Can they be our allies?
Other urls found in this thread:
They get gassed first
Also you forgot
>looking for qt redpilled bf
Aren't they the whole reason we're keeping Muslims out?
Well considering I want to kill all of them they cannot be our allies
We need a new alphabet soon if they keep adding letters to that fucking thing, every god damn time I see it, it has added something, I lost track after Q
No they must get the rope
Why does /lgbt/ look aryan and Sup Forums has darker skin and hair? This promotes whiter people as bottoms and that's not okay
Always wondered why israel is a cube, not a ball
No, on the simple grounds that to be apart of the LGBTABCDEFG+ is to make your degeneracy a part of your lifestyle.
If they're gay and in the closet about it, sure. Some of the greatest men in history were likely homosexual, pic related. Gay men can still lead and create proper families with a wife and kid and live non-degenerate lifestyles and do great things for their country.
The moment their gayness is apart of their public life, fuck 'em
Jew physics
How do you report this shit?
There is an entire board for this degeneracy.
Sup Forums is the bottom
but these are all kinks. They could call it The Kink Kink Kink and it would be less redundant
/o/ is Sup Forumss love
You wouldn't happen to be Bavarian would you?
This shits disgusting whoever made this is getting the rope
LGBBCBBQKKK1488 was always our most important ally
No fuck you
>Why does /lgbt/ look aryan and Sup Forums has darker skin and hair
Because Sup Forums consists mostly of shitskins.
This is now a gay execution thread. Post your best!
You guys deserved
Normalising lgbt is how you eliminate the Sovereignty of a nation without military occupation.
I wouldn't say Sup Forums is mostly shitskins but certainly not aryans, also i don't think /lgbt/ is any whiter
cute boys > trans
only the gays have a chance and even then they'll still be degenerate but in a better world only behind closed doors
ITT: cancer & leddit can't into Sup Forumss official board-tan
This is the cure for all faggotry
That discord is full of legitimate pedophiles, some who self insert as children in CP and some who just advocate fucking kids
Even if you killed all the gays moms would still keep having gay kids.
Gays are welcome
quick reminder that a socially liberal economically conservative political party is the CORRECT answer to the government question.
They must be hosed away like vomit
I support all of these except tranny and kink, those are just degeneracy
>Gays are welcome
To cure themselves.
Slide thread report and move on.
The stop single mothers from having kids. Make these kids join the military or beat them to make them stronger.
Lack of a father figure and raised by only a woman is one of the major factors in creating this disease
>RIP Diego "Shaneequah" Tyrone Santos Da Silvá
OP ich hasse dir
try being more tolerant, user
>put gay kids in the military
LOL, yeah that'll stop them being gay for sure.
No, lgbt always comes to raid here because they know it pisses us off. All pol/lbgt content is created by them because they have a submission fetish and being called fags by what they think are big handsome straight men turns them on.
I mean have mandatory military service for all 18 year old men. Discipline them and make it so that being a fag is one of the worst things you can be again.
It's used to be called "the love that shall never speak it's name." Now it never shuts the fuck up
nice grammar faggot
The cult of lgbt
>T or any of the other made up bullshit
Gay and bi men, yes - the rest need to fuck off.
>all these fag lovers ITT
None of these are acceptable. You are either straight or you are either the next victim of the rope.
>t. Muzrat
holy shit
I never expected to see bi's accepted by any anons
this is big
even the lgbtwtfbbq hates bi's
they hate them because they're mostly normal people compared to the raging homos
>some who self insert as children in CP and some who just advocate fucking kids
Literally nothing wrong with being gay or fucking children or both.
>nothing wrong with fucking children
Well I don't mind gays who keep things to themselves but hate the degenerates who run down the street with giant pink dicks strapped to them. Bis tend to be less raging and often times are either just gays who just say that because it sounds more acceptable to normies or mostly straight guys who would still screw a feminine bottom
>t. Alefantis
You mean the LGB?
And no, I don't give a shit about whether fags feel comfortable about how people perceive butt fucking
If there's consent, there's nothing wrong with it.
No, I don't find children sexually attractive, I just think pedos need more rights.
