Why won't you let these fat, taco munching daughters have their father stay in the US of A to feed them the essential nutrients they need?
These girls are going to starve Sup Forums.
Why won't you let these fat, taco munching daughters have their father stay in the US of A to feed them the essential nutrients they need?
These girls are going to starve Sup Forums.
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Good. Let those fat ugly beaners die.
why are literally all mexicans severely obese
Holy fuck, they are fat. I guess that's what happens to you when you leech off America's welfare teat for decades.
>in country for 20 years
>still didnt get citizenship
How lazy do you need to fucking be? I get anxiety attacks over calling my dad but I dont leave it two fucking decades.
welfare leech spotted.
Isn't Mexico the country with the most obese people?
It was the guy's third or fourth deportation as well.
Quads of Truth!
genetics, lazy, poor dieting
If they are over 18 and they are citizens they can get him in here legally.
I swear 90% of illegals just don't want to do paperwork.
I'll be honest, how many of you faggots have yet to break the fucking laws? How hard is it to live your life and not act like a fucking nigger and break the law?
native american genetics dont mix well with modern western diets, most natives never had the abundance of meat and candy as today
why are so mexicans so fat.
I am half mexican and it seems only really American-Mexicans are fat and southern mexicans from Mexico.
Is it in the culture, wealth or genetics?
Even white people from the south are ugly and fat.
it has a higher obesity rate than america and americas obesity rate rose when illegals flooded into america. i dont know about highest obesity rate though
For all you dumbasses in this thread saying welfare leeches. It is common knowledge if you are an illegal citizen you can not recieve welfare .
I'm 31 and I've never even gotten a speeding ticket
But then again I mostly stay inside and have no friends
My tax dollars sure by a lot of tacos!
Not true,
I worked in an emergency room and thats how illegals take care of their families. Then skip out on the bill.
Convicted of crossing the border with false documents.
If you did this going into Mexico, you would be deported in 20 minutes not years.
We actually have laws. Other countries have laws. Who knew?
His fat ass anchor babies can and probably do fucktard!
what if you get fake ID and steal someone's social security number?
coca cola and tortillas kek
Free American Welfare Benefits for decades + Mexican diet = Morbidly Obes fat fucks
I've probably pirated video games worth $5000.
What is an anchor baby?
What is AFDC?
What is WIC?
What is SNAP?
I always wondered this question but then one day my mom's obese Hispanic friend made cabbage soup for us and it was clearly apparent that she used a large amount of high fat ground beef and didn't bother draining it
The next day the soup in the fridge had a 1/8" cap of orange solidified fat on top of it
>Causing obesity
No, they eat too much.
>illegal immigrant gets immediately deported by new administration
That is exactly what I wanted to happen when I voted for him. God bless this patriot.
My friend's parents used to make Hamburger Helper the same way, without draining the grease. My friend always got sick. I showed him how I made it (cooking the ground beef separately and draining it) and he was amazed, it never occured to him.
They took "anchor baby" literally
What stoped him to become legal in those 20 years?
I pirated 2000 movies, but at least I'm a fucking citizen :^)
A criminal conviction for crossing the border with false documents.
They eat a diet that was meant for farmers and miners burning 5000 calories or more per day.
Why is there no fit mexican female?
those girls were lying that the father was non-criminal, the old man had multiple felony Drunk driving convictions.
>break the law for 20 years
>it's the government's fault when you finally get caught
there isn't a way for an illegal to just become legal
Why are we giving fat people attention?
Yes, there is, my best friend's wife did it before they married
She had to cross the border a few times in the process but it's definitely do-able.
If they were really interested in becoming legal citizens they would do it in the first place and not wait until they lived hundreds of miles from the border.
No exercise and lots of unhealthy food, is that simple
I'm really loving seeing sad and scared spics every day. The worthless cockroaches need to go.
US border
Doing them a favor desu
yepa yepa arriba arriba
>mfw this is considered cute in panchitoland
steal someone's social security number.
