinions people make because they have nothing better to do with their time. Nobody really debates anything, it's literally an echo chamber.

/his/ is a philosophy board.


we need a culture and identity poltiics board to douche out the stupid threads from pol

No its a history board. Nobody goes there to discuss philosophy, and philosophy threads are shit on there. A philosophy board will encourage threads that are fundamentally philosophical

I think you mean /his/.

Also, /sci/ if you're a high schooler


>Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities Anonymous ## Mod Mod Icon 11/01/15(Sun)06:36:48 No.27939 Sticky
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archaeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc.
Simple, sage & hide folks

we need /mano for manosphere

all the red pill culture and sex talk and complaining you could want

newfags to pol can lurk there before coming to pol
and shitting up the board

and they can talk philosophy there to, just give them a higher thread post limit

pol is chaos

his is not

b is hedonism

we need something in the center of all three

Go away leaf you tried this already.

but we do need another board

yes that would make sense. women have always been shunned and bullied out of this place. We should accept it and have a board for man shit.

many of the dumb threads are made by high school and college students looking for attention ,affirmation and a common culture because they are alienated in the real world

the common problem is their sex lives and women

conversations that have happened needed to happen, and its good that they happenened, but pol cannot stand having it interfere with politics any longer

It really would clean things up on Sup Forums for sure.

>Objective truths
You better stay away from my /his/ retard.

There are objective truths...

any philosophy board would just be shit up constantly with marx, molyneux, and peterson threads. we already have that here so there's no point making a board for it.

>Objective truths in philosophy

i honestly think there would be a lot about word of jesus vs word of mohamed too

If you want a philosophy board then why the fuck are you accepting those things as absolute truths if they can clearly be debated and not true at all

Here is an objective truth:
The forces and laws of this world originate from outside of this world.

I support a philosophy board.


>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

It's literally on the sticky, but please feel free to tell me that the sticky is wrong you condescending fuckwit.

I'd say delete /his/ and make a philosophy board... History & Humanities is a fucking horrible name. Just fucking make a history board and a philosophy board.

Real philosophy discussions happen on /lit/ because litizens have actually read the shit being discussed.


A philosophy board would be fucking awful

>philosophy is dictated by professors who need to publish books for a living

>Starting a philosophy with religious propoganda

let it out


We already have you that fucking retart it's called /his/ - History and HUMANITIES

>Why cant we have a philosophy board?
because philosophy is shit

it's called /his/ not /phi/

>clever men modelling world using reason


>goat fuckers inventing retarded stories with no rational or empirical foundation



culture and identity poltics needs their own place