Thank your for joining my thread. I hope all will be as tolerant and accepting as you are.
none of you live lives completely full of degeneracy
smoking, alcohol, masturbating to chinese cartoons, you're all hypocrites to hate someone just because they're gay. not all gays have sex with random men in public places. you can be gay and live a largely non-degenerate life
t. faggot
Shut up fag I don't care if I partake in some degeneracy sometimes being gay is still one of the most degenerate things you can do and we're coming for you
No, stop adding letters its cringy as fuck
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay:
(unless you are also a Muslim or Black)
Isn't P stands for pedophilia?
They're going to have to hang a few niggers to convince me.
Muh islam hates gays is a rhetorical tactic.
Fuck, muh women's rights in Islam is a rhetorical tactic.
Sup Forums agrees with like 90% of Sharia.
>Even if you found a cure for cancer people would still get it.
ick bin berliner du dummes stück scheiße
Fags get so clingy as soon as soon you so much as recognize they're existing. I ran into a high school friend of mine who was obviously gay even back then, though didn't admit it. We ended up in the same employment program info a few weeks ago and since he was the only person I knew in the place we talk a bit and he almost immediately asks for my number. Of course retard me went and gave it to him. Thought the fag had normied up since then. Lo and behold the very next day he calls me and wants to hang out. I lie that I'm busy and hang up, but this fucker goes and calls one of our mutual friends and figures out that I still like to get my morning coffee from a cafe our group used to go to, and drives from two towns over to ambush me during my morning ritual. Of course I can't just shoo him away in public in a place where I'm known so I listen to his anime and vidya ramblings. After a while our conversation turns to politics and I figure I could get rid of him by revealing my Sup Forums powerlevel a bit. No dice, if anything he just gets more excited and soon enough I find myself promising to visit his place to watch Youjo Senki (wasn't bad but MC being a loli feels shoehorned as fuck). Of course as I feared shit starts getting weird after a while and I bail out. Only to find him a couple of hours later ON MY DOORSTEP in a full Momiji cosplay practically begging me to fuck him.
In his defense he did make a pretty convincing Momiji
nobody is born with cancer
You forgot the N and the Z
Just tell him homosexuality is degenerate and that Tanya would impale him with her bayonet
but why though?
I have pretty high standards for how people should behave. I grew up in a conservative house. I have respect for Christianity and practice it culturally
why is being gay so bad?
Also I don't think you understand how most cancer happens.
That Momiji blowjob video is what got me into crossdressing, pretty hot desu
Obviously you need to let him fuck you up the ass so he gets it out of his system.
Realistically, no you're not. You're staying in mom's basement or whichever cheap apartment room you can afford with your disability bucks, consumed by your insecurities and sexual frustration and clinging onto desperate and unlikely fantasies to power just to find the drive to survive.
With that said, this doesn't really make you any worse than the rest of the losers that post on these boards. Carry on, I suppose.
They wish.
>they put the muzrat in the center
Does anyone else get the feeling that Muslims could be behind a bush of this shit too?
>yes but Islam is anti degeneracy
Yes but Koran says nothing about not promoting over degeneracy in non Muslim countries in order to weaken them and take over
I can't explain the love affair between the left and Islam any other way
In all seriousness, ponysexual is the only truly redpilled sexual. You disgusting humies need to go.
Ther is a middle ground between wanting to throw them from the roofs and letting them fuck each other in front of kids in the streets.
They are mentally ill people but they don't necessarily deserve death for it, just keep it in their rooms.
Queers made themselves a political movement that promotes cultural marxism. There are gays on this board but you don't see them supporting LGTBQWERTYABCFAG+ or whatever the hell it's called.
If you are against pride parades why don't you talk against mardi gras? What a hypocrite!
what about asexuality?
I don't know if I qualify or not because I was a normal straight man but I had a work accident severely damaging my nuts and ever since then I haven't been able to even get hard to anything no boner can't fap don't feel attracted sexually anymore. Really fucking sucks because I should have some kids by now but the doctors basically confirmed there's nothing that can be done
Only parades that should happen are military parades
ok hitler
No, burn them all alongside the jews.