How do we reverse engineer pol's right wing culture from within?
Leftists get in here
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stop being fags and maybe your side will look more appealing.
We don't. The culture is already shifting, just let it happen naturally.
make like a leftist and leave
Stop using marxism to destroy the West
start with actually making an argument instead of crying all the time.
Jewish intellectual art is the solution
>right wing culture
Superior liberal culture 1
We can start with coming up with facts that contradict their evidence of race, male and female differences, the effectiveness of communism, and the effects of immigration, etc.
If we could just find evidence to support our blind beliefs, we'd totally have them checkmated. Oh, and we'd also have to figure out how to disprove the evidence they've amassed.
Superior liberal culture 2
>trying to come up with a rational response when your entire platform is pathos
good luck
You could start by being right instead of a developmentally challenged movement of children who worship an ideology that murders people exactly like you for being useless.
It is no coincidence at all that the one place you cuckolds cannot make an impact is the one place where you also can't shame people for holding opinions and ruin their lives by finding out their identities. The Left's only actual weapon is social blackmail, without weaponized human misery on your side you have literally no viable stratagem to combat Right Wing thought.
Superior liberal culture 3
you don't lol
Dude, this place is shill city. There's no way to win at this point. I just watch Sup Forums at this point because I like to know what information our overlords want us to believe.
Have a single successful leftist society.
It's impossible. Sup Forums is too far upoit's own ass. Many peoplehere claim they would die for Trump. That's the level of indoctrination we've reached.
Superior liberal culture 4
Stop being fags
Is that really her name?
DO NOT sexualize Alunya
>how do we reverse engineer pol's culture
see , seriously you guys have multiple professional shilling organizations and mod control over pretty much every other shithole on the internet, the fact that you feel like you need to "take over" Sup Forums and make it another liberal circlejerk is one of many reasons why people don't like you.
If you attack they win
The best way is to keep fighting against the working class and shoving trannies down their throats. If you continue stand tall as soldiers for the big banks and corporate media, fighting to oppress grass-roots resistance to corruption, people on Sup Forums will eventually see that all you trannies, obese nigs, and weedy nu males were right all along.
This, the left is just embarassing at this point. Even if I went against the right I could never side with American leftists, most are creepy as shit looking or look like junkies and the women are obnoxious as hell.
American left is so bad the only people who seem cool are the blacks kek, that's pretty sad since leftist blacks hate whites. Also liberal memes are awful and reddit tier so fix that as well.
>Stop using marxism to destroy the West
>Many people here claim they would die for Trump.
Die fighting like a man, or be genocided doing nothing, like all the other victims of jewish genocide. Amalekites, Armenians, Russian bolshevik victims,...
Pretty easy decision shlomo!
Nice bait thread but leftypol has been appropriating our memes to no avail as they are trying to forcibly politicize theirs and it completely removes the humor of it.
Pic related, height of leftypol memes and that's because very few actually take the ideology seriously
Trump is their last stand. We have to beat him and we have to beat him hard and demoralize Republicans to the point where they collapse and never become an issue ever again.
- Come up with real arguments, stop crying.
- Drop the whole multiculturalism thing. Everyone knows it doesn't work.
- Drop the Trump is a Russian agent shit because nobody actually buys it. If you must attack him relentlessly, call him incompetent or something even though that's factually untrue, people are more likely to believe it.
- acknowledge that Islam is a major problem. Not just Islamic terrorists, Islam. Stop touting "b-b-but there's white Christian mass shooters too!" Nobody fucking buys it. It is irrelevant.
- stop making up fake genders, orientations, whatever the fuck it is this week. There's 2 genders. Lgbtqwtfbbq is a laughingstock across the world. They're mentally fucked, not special flowers of diversity.
- please come up with a better argument than "racist," "xenophobe," or "bigot."
- return to classical liberalsim. At least there can be a debate on the merits of classical liberalsim vs conservativism. As of now, liberalism is an amalgamation of hurt feelings for no reason, buzzwords, and failed mandatory diversity.
If you do all that, maybe liberalsim can survive Trump's 2 terms. But what am I thinking, if you're a leftist you wouldn't take my advice anyway.
>We have to beat him and we have to beat him hard and demoralize Republicans to the point where they collapse and never become an issue ever again
You know this is what made you lose in the first place, right?
Will never happen. Trump already won and conservatism is on the rise globally.
