Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
All they do is tell us how much they hate us and how insignificant our country is while at the same time being incredibly butthurt that we're leaving their reich.
Cognitive dissonance?
Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
All they do is tell us how much they hate us and how insignificant our country is while at the same time being incredibly butthurt that we're leaving their reich.
Cognitive dissonance?
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Literally nothing happened yet.
You didn't want in their union when they were nazis.
You don't want in their union when they were socialists.
I'm beginning to think you just don't like Germans.
Nazis were socialists, and still are. The EU is the fourth reich
Is there anything wrong with not liking a race of autistic barbarians with shitty food and no social skills?
Correct. Germans are the fucking worst.
They're smug, two-faced and deceitful. They're all only ever watching out for themselves. They're a nation of sociopaths.
>Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
Because you just escaped our third attempt to conquer Europe, the EU is trying to form an authoritarian superstate and without your clay it will be less powerful.
I am not. I rooted for Brexit and hope the Netherlands and France will follow
Germans are the literal niggers of Europe.
> t. Anglo-Saxon
Those are good goys and shills
Try again Schlomo
The EU was a allied idea and the Euro was a french idea to cuck Germany.
Didnt work out so well for you.
You destroyed nationalist Germany and built up internationalist Germany and now you bitch about it.
It seems you dont understand Germany at all
Germans always smile and act all friendly and pat you on the back, but they also don't hesitate to fuck you over the moment it becomes beneficial to them to do so. They have no loyalty.
Hello chief taker of the EU, you're a salty one too, especially since you get mega-bennies from the UK for non-existent child welfare?
How do you say "gibs me dat" in Polish?
The germans lost one of the better richer countries out of the eu mess
look who is talking!
you should change the law not bitch on Sup Forums on Poles staying in Pooolan
or shouldn't you?
Kurwa kielbasa analnie
>amerifat insulting other countries cuisine
Oh i'm laffin"
>the phone call that ignited Germany
>You didn't want in their union when they were nazis.
>You don't want in their union when they were socialists.
You repeat yourself
>Intervened to help save Europe twice at an unimaginable cost, despite having no vested interest in doing so
>Colonised half the world and gave them trains, hospitals, education, etc. because it was seen as a British duty to help the weaker people
Why do you think we voted on Brexit? I can't blame you for taking what you can get from the whole shit show that is the EU but the ride from the UK is ending soon.
>sniffing a buttplug
Almost makes this mass-murdering bastard look human.
>Germans bomb the shit out of everyone
This is fine
>Britain bombs the shit out of Germany
We wuz gud bois we dindu nuffin
kek, fresh out of his kikelords anus
"T-thank you Mr. Rothschild for letting me sniff your buttplug. Yes, Sir I will exterminate the Aryans as the good goy I am"
Why are the English so butthurt about Scottish Independence?
All they do is tell us how much they hate us and how insignificant our country is while at the same time being incredibly butthurt that we want to leaving their colonies.
> no vested interset
> no interest
> no
obviously you do not want to be under the German boot, actually does not make me think at all
>Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
Because nationalism, populism and independence is bad, it could serve as precedence to make Mitteleuropa kaputt.
We aren't butthurt. The small people don't really care either way.
Our media and politicians are largely leftists and internationalists, obviously they're butthurt by a people choosing to govern itself. If your goal is a new world order, socialist or capitalist, every entity that doesn't share the same view will be seen as a problem.
>coming from a brit
Go eat your toast sandwich and shut up.
If you think Bomber Harris triggers us, your're wrong btw.
If you Brits would bomb our cities to the ground now you'd just kill migrants and leftists, it would be win for us.
Not butthurt, we want you out. Hurry up and fuck off please.
Go on then, in what way did Britain benefit from WW2? My ancestors could have sat it out and let Hitler turn yours into ashes, but they had the moral fortitude to realise that it was their duty to step in and protect you.
Britain always wanted Germany to recover from both world wars to be a strong trading partner, maybe if you stopped invading Belgium we wouldn't have to go to war so much considering our cultural and genetic links.
weren't you afraid of communism at all?
also we were a cannon fodder, face it, ok
t. phoney war
but then again I understand I cannot expect some other countries will sacrifice for my own shithole
>muh Belgium
Belgium is a non country and you know it, you invade a quarter of the world and we never bitched about it or supproted your enemies like France and Spain and yet we get your whole hate. So much hate that you would rather lose your Empire than to give us Poland which you gave to the good communists anyways.
>claiming not to backstab anyone
>Munchen agreement
Protect who? Its you brits, the yank and your friends the communists fault that Europe and the US is the way it is right now. Multiculturalism is the prize you pay for backstabbing your own blood in the back and winning the war.
Why is France such helpless in EU while German always take the lead?
Because French are French.
