George Carlin once said, "Germany may have lost World War II, but fascism won it."
He's a comedian so I know I shouldn't take him seriously... But was Carlin Redpilled? I think he knew some shit.
George Carlin once said, "Germany may have lost World War II, but fascism won it."
He's a comedian so I know I shouldn't take him seriously... But was Carlin Redpilled? I think he knew some shit.
He was an SJW
He was the opposite. He constantly wrote about genetics, survival of the fittest, never trusting the media, and made fun of liberal culture all the time.
Also, he was actually in the Air Force.
I think Carlin at the end of his life realized he'd be dead in a few years, so he took advantage of his popularity to drop bombs of information on people on what he thought about everything in the hopes he'd inspire people to be more outspoken.
>I think Carlin at the end of his life realized he'd be dead in a few years, so he took advantage of his popularity to drop bombs of information on people on what he thought about everything in the hopes he'd inspire people to be more outspoken.
He actually spoke about "The REAL leaders of the country... You know who I'm talking about, folks."
The whole audience went quiet.
"They OWN you."
He actually died before his next act, from a heart attack.
I meant next HBO special, not act
sorry for the cheesy quotes but it's more interesting than copy and pasting soooo
He was a funny guy but also a nihilistic piece of shit.
he ALWAYS stated something like his writing is "purely not in reality, they're just jokes."
He always began his books saying that what he writes doesn't reflect his REAL world views. You don't actually know his real opinions
George making fun of degeneracy?
I do wonder what he really thought and where he would fall in all of this bullshit going on today.
On one hand he seemed very intelligent and aware of the tricks of those who control us. On the other he was still retarded on a few other things, probably due to life events shaping his views of where criticism needs to be focused.
His cynicism got me on the path to here long ago and made me question everything which ended up killing my retarded liberal thoughts.
I stood in the middle for a long time before finally realizing how the game was being rigged.
He was probably the most pure red-pill before technology fucked everyone up. by today's internet war standards though, he'd probably be considered a shill/CTR ghost libcunt communist. In reality he was just red-pilled holding no true political alliance instead being his own pessimistic world/people hater.
He seemed pretty open about his views in interviews and said many times he didn't care one way or another.
same. He anti-corrupted me. He got me thinking.
pic is for you
>He seemed pretty open about his views in interviews and said many times he didn't care one way or another.
if you were the hottest comedian in the world and would never be forgotten, wouldn't you rather be know for "not caring" istead of being known for the truth, and being harassed for the rest of your life by the Elites in this country?
Typical drunk mick sourpuss
Always subverting and not realizing that he's contributing to the shittiness of it all.
It seems clever when you're young but just retarded when you're old.
he didn't drink
saw the special, not really sure what he was talking about
it's a poem.
So I should eat my possessions?
if you possess food, yeah
He never said that.
Dude had substance abuse problems. He switched to other drugs because he realized that drinking could fuck him up.
Not unusual among "dry drunks".
fuck off, shareblue. It's literally in his book, napalm and silly putty
not that you have ever read his books.
I've read all his books at least three times.
No i know that. He had a lot of drug problems. But he didn't drink was all i'm saying
His worst addiction, in fact, was cocaine. Which he stopped in the 80s
Oh shit, Carlin was trading sex acts for drugs!
>Carlin: They began the moment I scored. I’d take a few hits at the guy’s house. Then I’d take a few more hits. Then I’d put it away. But before I left his house, I’d take some more hits. And when I’d get in my car, before backing out of the driveway, I’d open it up again and take a few more hits. Then, while driving home, I’d somehow contrive to stop and go to the bathroom and take a few more hits. Later on, when it got really ridiculous, I used to snort in traffic.
>Playboy: While the car was moving?
>Carlin: Yeah. And the moment I copped, I immediately wrote off that night’s sleep, because it was a foregone conclusion that I was not going to put half a gram away at midnight. And I never took reds or Quaaludes to balance out the coke. So when it got to be four in the morning and the gram was three quarters gone, I’d start wishing it was nine o’clock and hoping the guy got up early. But, of course, he didn’t sleep either, so there was no sweat. During all those years, I was always looking forward to the next snort or the next guy I could score from.
weren't you ever young and stupid? The guy's just a comedian, man. I know he's not a citable, reliable source of an academically supported opinion.
all im saying is that his acts from his later years are really, really relevant right now.
>young and stupid
No, just young.
And definitely never hanging out with strange men to mooch drugs off them.
his daughter is an sjwhale disgrace to honorable white irish heritage
she follows and retweets jews on twitter all the time, even pic related guy
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He's a disgrace and she's a disgrace. He was at least a funny disgrace.
you know, in his daughters book, she once said "Dad I want to be a comedian like you" and he basically told her "stand up comedy became a soulless business, the media controls it now, and i dont think you could make it either way"
which is horrible to say to someone, but it's honest
>one of america's greatest artists
you sound like you love your country
>He's a comedian so I know I shouldn't take him seriously
Life is a tragedy for people who "feel" and a comedy for the ones who think. Funny comedy much like memes comes from thinking.....
