How do (((they))) keep getting away with it

So i was home and while searching for something i found the book called the most evil human beings on planet (10 year old book nobody touched it i think you got that book free from newspapers or shit like that) i turn the back of the book and you see names like hitler, saddam hussein, pinochet, milosevic etc... Even before that i simply knew that it was written by a jew and would you look at that it was written by some female jew named (((KLEIN))) EVERY. SINGLE. TIME

maybe white people should learn how to write

I used not to care much about the kikes until I was redpilled by places like Sup Forums and other material and now I can't unsee it.

I don't even hate the kike but I understand they're a toxic, disloyal bunch and we'll never have stable societies of our own with them around. I used to think people were over-dramatic about the JQ, not anymore.

Kikes aren't nearly as smart as they think they are. If they were, they'd find some way to live among other people without trying to screw them over.

They're smart enough to abuse the kind of implicit trust we have in each other but they always get too greedy and end up getting pogromed or kicked out.

Post more creep shots of her

op I know that feeling, I went to a book store (for like old/rare books) and they had an entire section for Judaism, one of the books was like
And the entire book was trying to make jews look as cool/innocent as possible. Was really fucking weird.

More legs please

> day ass

What was this about a book? Fuck off unless you have moa day ass

Why the fuck is she standing like that?

"Yes please come and mount me."

Guess who's getting the job/promotion.

God that stance is sexy

>I don't even hate the kike but I understand they're a toxic, disloyal bunch and we'll never have stable societies of our own with them around.
This. Also understanding the truth about ww2 and the holocaust is key because it can change the Israeli/Palestine conflict quite easily, which is the source of all the ills in the world right now.
>wars in the ME for expansion of Israel
>massive immigration of Muslims to the west because of said wars.
>Massive unchallenged Jewish influence in so many countries that promote Marxism

I'm not into bestiality, more of OP please.

Idk why Jews are targeted. Fuck anti-semites and fascists. Idk why they keep getting away with these fucked up things, Op.


>pinochet, milosevic
>never stalin or mao

I wonder who could be behind this juadism

Stalin was based, he just did his own shit for himself.
Mao was mentally challenged.
Pinochet was good goy to the Friedman jew.

>Be college student me.
>being in obligatory modern art class.
>Teacher is a bitch.
>Constant pictures of Mao and Castro in a heroic light in her presentations.
>I start to get concern.
>I speak with the career's headmaster about this.
>Luckily, she is catholic and doesn't discards my warnings of communist propaganda.
>I don't follow the issue anymore after that.
>The next semester.
>The teacher is still giving classes although she lowered on the propaganda a bit from what friends have told me.
>Get called by the headmaster in what started like a casual conversation.
>She insinuated that that art teacher was still giving classes because she had influences inside the University.
>Wtf. this sound pretty.. jewish..
>I investigate the teacher.
>My God Sup Forums is just about memes right? no way this is real..
>Her last name is Arvisu.
>Turns out she has organised modern art before on places like MOMA, the sjw type.
>Investigate more.
>Fucking raised with "Jewish sensibilities".
>My fucking god noooo..
>Turns out Arvisu is a common Jewish lastname is Mexico.
>pic related, mfw the memes are REAL.
>mfw not even this third world country is safe of the Jew.

Maybe you should take better care of your shoes, Ivan.

if anything it is far, FAR worse in third world institutions because a lot of the people KNOW it's some bullshit but are in a constant state of power struggles

>nigger can't see a woman's butt without thinking rape
Good thing showing breasts is illegal in the US.

This issue if what actually made me a mexican antisemite. I got more and more interested in the influence of the chosen people over the seemingly unimportant Mexico. My God the stuff I have found, really depresses me.. We got as far as going into a religious civil war because of them once, thousands died, and people don't even remember it or the fallen. We also got arm twisted by the mexican (((bankers))) into selling our oil to a cheap price and once president Salinas (You can't get more jewish than that, just google for his picture) sold us when he signed NAFTA he basically chained the economy to the US, not letting us distillate our own gas. NAFTA was a terrible terrible mistake (or not, maybe everything was going as planned, oy vey). We got the same resources and oil as countries like Saudi Arabia, and we constantly get curved in the international scene by banks while jewish journalists claim how well Mexico is doing...

Hold me senpai.. I genuinely don't know what to do with all of this information now..

You have to be more subtle with it. Don't make it so obvious.

Milosevic was evil though, he wanted to make greater serbia and he killed Bosniaks, Albanians and Croats

>How do (((they))) keep getting away with it
Power creep. Your picture even shows a whore brainwashed by Disney. Just another piece.

She's not just bending over; she's grinding on the table corner.
Sluts turn me off.

I'm starting to suspect that kikes are just all ludicrously liberal and bluepill in earnest.
Look at how feminist Israel actually is. They have even worse rape laws than the US. There a woman who accuses anyone of rape is automatically designated a rape victim and given immunity to any persecution regarding anything she says. The intent of this law is so that a jewess can never be persecuted for lying about being raped. Even when proven a liar, she still retains victim status in the law because suing her for libel might "make real rape victims afraid to speak out". Seriously they're more cucked than the rest of us.

Truly a Kosovar piece of shit detected

yeah, but drumph is le ornge

silly spic

>raging misogynist
>too christ cuck'd to embrace the evolution to traps
>hasn't even read Genesis 3:4
>instead, wastes already inutile, nonentity life complaining about sarlaccs

you're dumb spremni, jerkabtich