US-UK Anglo Solidarity Thread



Canada and ANZAC welcome, though.

[spoiler]Also, non-Anglos welcome too.[/spoiler]

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spoilers don't work on Sup Forums newfag

I put it there for effect, I am fully aware they don't work.

fuck off

>on discord in a pol server feels good man
>troll pagans on there religion and how odin was a faggot and thor was a crossdressers etc
>get made a mod moving up in the world
>the owner who is a kraut starts bitching about how the anglos ruined europe tell him it's was germany's fault there invaded belgium so we decared war on them then we won and cucked them
>then they invaded poland and broke the treaty so we decared war on them and started ww2 and they lost
he starts bitching about how us brits and americans are jewish pawns and we started the eu etc it's all our fault hitler did nothing wrong shut it you shill you must be jewish then he demods me and puts me in gas chamber channel

why dont krauts take responsibility for ruining europe even now it's the germans controling the eu it's the germans who let in all the mudslimes

why are they in denial

>[spoiler]Also, non-Anglos welcome too.[/spoiler]
America, every fucking time.

I support the separation of Quebec from Canada

The UK's government is as globalist as a government can get.

Agreed they siphon off to much money Ontario can go to. then Canada will be conservative again.

>if it wasn't for Quebec, Canada would be ultra-conservative

Oh the denial. What will you do when you can't blame your problems on someone else anymore?

Why would you want that when Trudeau [spoiler]pretends to[/spoiler] loves you so much?

Of course we will protect our vassal, its in our best interest.

Reminder in the 40's and 50's women were not people in Canada. I blame Ontario and Quebec cause they are a bunch of cucks that need to be gassed.

If he pretends to love us, that's news to me

Reminder to vote for Bernier.

>Quebec was literally the LAST province to grant women the right to vote in 1940, FIFTEEN YEARS after the last Anglo province to do so

Also women are people you /r9k/ faggot, go to the gym and get your life on track

To be fair, I don't really see the issue with what he said there. I understand that Trudeau hates you cunts, just like his dad did, but what exactly is wrong with what he said here?

I am opposed to libertarianism and I support supply management (it works good for Quebec dairy farmers) so I won't vote for him under any circumstances

Fuck off you feminist faggot. I work out everyday. and im talking about NOW Quebec is literally the most cucked province in Canada behind Ontario.

Hang yourself.

It's an overreach of his jurisdiction. Language works on every level of government, the federal government is bilingual, various provinces have different official languages, and some cities conduct their business in different languages. While Ontario is officially English only, the city of Ottawa has a significant Francophone population and is the capital, so its municipal government decided to push for bilingualism. Now here Justin jumps in and says a nearby city in Quebec that is less than 5% English should become bilingual as well, out of nowhere. Quebec already has some bilingual cities (even ones that are less than the percent English that they legally need to be to receive English services) so this is out of line

>saying women are people

OK there

In a libertarian society, the only justification people have for not killing themselves is the price of rope, and presumably the rental of a tree or something.

Ah okay, I understand. He's basically trying to turn it in to a pissing contest in order to avoid having to actually make Ottawa a bilingual place. A hundred years ago I'd have been happy to see you fuckers get crushed out of Canada but now I just can't wait until you get pissed off enough to fight back. It's a fucked up world when you find yourself rooting for frogs.

And it's also because Trudeau recently pissed off Anglophones in Quebec by refusing to speak to them in English, so now he's trying to piss of Francophones as well to show he's neutral. I'm not even joking.

Multiculturalism works they say. Not even the white man can make it work properly between themselves. I just want to get off this ride.

The ridiculous thing is that they originally conceived of multiculturalism in Canada as something that would resolve the French-English conflict. Trying to pave over it with immigrants instead of finding a workable solution like Switzerland has done. Of course now conflict is French-English-Arab-Chinese-etc. instead of just English-French so it's a total failure.

But yeah, I'd prefer just having to deal with the English because at least we have some minimal amount of common between us so there is hope of a way to resolve things peacefully.

>tfw based commonwealth bros in AUS & NZ have tons of work programs for teaching jobs
prob gonna go when i can

if not I'll just apply for officer training in the navy

Thats funny cuz im half of each. Ive never seen a bigger faggot lead a Country though.