There are a long list of people trying to come here legally. Why should they get preferential treatment for breaking the law. They are fucking up the system to get people with skills in and keep drains on society out.
Beaners are getting scared. I can't go to Walmart anymore without them eyeballing me nervously
Somebody pls post that webm with audio from /gif/ where the spic dad is taken away to "Ice, Ice Baby".
You are really demented. You consider "gordo" a compliment.
All the other latin american countries don't have near as mean fatasses as Mexico does tho
I wish I was American
Yes there fucking is. Apply for a work Visa and WORK. You have to have lived here for 2.5 years to even apply for citizenship. They have go be LIVING HERE in the first place. If they don't bother after 20 years to even look into citizenship they are a piece of shit probably mooching off society.
Deportations were never a big deal under Obama, but Trump comes along and they make worldnews.
>Hamburger Helper
what is that shit
I thought they actually were trying to assimilate to be Americans.
you bake ground beef in a pan
you're supposed to drain the fat out after and then put whatever the fucks in the hamburger helper in the same dish.
some people are lazy and keep the fat and shit in the pan
its boxed pasta n sauce n shit designed to be mixed with beef.
You don't even fucking know man.
I'm retired navy and I have Navy veteran plates on my black sedan with tinted windows, but my license plate holder covers up the word Navy at the bottom, so the only thing visible is the seal. I have a good friend that lives in the mexican part of town, and his neighbors on both sides have repeatedly asked him why ICE cars are always parked outside his house.
Nasty shit in a box for lazy people who can't cook.
It's pretty good, just cheesy noodles with a bit of ground beef mixed in.
Make some biscuits and a vegetable side and you have a nice meal.
It's Drumpfs and White ppl fault.
i thought i was immune to everything but i don't last more than 10 seconds with these videos
Mexicans aren't very educated when it comes to food. The typical Mexican diet doesn't have a lot of greens.
Why didn't the fatties go with him? Children are their parent's responsibility.
it's shit regardless. pasta with some 'cheese' powder? and it doesn't even tell you to add vegetables?
Interested in this as well.
Top quality television.
It's because literally 70+% of their usual diet is carbs.
These people do no physical activity. Eat nothing but carbs. Then complain about not being able to lose weight, even though they've starved and strangled their metabolism and muscles from protein for the past decade.
It has little to nothing to do with fat content.
Their entire cuisine is based on making the most out of very scarce supplies, so they do things like fry corn meal and fatty cuts of meat to make ridiculously high calorie foods. This wasn't so bad when they had barely any food, but put them in a place where they can easily afford plenty of food and their first instinct is to make more instead of eat better and they fucking explode.
>this is 23 years old girl in fatmerica
>meanwhile, in the Netherlands
Bumpy bump
Their trademark mexican diet isnt very good for anything except doing hard labor when you make 2 dollars a day.
Good Lord, they've been eating good off of my tax money, while I can barely afford to feed myself.
No, that's a 25 year old mexican illegally squatting in america.
its the ultimate
>i'm too lazy to cook for my kids so i made this shit with no effort-moms
you start to realize moms special recipes weren't so special but incredibly unhealthy
>Illegal who was also a criminal gets deported
wtf i hate the law now
what about it?
>If they are over 18 and they are citizens they can get him in here legally.
Which is immigration laws need to be much, much stricter.
Cross the border illegally? Deported, can never become a citizen, cannot enter the US for any reason.
Aid and abet an illegal? Same thing. If a natural born citizen, mandatory sterilization and all assets seized & liquidated.
Marry an illegal? Same thing, any children with even one illegal parent should not be a citizen and can never become one.
Nasty shit made of gmo soy and chemicals. Avoid at all costs. Frankenfood, basically.
seconding, can't find it again
>that thing on the right is only 23
fuck, i meant left
Not an argument
Do you see borders? I don't.
lol we're turning spics into niggers
That's Belgian actually (see pointy bag) and it's delicious.
Honestly, if illegals were a lot more attractive, I would have voted for Clinton.
lol... 25 mins. what an idiot.
Wow, they're fucking Yuuugggeee!!!