>CNN Homepage edited after posting fake news title
Litearlly 45 mins ago
>CNN Homepage edited after posting fake news title
Litearlly 45 mins ago
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What headline lol
Surely you have an archive link lol
CNN would never lie to you, people from CNN said so lol
bump due to shills
there is a reason why archive.is doesn't work on CNN
Wait, so what did they change?
CNN has something fucky going on with their website. Try and archive the front page in archive.is it will just show up as a blank page.
They are learning to cover their tracks now.
while it doesn't monitor CNN, anons interested in the process of changing news articles might be interested in NewsSniffer.co.uk
Learned that not even 10 minutes ago and then immediately see an example of why
Fucking retards it's still on there. Give it up
Trump falsely accuses Obama of wiretapping his phone
lul click the link for ads
how (((convenient)))
This is hillarious, becuase it's hard evidence, that the first headline wasn't just a failure to attribute. They really had no basis to say it was false in the first place.
Don't be such a doofus leaf. In any case, the shit you linked to is a completely different headline than the first two.
>With no proof, Trump says Obama wiretapped him
I have CNN blocked in my hosts file. Nothing there worth seeing.
whatever its still there. fake news
I have a feeling something big is going to pop up...and soon. This is a pretty drastic claim. I don't think Trump would make such a claim with no evidence.
>No evidence
Can anyone still archive CNN at the moment?
>without any evidence
"sources said" didn't fit in 140 characters
He has constantly made false claims like this throughout his campaign and presidency.
>what do you mean we can't outright declare it false?
Really ? like sweden, bowling green massacre, obamas birth certificate, autism links to vaccines, biggest win since reagan, arnold got fired, larger inauguration than obama, no one in campaign spoke to russians, etc etc etc
No, no he would never do anything like that.
It's still at the top of their politics section
It's almost like the story has been updated with a statement by an Obama spokesman. Or we just switched timelines. Really makes ya think.
They keep changing it
>Breaking news story being continually updated
Oh wow what a fucking surprise
Nice HTML skills drumpfie, try hard next time tho
Obama's birth certificate is proven fake tho. By people a whole lot smarter on the subject than you. Try to pay attention.
must be a jewish conspiracy
there's no way trump is making himself look like a retard without help
It's clearly the interdimensional vampire pedophiles' doing.
I don't know about the internal workings of CNN's web team but it is possible that they do extensive A/B testing of headlines.
CNN is worse than the Enquirer, regardless.
The first part is effectively libel, and needs to be documented as part of a larger case. Timestamps, archive, witnesses to verify, etc.
As more evidence comes in, the case can be made that there is more to the statements than a "mistake", which is what libel is all about. Malicious intent needs to be proven, but once it is proven, it hits hard.
Cnn: What trump said is false. We will update you as we figure out what makes it false
Is that how breaking news is supposed to be reported?
>President makes wild claim without evidence
>News organizations report that the president has made a wild claim without evidence
The second title is accurate; Trump makes accusation, Obama's PR team denies (because obviously they aren't going to admit it even if the accusations were true).
The first title is blatant fake news, because CNN has absolutely nothing with which to confirm or refute the allegation, therefore a title saying "X falsely accuses Y of doing Z" is a blatant lie.
I wonder who could be behind this post
I used to think people exagerated when talking about leafs... Not anymore.
>wild claim
it says false claim, tyrone
>News organizations report that the president has made a wild claim without evidence
and without evidence the claim is wild
I trust trump's sources over cnn's
No, they reported the claim was false
Statement of fact vs statement of fact (that someone else stated)
If they keep the first headline and it turns out obama actually DID wiretap Trump, they could theoretically (but not really) be in shit for it. The bottom's okay because CNN isn't saying it, some random nobody is saying it and CNN is just regurgitating his words I mean quoting him.
Can't be sued for libel if you're just quoting the guy being libelous :^)
The headline claimed the statement was false, not that the statement had no evidence to support it.
There's a pretty big difference.
"Trumpfags were a mistake."
It's pretty amusing how Trump, and by extension his entire base of support, can't function without some kind of political enemy boogeyman to deflect blame onto. Using Hillary and Podesta for this purpose is wearing increasingly thin since the election, so it's now necessary to paint Obama as some kind of evil shadow President working against him in order to avoid responsibility for the scandals of the day.
It would be pretty fascinating if it wasn't so insane.
what's the problem? They update headlines all the time.
CNN banned archive
You don't need to read their Shiite articles anyways
already forgetting about "Muh Russians"
>can't function without some kind of political enemy boogeyman to deflect blame onto
Because it's true. You thought Obama would be gone?
Name one, and one that wasn't already disproven.
Even liberals at this point agree that he misspoke when using Sweden's recent woes in his example of abhorrent border standards.
Obama's birth certificate IS fake
It's actually the other way around - vaccines supposedly link to autism, and I don't recall Trump declaring anything of the sort, but instead said that it should be looked at.
Biggest win since Reagan? Explain. I don't see anything wrong with that statement. This win was YUGE!
Your shill tactics don't work anymore
You know it
I know it
Everybody knows it
Jesus, just give Brock his money back for that one. This isn't even paid shilling anymore, it's thievery.
this is it right now,
What is going on?