Watching him sperg-out on an actual scientist was beautiful.
The tuck got tucked
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Tucker tucked him. Did you even watch the interview/debate? Or are you just here to shill?
>bill nye
lol a fucking leaf!
Completely honest, I don't know the first thing about climate change. I do believe it's a thing because the majority of people say it's a thing. I would love if at these ""debates"" you had people show each other graphs and shit and give concrete numbers but it's always like
>"there's overwhelming evidence! you suffer from cognitive dissonance! it's so obvious"
>"well nu-uh I don't think so! I totally doubt it! be more open minded!"
>"no YOU be more open minded! it's real!"
>"no no no it totally is not!"
I watched the interview and Tucker was being an absolute retard in this one
I know right
and why the fuck do they always talk to Bill fucking Nye?
talk to an actual climate scientist or something
Cucker is a retard.
I turned it off pretty quickly after Bill Nye tried to tell me cognitive dissonance wasn't delusion. he should stick to his field
what? Did u watch the same video?
How? Bill wouldnt provide any actual evidence? That was Tuckers question and Bill wouldnt answer
>if we say bill nye won enough times people will believe us
Tucker simply wanted him to give us the scientific facts of what is causing the global warming phenomenon. And Bill Nye could only give him farmer's almanac statistics and an explanation of grapes growing where they shouldn't. Tucker tucked 'em in hardcore. These leftist faggots are delusional.
what question?
>failed comedian with an engineering degree
Both sides looked pretty stupid in this.
Tucker wasn't really listening and kept interrupting and Bill Nye just acted so arrogant and stated some outright falsehoods.
It's a shame what his inflated ego has done to him, he was once a really great science communicator.
this guy is starting to look like a tranny
>what question
That explains why you thought Nye was in the right. You're just as stupid as him.
What % has mankind contributed to global warming?
>anyone who doubts my hysteria has cognitive dissonance
I've been a lifelong tucker supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.
It was really cold this week, wtf? Global warming is a lie.
John stossel had two climate scientists on the the opposite side of the argument in his show and the one who was "pro" global warming without a better term literally walked off the stage to avoid having to debate the skepic.
>Bill Nye
Is this like when Shaun King calls himself black he becomes it, since Nye is an engineer am not a scientist?
Is Bill Nye a canadian?
because a question like that can't really be answered in a percentage
Bill is answering the question just fine, but Tucker keeps interrupting him.
You're not going to convince these neocons anything. They think constantly interrupting and asking for %'s that can't be answered means he won the debate. Anyone who thinks humanity doesn't contribute to global warming is retarded. The temperature has been rapidly changing ever since the industrial revolution, but nope, we have no hand it in at all.
If you prove them wrong that just makes them think they are more right. Bill nye was right on cognitive dissonance. I think if you want these guys to agree with you, you have to start with saying I respect you and agree with you but look at this evidence. Then you take it one step at a time but most likely will still fail. Its just not worth the effort to debate these people. Nothing you show will make them admit defeat. This isn't about science this is about pride and you destroying their world view.
they only showed 2 minutes of the debate. of course, they didnt show the part where bill refused to answer tuck's question which is how do we know if climate change was manmade for sure. i watched the full debate, something leftists didnt do, and about 4 times nye ignored tuck's original question. instead bill went on about what the consequences would be *IF* he was right and at some point tried to use emotional appeal. that comment section is cringey. just goes to show that leftists dont watch or read on current events, they just let the young turks explain it to them with a liberal narrative.
Tucker Carlson always does the same stuff
>Same look on his face
>interrupts them
>claims they don't know what they're talking about over and over
>gets one last talking point in
>gets the last word by saying "we're out of time!"
Bill wasn't even there to debate climate change he was there to prove that no matter how much evidence you show cognitive dissonance will just harden their beliefs anyway. If you actually cared about the subject you would look at the results yourself. Just by me saying this its only hardening your beliefs and making you more into a denier so I really shouldn't respond.
He honestly did ask a simple as hell question and bill did a really poor job of adressing it, and at the point where he talked about how tucker should think about his children I was starting to think, it's two idiots arguing and I'm not any smarter than I was before
what evidence? even in the video bill nye said that the last ice age was millions of years ago. even though we had "mini ice ages" not that long ago. just goes to show climate is random. all bill proved is that liberals arent used to hard questions
I don't get this argument, an engineer can be a scientist.
yes, he does only have a bachelor's degree, but in general engineers can indeed be scientists.
youre not any smarter because the truth is we dont know. we've only recorded weather for like 200 years, we cant draw a pattern from such a short amount of time
>because a question like that can't really be answered in a percentage
That is literally the only issue at the crux of the global warming hysteria. If scientists don't know how much humans have contributed to our current warming( which I believe we have) than why the fuck should we give them blanket authority on the issue. Sure scientists have come up with models they made up to show that whatever percent they liked was caused by humans, but you LITERALLY cannot run a test (you know science stuff) to test this. It's all based on that persons preconceived notions.
Nice try shill. Nye couldn't answer a simple question.
Name one scientific paper Nye has published. Oh right none because he only has a bachelor's in mechanical engineering.
