Is this movie worth my time? Is it pro or anti-Hitler?

Is this movie worth my time? Is it pro or anti-Hitler?

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I enjoyed it.

yeh watch it, make up your own mind

>asking if a german made Hitler movie is anti or pro Hitler

I watched it yesterday, I liked it. It's neither pro nor against him I think

There's definitely some good bits.
I'm surprised they allowed it to be made desu.

It's supposed to quite literally guilt trip Germans into believing "He is inside everyone of you and you should feel bad"

But it unintentionally makes him look good at moments.

It's good

It's a pretty neutral comedy, though the movie writers shoehorned in an ending clip attempting to connect the rise of modern nationalist groups with Hitler. Besides that it's a good watch.


It's satire about the way modern pop-culture and the media handle Hitler.

Not gonna lie, that part had me cracking up.

Some people criticised Hitler's portrayal as a ranting mental cripple in Downfall as being overly sympathetic and humanising.

>criticizing a movie for humanizing a human


It isn't pro or anti Hitler.

Then they go on and humanize the Jews. Shits fucked up.

Probably the best hidden in face redpill, but like the other user said, had to shoehorn a bluepilled fearmonger ending to appease the jews

My favourite scene I think, I laughed alone like an idiot

Obviously. If he's not portrayed as one dimensionally evil as Ming the Merciless, then the film makers are pro-Nazi.

Good movie. It has some very funny moments and Hitler is portrayed as a pretty cool guy.

They made dogloving Hitler shoot a dog without remorse

pretty damn hilarious movie, worth watching

its a little bit of both, it humanises hitler and as a National socialist myself I actually enjoyed the good majority of it.

Read the book, it's much better.

Is there a reason to be pro Hitler? Hitler is the reason we don't have right wing parties in Europe today and he wasn't even right winger himself. He gave the left the perfect narrative to demonize and destroy any kind of nationalism with mere buzz words like nazi and racist and win the argument. It's because of him that we don't have today politicians defending our countries, only leftist cucks trying to rebuild a soviet union. Fuck that moron.

easy, just say you're a socialist with nationalistic leanings

Do you guys think people would like to watch a movie in which Hitler and the Nazis are portrayed as the good guys?

Is there any movie like this?

I wish someone would make one. I'd donate to have one made.

Can confirm, book is way better.
This one? Pardon me, but I could not locate the joke.

I like it.
But in the end I can't laugh.

does it matter if the movie is pro or anti ?

do you only watch movies who support your opinion ?

if yes, then SAD!


As said, you shouldn't only watch movies that parrot your opinions
But it is a pretty good movie, i enjoyed it.

Great movie, watch it. It's fucking amazing.
It has really touching, real emotional moments, and fucking hilarious moments that will make you laugh.

It's shit

Do you think movie theaters would even show the movie?

I can see how it would get banned in germany because of pro Nazi propaganda.

>implying you should watch ZOG propaganda films
I assume both of you are going to see Sweetness in the Belly when it comes out?

Literally 99.9999% of all movies shit on Hitler, believe us we've seen plenty of movies that "don't support our beliefs"

It matters because we want to know if it's worth wasting the time over seeing yet another movie full of:
>white ppl bad, BLANDA UP good, nazis bad

It pushes a pro refuge anti Hitler anti European Europe message at their end

It's funny and well-done. It's obviously not sympathetic to national socialism, but it certainly makes an attempt to demonstrate how the behavior of the left radicalizes the right.

>Do you guys think people would like to watch a movie in which Hitler and the Nazis are portrayed as the good guys?
I'd love to watch one, but that movie would get banned from everywhere, everyone from e-celebs to movie critics to news anchors would be shouting in unison how this is literally the worst thing to happen since holocaust, and the "public opinion" would be that it is garbage and the filmmakers ought to be jailed.

But yeah, assuming its a well made movie, I think a lot of normal people would like the contrast in how Nazis are always portrayed, even if they'd never publicly say so, and it might acquire some kind of a "cult classic" status once the shitstorm subsided.

Fuck you finn. You have no sense of humour AND, to top it all off, your language is braindead retarded

hitler is completely right

redpilled as fuck. watch it.

Praise kek

>Is this movie worth my time? Is it pro or anti-Hitler?
It's anti-"ideologically-driven authoritarianism," both political and cultural.
It challenges the modern German culture's notions of censorship and guilt by association.
It is consistently funny and interesting, only fucking up with the pacing or the tone a few times (which was really important for the believability of the premise).

Make of all that what you will.