You can still try though, I won't stop you.
Uh, how about the fact that the best places to live in America and in the world are liberal... Here's a pic, it might be too complicated for you though.
Superior liberal pedophile art
Kek, well then you should have no problem winning elections....oh wait
I see you're using Gendo as an OP pic trying to look like a cool keikaku man and shit like you matter and shit, maybe I just look at you and think you're deluding yourself with the romanticism of the intellectual. Maybe you've never seen Neon Genesis Evangelion (which is one of the best anime of all time) so you just think he looks cool with his thinking face. Oh look at me, I've got a plan and a goal and a fucking neckbeard, I'm a goddamn Ubermensch. But lyou don't realize that the ridiculous leftist ideals spread by those fucking Bolsheviks and the globalists under the guise of evolving mankind while turning them into a homogeneous paste of shit Gendo Ikari wove his webs and keikakued his ass off and you know what he got just like you fucking liberals will get? He thought he knew better than everyone else and flew too close to the sun and in the end he didn't even get to turn into womb juice with the rest of humanity and live on in some sort of post-life scenario of togetherness and one with the universe and shit. No that motherfucker got eaten by a T-Rex after he groped a little girl and that's exactly what's gonna happen to you and your Jew overlords so fuck you for using Gendo as your avatar because you don't know shit from shinola.
>At least there can be a debate on the merits of classical liberalsim vs conservativism
As things like drugs and gay marriage have become legalized, the conservatives have gradually been drifting towards classical liberalism, and the leftists have been running out of things to be pro-freedom about, so they have gradually drifted towards authoritarianism.
This is a good point
>How do we reverse engineer pol's right wing culture from within?
You can start by actually making sense. Seriously, it's just that simple. You guys act like your arguments and logic are sound but the reality is that they are utopian and not practical. Whenever I hear someone claiming that "we'll live in a world like star trek!" I just want to slap the shit out of you.
Deport all shitskins, end political correctness and reverse woman's rights...then shit will revert back on its own
you can't because truth and beauty > twisted degeneracy and lies
Oh bother, seems like I misplaced my handkerchief. Gonna have to go get it now.
I see more red than blue in that pic you fucking kike
Leftist here
By creating a brainwashing machine.
Only then will we rule the world and create the ultimate authoritarian government were everyone obeys.
>Northern Michigan
Looks to me like the best places to live are all conservative, senpai.
You dumb faggits. Stop being degenerate.
>trump is incompetent!
>trump is a loser!
Apparently we are to believe Trump is some sort of Mr. Magoo who just sort of bumbles around aimlessly and has wealth and power fall into his lap.
Feel free to piss into the ocean of piss.
Also, make some more Hilldawg Frawg memes. Dem gud.
It's a loosing battle to be anti-drugs and anti-gay marriage, the drug war clearly hasn't worked and we'll never get gay marriage illegalized again, so why fight for those issues? Let's preserve freedom where we can, gay marriage may be legal but we can still fight for the rights of business owners to bake their own cakes.
You can't.Go back to LGBT fags.
blue outnumbers red dumbfuck.
Actually be fucking funny for once. You can't since you're too obsessed with political correctness and not offending anyone. True humor, the kind that can make someone forget everything and burst out laughing, isn't PC.
>literally needs to distort the electoral map
I agree and I think that's a big reason you see young conservatives who seem to not care about those issues much and the big overlap of libertarians helps too. As long as conservatives don't because the new left it's ok to give leeway, just have to fight slippery slopes like the pedophile sympathizers and shit.
Only when you twist the map you cock gobbler. The same way liberals treat the truth. KYS
Found picture of OP
It would help if you had tripple digit IQ
Yet you still lost, strange
Sure it does, you overweight welfare leeching faggot
We don't; we have a dialogue with them and incorporate their ideas into a new synthesis that benefits the societies we both have every reason to maintain.
Can't wait for the civil war, we'll cut down blues size dramatically.
with ollydbg
Why do you liberals hate the US so much?
ITT: Sup Forums fails to understand population distribution
More than that be prepared to answer challenges to your argument without "snark" or ridicule. Real life isn't an episode of Jon Oliver or the Colbert Report, there's no sound guy to cut off your opponent's argument and there's no applause sign to give you a false impression of consensus. When you structure your arguments like a late night comedy host you don't look good to fence sitters, you look like an asshole who knows they're wrong and wants to cover it up by being an asshole.
