Homophobes were just BTFO by Justin Trudeau and tolerance!
Trudeau Makes Out With Man To Support Gay Rights
That's mulcair you plebian
I'm 100% hetero, but I love sucking cock to prove how tolerant I am. I also like to take in in the ass sometimes.
Our leader is doing his actual job.
What is yours doing? Wasting his time pandering to muh minorities? Just let us annex you,you're better off that way.
Politicians just act straight, so there are no awkward question about them all being homos and trannies.
still more alpha than trump
nice shop
no shit pleb
>Our leader is doing his actual job.
If you annex us, we win.
So, it is a choice afterall?
Expect giant cold sores on trudeaus mouth in near future, as homos are get around a lot.
Trump has actually fucked her though.
When you don't french kiss random fags your enemy wins.
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
Oh Hans! I do the same! I just love how we're all citizens of the world and can take cock in our asses for tolerance sake!
Trudeau is the man!
This one flew right under the radar
>Ivanka tries to conduct business with Trudeau
>REEEEEEEE nepotism!!
>Ivanka eye-rapes Trudeau
>REEEEEEEE sexism!!
Fake news. Doctored pic from a year ago.
Trump is the news, this is shill.
You can only look at the information once, and spread it around once.
We'll keep an eye on the news.
Go back to your circle jerk, faggot.
Not everything is a shill.
what's wrong, leaf? scared of what your leader is proving himself to be? proving americans right about how pathetic he is? mhhhhhhhhhhh yum mhhhhh oh yeah
Kind of weird seeing the independent defending a Trump.
he still wishes she was physically attracted to him though :(
Not really, but I'd still take the dumpster fire that is Trump, over Trudeau the faggot any day...
Please strong glorious yank... Save us. I'd rather get economically cucked by you, than physically fucked by a bunch is Somali "refugees"(that came from America.... That's not how filing for refugee status works btw, but I'm sure they'll almost all get in) while my home gets seized via eminent domain to house some Syrians.
Does anyone else find her laugh lines incredibly unsexy? She has the jowels of a 55 year old chubby man.
Do not Annex us.
Do not add another 38 million Californians. Take care of yourself and let Canada correct itself.
lots of white women age really poorly
wtf i love men now
ivanka pepe?
Yeah, at this point it wouldn't be worth the effort of America's to save us. We're too far gone, and what would they get? Had to process oil that's not worth the investment to refine, lots of lumber that's probably cheaper to import from China than harvest domestically, and bloated civil servant unions.
The compassionate thing to do is just put us out of our misery and destroy the land before 3rd worlders try to resettle it.
Trudeau BTFO!! K.O! Flawless Victory!
If kissing a man is wrong, then I don't want to be right!
he didnt do it because he supports ghey rights he did it because he needed that mans tongue in his mouth. hes tired of living the lie he is forced to live.
he only pretended to bang trophy wives of rich guys when he was ski instructor . in reality all he ever did was have "girl time" with them and watch sex and the city
It should have happened in 1812 but NOOOO those fucks had to invade from fucking Ohio.
But I suppose for now it's good. We don't have the marxist cancer in Canada screwing things up even more than they already are.
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay:
delete this
dont make me hate this fucking country anymore than i already do
HE'S MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!
>Trudeau proves that homosexuality is a choice
hahahaha holy shit I feel so fucking sorry for you leafs. you elected the biggest pussy ever to hold office.
All leafs crave the beef. Gender is just a social construct and men, like they do everything else, make the best women. Go gobble your lord and masters manranch dressing then toss his salad.
> no one asks for source
Sup Forums in 2017 everyone
This can't be real
If it is, the day of rake is near
When is he going to get religion of peace'd to show to us bigots that it's not that bad?
Source on the OP?
fags btfo
If you rake them, they win
Trudeau confirmed faggot.
A) thats a photoshop
B) thats mulcair, hes a commie but straight believe it or not
C) kys faggot
D) stop talking about my country shareblue, now heres your 5$ (((you)))
Ok, so which one of you did this?
Youve got to be kidding!
Leaf faggots hahaha
Fuck, Canada. This guy leads your country. Fucking pathetic
this needs to stay on top. I can't believe this shit. Fucking hilarious. Good job Canada. Slow clap.
Yeah. The short version is this:
J'=f( dr(a) • pi (d)i )
Meaning that the prime justification is a function of the derivitave of giving less that one rats ass whether people outside your inner circle like it or agree.
Old age and treachery will overcome youthful exuberance every time
Let Buzzfeed help you with that one
kek, i can't tell if this is serious or not
wtf I hate Trudeau now!
Mulcair is a dickhead.
>still more alpha than trump
>cries at the funeral of fidel castro
yeah wow, what a tough guy.
Weedman is a fucking internet clown.
> elderly quebecistani sees sample ballot...
> "Trudeau's Back?! Sacre bleu, his old lady was bat shot crazy but she was fuckin hawt, eh. I'm in."
Months later...
> who's this fizzy douche?
Where is the joke
He's German.
Is this yaoi? If so,