Tries to be kinda anti-Hitler at the very end, about 5 min before the credits. Apart from that every scene is like a small redpill, watch it it's a good movie

It's pretty safe to say right from the outset that the movie is anti-Hitler, but what matters is if it's just a collection of shitty cheap "FUCK NAZIS" humor, or is it actually funny stuff, feat. Hitler.
Is it a "laugh at Hitlers expense" type of shit, or is it "laugh at X, and oh yeah, here is Hitler".

Just end the movie when the the roof scene ends.-

>hitler wasn't right-wing

Atleast we have a language. You just took UK's language and dumbed it down. SAD!

The humour was adam sandler tier, bullshit jew mainstream comedy. We did that in Finland already in the 1970's. Also, a movie like that would've never been published in the jew America. Also, you're fat.

Why does the promo poster look like that? That shadow over Hitler looks suspiciously like one of (((them))), nose and all.

Political compass says Hitler was center slightly to the right

I heard that the ending got super cucked and in the book the ending is much more red pilled

That's the scene.

Hitler is confused as to why nigga does not equal nigger. Then he plays with a dead dog.

Yea, I didn't find the scene funny either. Especially the dead dog "gag". They keep coming back the dead dog throughout the whole movie as a ham-fisted attempt to smear his character.


This is literally the most unrealistic part of the movie

I wanted to post this.

>asking if a film is pro or anti-hitler.

What are some good recent finnish comedies?

Hitler was left though.


Kek has spoken.

There are none. Pic related is the best they got over there

at least it's top notch, even if it's the only one

It's pretty funny.... But then at the very end it says the spirit of Hitler is alive in all of us racist goyim, and people who are against refugees are all hitler.

>The best comedy in the planet is the only thing they got
Nice one, Adam Sandler. You really showed us.

Subtle pro-hitler


May their offsprings get raped by refugees.

The political spectrum is complete bullshit though. It's such an oversimplification of a complex idea.

Also littering. Pretty fucking triffering

Right after this scene (((they))) have him shoot a dog because they didn't want the viewers to see Hitler as having a relatable, legitimate point.

>The political spectrum is complete bullshit though. It's such an oversimplification of a complex idea.

Because you want it to be complex. Like every leftist since marx.

gtfo scandivanarsehole, the sooner you are all raped by islam the better, oh wait

Nigger what?
You wanna expand on that a bit?

Just watched this the other day, and it does have its redpill moments.

(((They))) always give the bad guy in a movie or book the better argument but then right after they have to remind us that "Oh no but wait they are the bad guy!".

Yeah, that was pretty out of character.

Isnt The Man in the high castle doing that? Hitler seems like a chill Dude at the end of the first season

It would have been good if he didn't shoot that dog.

Another Finn here. I just did a test to see who I should vote for in our municipal elections. My answer was the Christian Democrats. I'm not Christian, hate alcohol legislation, am an ethno-nationalist, and yet that's what I got.

I actually just watched it. Pretty good.
I don't think it's anti-Hitler.
>Isnt The Man in the high castle doing that?
not really

>Isnt The Man in the high castle doing that?
Well, no? The nazis are the bad guys in it, the resistance are the good guys.


Then why isn't your flag Mongolia

Shoo shoo slimey limey

Eh, neither, It's just a comedy movie where it shows Hitler as some 5D Chess mastermind

I DON'T support the alt right or any other form of national socialism. I'm not right wing. But that movie was so shit. the editing was all over the place. German humor is cringeworthy. Maybe the book is better. It's preachy beyond belief.

We all live under the Eternal Blue Sky friend, revoke that insult and I'll gift your clan fifty head of horse.

The movie treats its audience like dumb kids. Most condescending movie of the year.

Here's what I offer you:
You will pay tribute to the Great Khan, and we will not slaughter your men and rape your women.

I haven't watched it. Could be a genius troll if it was an intentionally pro-Hitler work that used German autism and their inability to understand sarcasm/irony to hide how pro-Hitler it was.

where can i watch the full movie

except this isn't actually a good analogy. Purebred dog's are generally more unhealthy and die sooner than mutts. This doesn't apply to humans however as our gene pool is much larger.

Which is hilarious because that's exactly how liberals have been trying to undermine the image of Hitler for years.

They had to have done that and the littering on purpose to be "flaws" of his that are so blatantly false that even a German audience would realize it.

Can be interpreted either way.


Blue pilled, anti-right garbage. Literally came out at a time where local elections were to be held and the AfD had chances to get votes. (((pure coincidence))) of course.

Luckily: it didn't wörk.

>The Nazi's come off as having made a wonderful society where people don't lock their doors
>The resistance are a bunch of unlikable cunts that backstab each other constantly and can't be trusted

The Man in the High Castle is a hidden redpill.