>Pomgolian laughing at anyone's cuisine
also imagine: Hilter wins, you are next
also they were working on V3 near Wolin and shit, they would massacre you like the rest of Europe
the whole world is fucked up
>Why is France such helpless in EU while German always take the lead?
To lull everyone else in a false sense of security.
Good to see that there's at least one smart country left in europe.
Oh btw, Lithuanians are still welcome at UK right? right?
tbqhwyf I like the Germans, them and the Dutch are my favourite European people
I just don't like the EU, which tbqhwyf was started by the French to stop the Germans from getting too powerful again, really it's testament to the Germans that they now lead it
besides we were really good friends and Allies with the Germans pre WW1, just a shame we were put on opposing sides
This. I think it's mostly shills that say this type of stuff.
There is also a lot of banter from bongs against germans though. Maybe some of us take it too serious.
Everyone is, really. We're not deporting anyone, just preventing more people from coming in.
I lived in Krautland for 2 years.
>They're smug, two-faced
This a million times. The eternal Anglo will slit your throat and slaughter your children but at least we have the decency to be up front about it. But the Anglo only desires his own castle. Whereas the Kraut urges for domination above all things. When he can not get it he desires it through proxy, e.g. Hitler, EU
Probably the same guys that shill for Schulz now since January.
We should just scale the EU or however it was called then back to what it was in the 1970's plus a boarder guard against africans and asians.
You got it
only our politicians and champagne upper class socialites that want to travel to London on weekends are butthurt about it,
the rest couldn't care less about you, your island could disappear like Atlantis and nobody would really give a shit about it
>tfw the only way germany can ever combat the US is by forming a superstate
Lügenpresse in Germany is shitposting about anything that could pose a danger to their holy grail, the EU, 24/7.
Propaganda works, especially on Germans.
How's life after brexit? My relative is truck driver and spends a lot of time in UK, he says that all this economy crash is exadurated, not much changed really, is this true?
The French are less intelligent than Nordic Europeans.
I wouldnt say that, French are pretty intelligent and brave when they are led well.
Same with italians.
Its just that they developed a degenerate culture
no not really
Because Hollande
If they exterminate their darkies I'll let them off.
I´m sorry, I only noticed just now. But your leader is named after another country? It´s probably just a fucking coincidence but still...
actually some of them are kinda cool
>Muh empire
The difference is the land we took wasn't European, although we should have sided with Central powers in WW1 and taken Normandy and forced the frogs to speak English.
Because krauts are enormous fucking faggots
German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.
Wilhelm II was half Anglo anyway, we should have fought against the French
It's literally a handful of trolling Sup Forumstards, faggot
>obstructing formation of the 4th reich
not so fast
kek saved that.
>EU is a shithole that sinks money into countries with corrupt governments
Well done, enjoy it
We've scuttled their 3rd attempt at European domination.
They don't bat an eyelid at the EU wanting to replace Europeans with shitskins in the process.
They want to continue to funnel hoards of third world migrants here & are pissed that they soon won't be able to.
Literally every single German that is butthurt about that is a cancerous leftie. I kind feel that that should be obvious. Every non cuckservative or non commie cheered as you left the deathtrap that is the EU.
top kek
This is the aryan response to you guys stopping the third reich.
The toblerone made me kek
Because Europe is an union of peace
You dont want war do you user ?
>A sentient toast sandwich insulting other nation's cuisine
That sounds a lot like anglos.
>Do original concentration camps to conquer the boers.
>Give their land back to nigs in like 60 years
seriously thought I would rather be annexed by brits rather than by germans
brits are cool
your havin' a larf
>Give their land back to nigs in like 60 years
the Boer commanders pretty much governed South Africa after the war and on, we not the reason why nig immigrants stormed their borders
Just a bit of a giggle m8.
>Insulting anyone else's cuisine
>The country that invented toast sandwiches and Bubble and Squeak, which is taking the leftover vegetables, sticking them in some potato and somehow making it all taste like shit
The brits can start dealing PIGS debt without consent from the unelected Brussels government. Germany wont be able to do that unless they secede too.
Oh, yeah, and brits have better pasties.
But it's probably really debt thing.
Why are English so butthurt about Scottish independence?
All they do is tell us how much they hate us and how insignificant our country is while at the same time being incredibly butthurt that we're leaving their reich.
Cognitive dissonance?
Congratulations on Brexit. The EU needs to die.
because they are powermad bureaucrats some of whom are admitted pedophiles.
At least Germans don't shit in the streets.
They shit on eachother.
>Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
I'm not, I shilled for Brexit cause I hate britians and wanted the UK to suffer.
>All they do is tell us how much they hate us
Because you suck, literally every western European country hates the English.
>being incredibly butthurt that we're leaving their reich
Wouldn't have shilled for Brexit if it'd upset me.