Huh this really fires up the old neurons

huh this really fires up the old neurons

Other urls found in this thread:'s_4_Lyfe.html

Wish they would just admit that they hate themselves and their race and be done with it.

>see this
>oooh how cute
>go outside
>white kid asking his mom why black kids look like poop


>colorblind racism

I am confused, the one kid is white and the other kids is a nigger..what am I missing here?


>treat them differently
>"reee, racist!"

>treat them the same
>"reee, how do you dare ignore the hardship I have to suffer because I'm not white!"

Just send them back

I agree we should segregate the little shits now.

wat the fuck?

thats an infantile platitude scenario at best
at VERY best

sage, slide thread.

Do not engage, do not collect £200.

>>see this
>>oooh how cute
>>go outside
>get shot by the police


Is it just me or do they actually look pretty similar?

>celebrate diversity
>race is a social construct

The left is a mysterious paradoxical entity that has finally weakened it's core foundation to the point that it is beginning to implode on itself.

The white kid got his hair cut like his friend and thinks they look identical now because he's a kid and doesn't know or care about race. It's a cute story

But insane people are saying its 'colorblind racism'

but the kid on the left looks like a quadroon.

This guy gets it.

If it was mere autistic screeching that the cucks were capable of, I wouldn't have an issue with it tho. That's not the case.


This is the ultimate strategy of the Jew. Encouraging blacks and whites to be constantly mad at each other. Not even the most innocent childhood friendship can be spared from the Jews' PC lens.

wait... so does she want them to realize that they should hate each other?




It's kinda like They Live.

Treat black people the same, but also recognise that they're oppressed and have many hardships because of their skin colour and treat them differently because of that

Got it?

Now THIS will really get the noodle wagglin'

So would you mind posting the thread we should be in?


Whoa watch out with that edge bro

Talcum X always makes me laugh. He is so fucking vocal despite the fact that in the US he could easily pass for white or a spic and not have to endure the racism that he claims to endure. If he didn't claim to be a nigger I would think he was mixed or maybe a spic depending on his hair.

That kid is a fucking retard.

sick burn dude



The kid on the left is not white. Looks like a quadroon.

He is literally 100% white. The fact that you say this means you have fallen for his deception tactics and nose flaring when taking photos.

I wonder if the same article would work out if it went something like this:
>Boy puts shoe polish on face to trick teacher from telling him and his friend apart
If liberals say it's racist then they clearly see color and are hypocritical to what this article says or they have to accept putting shoe polish on your face it ok.

Nope. You're just a stupid nigger

the part where you revealed yourself as poor white trash with self esteem issues

>The kid on the left is not white. Looks like a quadroon.
(same ID)
>Talcum X is literally 100% white.

Sup Forums is the one place where when you claim to be black you are automatically aryan and when you claim to be aryan you are mixed race. Nigger you need to get your shit together

This fuckin guy
u best be trollin m8

Holy shit, Argentinians really ARE white then?

Stop reposting this rubbsih.

>See this
>go to churches fo a 2 piece an biscuit.
>ratchet ass ho starts getting naked shaking that dripping pussy around the ball pit
>fucker her with a chair leg

What the fuck

Use the Vik pic next time please

We dont have any black apess here.I didnt saw them in real life,but im 21.


This bullshitery has to stop

Sup Forums BTFO

>they (i.e., blacks)
You'll get there, user.

>21 years on earth without having seen a spook

fake news. the kid on the left had cancer which is in remission after chemo and the kid on the right is at the hospital because his dad got shot resiting arrest

I envy you. Seriously.

Notice how whitey had to emulate darky, why? Because it's always easier to lower the barthan to raise it.

I wish i was born a jap or pole and grew up in an ethnically homogenous society. Maybe in another life.

Do you know where you are?

>But insane people are saying its 'colorblind racism'
What the fuck does that even mean? Liberals love to look for non-existing issues but seriously what the fuck?

I don't think this is cute. This little boy is clearly mentally retarded. They're exploring literal retards for their virtue signaling now.

No because whites want ti ne alpha


Holy shit, I cannot tell these black twins apart!


No I see it too.
This is the kind of shit I said when I was a kid, I genuinely have a hard time distinguishing peoples faces and I didn't know anything about race so I thought lots of people looked alike.

Is that faggot flaring his nostrils to look more black?

>colorblind racism

>maxing out bluff in an rpg

Ice T and Cocoa

hahahahaha fuck that was great

10/10 thank you for the smile

>colorblind racism

How does that work? Do you flip a coin whenever you meet someone to decide whether or not you'll be racist against them