Someone redpill me on American education

Is pic related real? I thought maths was a science that you cannot just make shit up or twist them to your favour.

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How the fuck do you get 1

20 / 5 (2 * 2)
20 / 5 ( 4 )
20 / 20

also OPs pic is photoshopped btw

i really don't know what common core is
it keeps getting memed but i can bothered to google it fuck you media

please dear god not another / thread
just make it stop
they never end well
they never start well

Stuff in parenthesis first, then the division then the multiplication.

Division/Multiplication (left to right)
Sum/Subtraction (left to right)

Did no one teach you proper math?

>Anerican education

Order of operations you stupid faggot



Please excuse my dear aunt Sally

P 20/5 (4)
M 20/20
D =1

20/5 (2*2)
20/5 (4)
4 (4)
kys faggot

You have to get rid of parenthesis before you multiply or divide

This, are you guys fucking retarded?

After parenthesis, it's left to right, so it's
20/5 (2*2)
20/5 (4)
4 (4)

This is the correct answer

>After parenthesis
>leaves (4) and proceeds to do other stuff first
did you even read your own post?

You PEMDAS'd wrong, limey.

Multiplication/division are equal so you go left to right.

Have you never heard of the order of operations you nigger?

You need to simplify the denominator as much as possible before performing the division. You would get laughed out of any math class.

No you don't, you solve the equation within. What is written there is the equivalent of 20/5 x 4.

Or BODMAS in the UK.
Same rules apply.

>its another "PEMDAS means multiplication BEFORE subtraction" vs "PEMDAS has you do multiplication AND division at the same time from left to right" comprehension shitfest thread
its supposed to be the latter, btw

No, he's correct. 5(4) is part of P which is before M and D.

if it says (4) you can't just remove ( ) because you feel like it

This parentheses implies multiplication. It's not an equation within parentheses.

I thought the Dutch were almost not retarded.

Tell me why you don't go from left to right 5 goes into 20 4 times then you multiply 4 by 4

20/(5 x 4) = 1
20/5 x (4) = 16

y'all are dumb


i'm going to choose to believe not, because I've never heard of Common Core including anything like an alternative order of operations.

the problem with Common Core was its inclusion of a ton a untested mnemonic tools that most teachers couldn't even make sense of.

I fucking hope so. They're equally correct because the author doesn't know how to write an equation.


your fucking retarded

No you retard. 5(4) is equivalent to 5*4. Parentheses refers to operations inside the parenthesis. Any operations involving numbers outside the parenthesis don't count.

Public school are legit terrible. I learned fuck all and when I went off to University, even the graduate student/TAs were making some comments where, you know, they said they know what's public schools are like around here, so they sympathize with us incoming kids.

Yes you can, the brackets only affect the order of operations within themselves not outside.

Is this the "I'm completely unaware of how parentheses and distribution works" thread?

Well, in a sense it is true both are equally correct due to the ambiguity of whether the (2*2) is on the numerator of denominator.

I prefer 16 tho.

If we used reverse polish notation, this wouldn't be a problem.

Yeah, pemdas isn't real.

He is wrong. Parentheses only go first if there is a full equation within the parentheses. So 5(4) is just a Multiplication problem and does not take priority of the division problem that comes before. If it were (5*4) then it would

I'm Mexican and Black, and I'm telling you, the answer is 16.

The 4 from (2x2) is not in the denominator. There's ways to write it so that you can put it in the denominator, but the way it is written is technically 4 x (20/5), which in turn is 80/5, which = 16.

Except that's not the equation.
The equation is 20/5 (2 * 2)
You wrote 20/(5*4) which would have been equivalent to step 2 of the process in solving the original, but then you fucked that up further by writing essentially (20/5) * 4 which is a different equation entirely.
Anyone who unironically thinks the answer is 16, needs to retake elementary algebra.

>This is the correct answer
And this, is why burgers will no longer go to the moon. The "old" way got you there. This, everything is equally correct if you "feel" it should. Even if it will make constructions fail if you apply it to engineering.

Common Core doesn't give you a different answer like the OP's picture suggests, it's just a very complicated way of solving simple problems. You will get the correct answer with common core, but the process is much longer.

5(4) is not the same as 5x4 pls stop memeing

Parentheses only give priority to what is inside of it. A single number bsr inside parantheses has the same order of importance as multiplication, and therefore is done left to right. 20/5(4) is the same as 20/5*4. Why do so many illiterate fags talk about things they don't understand?

No hierarchy rules? wtf

The real answer is "Don't format your math in shitty ambiguous ways."

Aren't we trying to raise a generation of computer programmers?

the only question is if you consider the (2*2) part to be in the nominator (under the slash) or in the counter (above the slash). i dont think that the formula shown in the picture is strict, formal mathematics. its more like school math: "hurrdurr look at my slash". there is no slash in "real" math (i guess?). so yes, both answers are correct, depending on how you read the slash (i.e. everything under it, or only the 5 under it).
stop seeing SJW bullshit everywhere you look you stupid faggots.

But is has the same priority as 5*4

The problem with this is that in maths you don't actually use '/'; this is something that emerged from computing. So now you have this problem arising from vague definitions of symbols: does the problem consist of a a fraction of 20/(5(2 * 2)), or is it 20 divided by 5, times (2*2). The brackets with (2 * 2) are redundant either way.

It literally is the same

You are retarded.

Yes it is.

Confirmed fake news.

>This whole thread
I still don't know which order of operations is the right one FUCK

20/5 (2*2) = 20/5 (4) = 16
20/(5*2*2) = 20/(20) = 1

You do know that after parenthesis, you go from left to right, right?