Also make Brent Budowsky DNC head, if the Podesta emails are anything to go by he's probably the guy that can unfuck your shit if any of you actually bothered to listen to him.
Louis ck is a good example of a funny left comic.
I understand it, you still lost though. You will lose in 2020 too.
as if they could collectively make any decisions on strategy without their (((leaders))) directing them to the next stupid shit to screech at
ITT: retard doesn't understand the electoral college
you fucking retards... its disdorted to MATCH the ACTUAL population distribution. i cant even...
Give the right full control.
Concede completely.
Watch suffering like never before rise.
Then it will swing back.
Trust me on this I've been a political expert for over 30 years.
Let them have all their cake and let them eat it.
Let them see what real Right Wing power leads to.
In the meantime pretend to support it to protect yourself.
Focus on BLACKING their conservative waifus, like Lauren Southern, Tomi Lahren, and Faith Goldy in every thread they come up
>tfw the unarmed leftist population will be purged in the next civil war
>Don't say anything I don't like
K den
>Watch suffering like never before rise.
like when the left took full control in the soviet union?
They were once like you. They grew up. They've seen reality. You can't go back.
>Let them see what real Right Wing power leads to.
God, family, community and country. There's a difference between authoritarian right wing politics and right wing politics, if you were a political expert you'd know that.
We could kill ourselves. They'd feel so bad about how they bullied us that they'll see the error of their ways and switch sides
>How do we reverse engineer pol's right wing culture from within?
You don't. If you didn't figure it out by now, you cannot recreate something like this. This is bigger than what you comprehend. This is a mix of worship of egyptian deities, and autistic shit posting. There is no way you can reverse engineer something so simple.
yeah, don't do any of that lefties, you wouldn't want to change what you are would you? Just be yourself, that's how you get what you want
Stop being morons.
Stop blatantly lying.
Stop supporting Islam.
Stop supporting mentally ill Tranny's.
>using Louis CucK as an example
You see, this is why literally no one in the world is taking you seriously anymore.
>Hong Kong and Taiwan vs China
>USA vs Soviet Union and Russia
>Switzerland vs France
>Cold War West Europe vs East Europe
>Chile vs Venezuela
>South Korea vs North Korea
ITT: No actual discussion just people building rhetorical strawmans, burning them and then pretending they won some sort of argument
but we have the bureaucracy on our side... the military for the most part, the intelligence agencies. What have you got? some fat farmers with a rusky six shooter and Trumptard, puppet of Vladimir? give me a break.
>the military for the most part
The delusion is real. Most of the military would wipe you out in a heartbeat if Trump allowed them to.
Use humour.
Purge Marxist-Leninists from your movement.
>Popular vote makes someone win
>In the US
How can someone be so fucking retarded?
>To "win" you must first concede that my arguments are right and you need to stop criticizing me or the people that I like
I see. Have you heard of the saying: "Don't take advice from people that hate you" ?
The establishment-left needs gutting. Simply put, the hippies have to go. Their marxist-lite method of being anti-everything is no longer a viable winning method. No, Oprah is not the answer.
The Democrat party needs a fresh voice, fresh ideas. It is long overdue to deliver a vision of the future to the American people with a response that isn't limited to "they are wrong because they are racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes". Not only is that line of argument shallow and narrow-minded, but it also does not provide a solution to the real problems of most Americans — and most Americans are not racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic.
Let's start with this: Exclude from consideration all politicians over the age of 55. It is time for the Clintons, Pelosis, and Schumers of the party to step down and let new leadership emerge. They have driven this ship into the ground. Democrats are now in a historically low minority nationwide in State governments and Governorships, we are the minority in both houses of the US Congress, and now we have lost the presidency and the Supreme Court. Change is needed!
>but we have the bureaucracy on our side
The bureaucracy will hold you back more than anything
>the military for the most part
Haha, no. We've got the military, and we've got Mad Dog on our side.
>the intelligence agencies
Fair enough. A cruse missile strike will take those out fairly quickly though.
>What have you got?
The food, the factories, the military, the police and almost the entire armed citizenry.
>no one in the world
hate to break it to you, but louis is funny and famous to everyone not on pol. hes like, the most successful comedian since seinfeld.
Hahahahahahahha. It won't happen.
Your tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious user.