Alex Jones
Do you believe him?
Is he revealling any truth or is he just fear mongering?
Alex Jones
Do you believe him?
Is he revealling any truth or is he just fear mongering?
AJ believes his own insane gibberish and I love him for it.
There are nuggets of truth in there but jeeze.
Dude's shtick is to use partial redpills to sell water filters.
He's better than CNN at least and also entertaining.
Better than nothing.
He's right, except substitute "globalists" for "international jews".
Truth? He's merely a humble water filter salesman, not a journalist...
Pretty much this.
You really have to read between his rhetoric, but he's as American as apple pie.
He may have started playing the character to corner the market but I think at some point he started believing it himself and now he's too balls deep to go back.
I have some of his earlier films, very interesting stuff on globalism and conspiracy 101, I just dont understand why he has gone mainstream media lately.
I was always suspect of his Bohemian Grove infiltration footage, I just think its too convenient.
I didn't want to believe him.
Then shit started coming true.
Just as Jon Leibowitz mixed news reporting with anti-comedy, Jones has mixed true news reporting with the trappings of professional wrestling
It may sound like Piper's Pit from time to time but Info Wars had objectively some of the best coverage of the 2016 election. Scooped the Hillary health issues.
Jones wants to sell people fear porn about Globalists and "Illuminati" but without naming the Jew. He is a useful idiot that is why he has been able to operate for so long, but that is coming to an end.
He's attention whoring for money. Anything that gets people to tune in, he will say. Fear and anger work great.
remember him and glenn beck were almost solely responsible for that silver / gold bubble that happened after obama won the election
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He's definately the real deal but as people have hinted here, he is either coerced by (((them))) or fears some kind of retaliation. That's why he sometimes reverts to arcane talk about aliens and psychic vampires from the spectral realms. This puts off many people but it all makes sense once you realize these are mere..code words perhaps. He can also easily call "globalist" and make people research on their own what people Alex is talking about. He is THE gateway to red-pill. Many won't pass this gate, but those that do end up enlightened.
Sometimes he makes some good points but most of the time I dont know whether to laugh or not at what he is saying.
I got my SUPER MALE VITALITY last week though.
Gay frogs are real though.
Also Alex knows how to hire good workers for him, like Rackadoo.
He's about CNN level and he attacks evil people, so he's useful and decent.