It's NOT written as 20/(5(2*2), it's written as 20/ 5 (2*2)... and you do realize that () just means multiplication right? It has no special meaning when it comes to PEMDAS, jesus christ. It's as simple as solve the inside of the parenthesis, then go from left to right. Get a fucking grip.

American elementary school teacher here, ask me anything.

right. unless you encapsulate (5(2*2)) as the denominator the answer is sixteen

Why do you hate black kids

Parenthesis, exponent, multiplication and division from left to right, addition and subtraction from left to right

16, Division and multiplication have the same priority so you go left to right. You only solve the equation in the parentheses first but don't expand it (it's the equivalent of multiplying out of it.

>American elementary school teacher here, ask me anything.
How is the creationism indoctrination coming along?

well trolled


I don't think he's trolling either guys. EVERYONE that believes that something like 5(4) isn't the same as 5x4 is going to believe that the answer to the question in relation to OP's pic is 1. They're wrong.

And in the context of a computer equation, the answer is 16. If you want it to be 1 in a computer it has to be 20/(5(2*2))

I mean who doesn't?

>Someone redpill me on American education
- one of the most backwards systems in the world, relative to socio-economic potential
- wholly corrupted via teachers unions
- grades divvied to the highest bidder (usually pay-to-pass foreign students)
- a castes system, where non private schools are veritable 'education ghettos'
- redbloodlickens facilitate and maintain this schism (to keep their core opponents dumbed down as possible)
- nigger sewerage flooded into public schools, in order to dilute its already Third World standards
- bar lowered accordingly and students grade on a 'Dumbfian' curve
- as a result, most of burger technical knowledge will have to come from Asia in the coming couple of decades
- the few who do become eductaed, leave the crumbling Dumbfocracy before its entirely razed by retardation
- literal self-immolation through the painting of Burgerville into an autistic corner

i just hope not a single kid taught there will become a programmer
and if any does, then God have mercy on our software-driven future vehicles (and us)

Is common core just a change in math syntax? What's wrong with BEDMAS? How is this going to help anyone understand math more easily?


I thought Denmark had math in school.

I teach in an inner city school in the North of England.

I get that she's trying to teach BODMAS but she seems to be doing it in a way that has confused herself and probably the person who took the picture.

But then I teach primary level maths so whatever.

Worse, 60% of the American IT industry are H1B1 holders so instead you'll get Indians and Chinks codemonkeys fucking your programs up.

They also have Achmed 'engineers' now.

it's not a fraction you dumbfuck, if what you're saying is true then division would hold no weight ever because you would just do everything on the right of it first.

>20 / 5 * 3

Is the same as 20 (divided by) 5 (times) 3, so by order of operations you do 20 / 5 first then * 3, which is 4 * 3 = 12. You don't do the 5 * 3 first because order of operations goes from left to right.

Regarding your pic: Nobody types in complete sentences on Twitter due to the character limit. Though I will admit her capitalization of "Inauguration" is inexcusable.

>by 3 he means 4

It seems as though the mods have lost all hope for this board a long time ago.

The question on OP isn't a CC vs Old fight. It's a crappy problem which arose from crappy math formatting. Even then, the most likely answer is 16, since it looks like a fraction multiplying a (somewhat worthless) parenthesis.

Funny you ask, I work at a poor black school run almost exclusively by whites.

I don't hate the kids, I hate their parents. It's the parents who are letting their 7-8 year old children stay out playing in the street at midnight and shower them with candy and cellphones so they can completely fuck up the development of anything resembling an attention span.

These kids are not taught respect or morals because their parents believe schools are just massive baby-sitting services where they can drop off their kids and forget about them.


I'm not losing my job over something stupid like that. I keep that crap out of my classroom.

The comma before the "and" was also pretty bad.

>This is news to some people.

T-Trump will end common core r-right guys??

ok, thank you foreign bros, that is what I'd originally thought
but i graduated in 05
why the fuck are they calling that the "old" way?

what did she mean by this?

if parenthesis is one number you stop there, you don't continue to do whatever operation is next to the parenthesis

>5 * 4 * (2 + 1)
>5 * 4 * (3)
You DON'T do 4 * (3) first just because 3 is in parenthesis
>20 * (3)

BIDMAS / BODMAS you fucking spastic.

>parents believe schools are just massive baby-sitting services where they can drop off their kids and forget about them.
this is too true

>Is pic related real? I thought maths was a science that you cannot just make shit up or twist them to your favour.

Math is literally a bunch of made up arbitrary rules (axioms) and the logical deductions of those rules (theorems).

Perhaps, but somehow I don't think they're taught the 'equally corect' version in their own countries, so it doesn't have to be that bad

All the refugees that came to Europe were doctors and engineers so that should rise our intellectuals quite a bit everywhere...

It isn't even your old way.

More likely they just taught them wrong and are back pedaling. Or they just covered fractions and the teacher is an idiot.

actually just meant to use another example but ended up using the same one with a number changed, heh

Are my fellow Americans better trolls than Australians or have they really forgotten PEMDAS?

>I blame the parents.

Our minds are as one. These parents (if you can even call them that) tend to look on their kids as benefit investments (in the UK at least) and ways of desperately trying to tie down their latest partner, who inevitably pisses off onto the next woman a few weeks/ months later. Then the mother doesn't try to educate or raise the child. They just let them vegetate.

We had one kid who was 5 years old who would sit in the dinner hall and wait for someone to feed him. I taught 11-year-old children who didn't know how to tie a shoe.

I feel your pain.

Yeah why is this even an issue, it's an ambiguous way to write the question. Making this a right/wrong question without explicitly laying out the rules just means you're testing student's ability to make a random guess given two choices. fucking retarded