what are you reasons besides
>merr religion
>1 experience
for hating and/or generalizing a group of people?
Sup Forums why do you hate normal gay people?
Other urls found in this thread:
gay isn't normal
what do you define as normal?
according to nature or what you do?
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
>according to nature or what you do?
both. gays cannot reproduce.
Gay people are fine.
Fuck off back to your sodomite containment board.
There's a few decent hypothesis' out there that being gay is programmed into animals to help prevent overpopulation.
Pick one
>what do you define as normal?
The word normal is in the dictionary. Look it up sometime Jerome
Is that Markiplier?
That's retarded.
That said mean anything.
That doesn't make any fucking sense evolutionary speaking.
You can't hate what you don't know.
Stay in the closet fags, your attitude is the problem.
That discord is ran by a literal (((jew))), its full of people who look ayylmao tier, the other day they were advocating pedophilia and self inserting as children in child pornography and other than that they're just scummy people
Oh and to any gay people thinking of joining, dont bother, theyre the biggest autists ever and are really clingy
Plenty of mental illnesses prevent reproduction. All the more reason not to like these people. They spread by raping children and committing sodomy. These people need to be locked up and helped.
It makes more sense then some of Sup Forums's other autistic theories.
People define words on their own term. That's why I'm asking.
Homosexuality occurs naturally in the human population, so does that make it normal? Or does the fact that majority of people are not homosexuals make it abnormal? If that's the case, is something being abnormal a justifiable reason to dislike it?
No it doesn't and you know it, retard. Even relatively speaking.
I hate the evangelical fags the most.
If we assume that being gay is a biological problem, evolutionarily speaking there must be some sort of reason for it to exist.
It's pretty much been proven to be biological. Gay men have brain hemispheres more similar to straight women, and vice versa for dykes. There are physical differences between the brains of a straight man and a gay man, which are genetic.
i know this name from somewhere
gays are weird
i dont like weird people
Because I haven't met normal ones yet. They're all faggots. Even Milo, as well spoken as he is, fucking carries a purse and wears makeup and shit.
They don't exist. Faggots are mentally ill kiddie fiddlers who were fiddled as kids themselves. There is nothing about homosexuality that is positive or useful for a society. It's a mental illness, like autism except it hurts more people.
Because they're degenerates
I don't think homosexuality is not a biological problem. It's more a product of sexuality in animals. Animals do not inherently differentiate the sexes with concepts like we do, they instead rely on physiological cues of an individual which they evolved to find attractive.
Bonobos are an example of this. They're also extremely bisexual because they're less aggressive and more dominated by a female heirarchy.
That's stupid fucking logic. All things in life evolved that promote reproduction and all things against their population happens because of changes in the ecosystem.
Basically, bonobos don't have a concept of sexuality nor gender. They fuck whatever just like dolphins.
I don't hate gay people. I hate anyone who parades around flaunting their degeneracies and demanding that everyone accept it as normal, though. Keep your shit private, that goes for everyone.
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay:
There you go.
pick one.
pick one
What you said doesn't even make fucking sense. I'm not talking about natural selection, I'm talking about how we anthropomorphize sexuality in animals. Animals don't have a concept of sexuality, they just developed physiological cues that they evolved to find attractive for whatever reason.
They destroy the family unit idea and therefor are cancer ti the structure of progressive society.
Has nothing to do with religion. Its purely based on science of societies.
/polgb/ needs electroshock therapy.
>Still no consensus that confirms this bullshit in the scientific community otherwise it would have been popular decades ago when people hated gays more than they do now.
Sexuality is apart of the human experience. Everyone expressed their sexuality, I don't see anything wrong with that. As long as it isn't hurting you.
Ever heard of a pink sock? Maybe the fact that men can't reproduce with one another? Being gay is not normal.
Sage, Report and hide these threads
Give these poopdicks no quarter.
>pink sock
>maybe the fact that men can't reproduce with one another
ah yes, and I bet you have a ton of children and 7 wives too!
I sincerely hope you never breed if you think like this.
that's very SJW of you