Nye is a fake scientist who pushes the globalist political agenda on tv like Tyson or that jap.
Another shill
>Actual scientist
>climate science
wew lad
>Bill Nye
>an actual scientist
lmfao, you faggots believe everything you see on tv.
>actual scientist
bill nye was a fucking janitor for a news station.
some kike threw him an offer to be on some short science shit because he looks like a fag
this info was made public in the early 90s
but has since vanished for decades
That's not what you said, you changed your argument. You just said he can't be a scientist, which he could be.
Michio Kaku has an actual PHD unlike Nye
>Two non-specialists have a "debate" which consists of insults and smugness
This. I saw a graph once
>Insults and smugness
that's why Sup Forums loves cucker.
>only a bachelors in engineering
>main resume includes working at a Boeing plant and working on a kinds TV show
>has not published a paper in a scientific journal nor worked on any major studies
Don't get me wrong, an engineering degree isn't easy for most people. But parading around as an authority in the scientific community is down right laughable. For fuck sake people on my Normibook compare him to Hawkings and Feynman regularly.
no. i said he is not a scientist. and he isnt and never will be.
I understand you completely. I guess that's what happens when most of the people discussing it are jornalists, comedians and TV celebrities pretending to be scientists.
It always ends up a shitshow.
GTFO you Liberal cucks.
Alopecia has to be one of the cuckiest diseases I've ever seen.
Nye made him look like a fool
Six fucking seconds, Mr.Carlson.
That's all it took for you to interrupt me, again.
Is it my turn to speak now? May I talk?
Tucker was looking for a gotcha question and was failing miserably
>I KNOW that humans are causing the lion's share of climate change. Oh, yeah, we changed the name because it wasn't getting warmer the way we thought it was supposed to everywhere, but anyway, yeah. I've been around since the birth of the Earth's atmosphere cataloging climate for billions of years. This would never have happened if Henry Ford hadn't been such an anti-Semite. Also, as a member of two, count 'em, two skeptics communities, I'm very skeptical that your skepticism way just be a mental illness, invalidating any questions begged by the simple data points you're asking me about, Tucker.
Yeah I saw this. They're all full of shit
thats literally every news show ever
>bill nye meme
>no digits
checks out
How the fuck can you be a shill for disliking a MSM reporter?
That was fucking savage
this is the frirst time ive actually watched this clip.
>the climate today would be the same as it was in 1750 if it weren't for humans.
In all honesty how can anyone take this guy seriously? even the alarmists admit that CO2 emissions didn't really become a big problem until the 1950s.
please let this be true thats fucking hilarious
>"Mr Nye, what do you propose we do as humans so we can save the beetles and grapes?"
>nye: [marxist bullshit]
Why didn't it go like this?
Bill Nye the entertainment industry shill Jew guy.
Republicans are retarded. They always want to play dumb and fight that losing battle over whether global warming is real.
>Bill Nye
>actual scientist
He's not.
>If scientists don't know how much humans have contributed to our current warming
They do know but try explaining the implications of non linear partial differential equations to someone who has done nothing more than average high school mathematics
HE DIDN'T SHOW ANYTHING! no solid concrete proof, no numbers no graph no evidence whatsoever.. bill lie said: The belief is a scientific fact, Tucker said: let me see the facts.. bill lie: Your closed minded because you don't believe me.
where your evidence or are you gonna dance around that question like bill nye you fucking faggot? you shills talk all kinds of shit and rhetoric but never have any data or evidence to back what you say.
>They do know
LMAO they don't have a clue. and no understanding of mathematics doesn't have anything to do with it. I have taken classes regarding partial differential equations and other calculus shit.
The very basic question which obviously the average engineer could never answer is how much of the current warming is caused by humans?
Even modern climate scientist have no fucking clue to the answer of this questions.
Goes to show, modern science is used to push agendas false beliefs.
it seems like you're arguing that scientists don't know EXACTLY how much we're responsible for. Even if that were the case does that change anything? Unless you think humans have had zero impact or it's not happening at all, then you clearly have problems.
Autistic Leaf can't even tell when re-purposed pasta is being used for attempted humorous effect. Many such cases.
> They do know
> It's just too complicated for the average person
Bullshit. Fluid mechanics, which ultimately governs climate science, is not a very well understood field. Modeling something as complex as the climate of the earth is a crap shoot at best. When Nye had the gall to say it was "settled science", he immediately and totally discredited himself. Anyone with experience in fluid mechanics or climate modeling could have told him that, but he wanted to be a sperg.
>Bill Nye
>believing he is anything more than a glorified engineer
Kill yourself, before it gets worse.
If someone doesn't agree with you they have problems? Not an argument.
This. The guy will do anything to make a guest look stupid. I'm surprised people still want to come on his show. Not gonna lie, as a former Tucker watcher this is fucking hilarious watching his ratings drop. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy have a tv show.
KEK I often enjoy Tucker but he completely BTFO himself here
"Okay, well-"
"So the climate-
"It doesn't work like tha-"
What a fine display of retardation. A good reminder that many republicans are still the same mouthbreathers as always
How have you people not shit all over his Youtube page, thats the whole reason I come here, to shit post on SJWs