That one is fake.
accept he explicity told people he is a comedian and doesn't want to be taken seriously?
Jon Stewart said the same, do you believe him?
I'm just a comedian is a rhetorical technique used to evade criticism for the stupid shit you say.
do i believe him? No I don't
Oh I misread that. I meant i don't believe his jokes
I believe him when he saids he's a comedian.
Fascism (as a transitional form of governance from parliamentarism to monarchy) is redpilled. It was formulated to remove the scum
well he's stupid because he took standup and made it vulgar, albeit hilarious, but still, he made it something conventional and even commonplace because of all the idiots who felt inspired but were talentless hacks
jon stewart, bill maher, all leftwing libtards who are controlled yet try to spread this "free thinking" bullshit
if carlin was still alive he'd be the same, calling out trump for being stupid just because it gives laughs, that's what they did with bush anyway
bush was pretending to be stupid the whole time he was president
Well, I don't know. Trump is anti authority and says whatever he wants and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. I think George would have admitted that he finds that great
>I'm an entropy fan
sure, I get you desu
not that trump isn't an authoritarian but i mean he was anti current establishment authority
by the way guys, i'm not defending george carlin. I just know a lot about him because i loved his work when I was a teen, so I know a lot.
All I'm saying is, that if you look at his writing objectively, I think he'd be disgusted by the left more than the right at the moment
he would be disgusted by the left, but he'd still be even more disgusted by the right
it's like they learned nothing after bush
as for the left, they dug their own grave, and I am assuming he wouldn't bend to gender rules or any other SJW PC crap, but then again it's hard to say
his daughter tries hard to follow his teachings, but she falls on her knees for that jewish cock
she was on rubin report though
yeah he was pretty redpilled
he was pretty based and uncannily smart and observant for a long time, but towards the end of his life he wanted to remain relevant a bit too much, so he went for the low hanging fruit and whatever seemed trendy at the time, which pretty much means pathetic sjw nonsense
>one of America's greatest artists is an edgy old fuck trying to be hip by shitting out socialist bs
You're the one that hates your country lol
Thank you. You will be raked last.
No, Carlin would have shit all over him because that's all Carlin knew how to do.
>and I am assuming he wouldn't bend to gender rules or any other SJW PC crap
I see no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt on this. His work with Kevin Smith seems pretty fucking pozzed.
This is a good listen
he wasn't redpilled or anything, everything was superficial, wouldn't really call out the pc left's bullshit, but at least he made attempts
Are you fucking retarded?
George Carlin - Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners
No, he's a fucking idiot.
>im a high-tech low-life
>im tireless and wireless
is there such a thing as word kino? this is fucking golden
I am pretty sure when people say this, they mean the evil corporate Fox News that want to scare you into hating muslims.
Also, I've seen all of his standup and he was massively overrated.
At least some form of Nihlism is unavoidable if you are the least bit logical.
It would be nice if he was still around. I wonder what he would say about the world today.
Who? Adolf?
tired of all the cia induced heart attacks probably
Thread is about carlin but adolf would be nice too. Less camcer in germany.
>Germany may have lost World War II, but fascism won it.
Wtf is this supposed to mean? That Germany wouldn't have been defeated without fascism? From the US, the UK, or USSR? The fascism of Germany certainly didn't help them win.
Careful there Kraut the thought police might come arrest you
Adolf is literally my uncle's name. Yeah, put me into jail because of that, will you! Fucking fascist.
The Gestapo are on their way, Nazi! (((They))) are onto your shenanigans
>but he said its all satire and comedy
I hear this all the time but I've never seen him actually say this
Can ANYONE sauce this? Because in his older years he really looked like he did believe the stuff he was saying
This if a fairly cliche argument that doesn't hold much water. Regardless of the position on abortion, just because a fetus shouldn't be killed before birth, doesn't mean it deserves an infinite supply of entitlements and welfare. By this logic, liberals who deny gun rights to people, but also defund the armies and policemen are also hypocritical, when these are policies that can be consistently combined.
The man's never said an original thing in his career. He just says things that should be common sense.
No need to be a smartass. His question shows how asinine Carlin's analogy was.
If you're only capable of seeing liberalism as retarded, you aren't a critical thinker.
No, he was a whiny, liberal feminist. He may have ridiculed some of the more extreme elements of left-wing ideology, but that's irrelevant when he was wrong in so many other areas.
Good god, what a fucking idiot. You can't have freedom without cooperation. It's the basis of civilization.
For the here and now? It is.