As a white male growing up I. Upper middle class suburbia, can anyone please explain to me hip hop. How is it not pure degeneracy. It is literally a cancer that I wish was only a problem in hood culture but is clearly affecting white millianials. It's fucking cancer.
As a white male growing up I. Upper middle class suburbia, can anyone please explain to me hip hop...
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Hip hop can be good, but it's mostly vapid hedonistic nigger bullshit.
Here, have some good shit.
The small amount of rap that notices the problems in the black community are fine. Too bad those will never trump the nigger shit
It's evil monkey sounds.
literally sounds like primal beats to fuel the energy in their drunk breeding grounds
yeah what's with all the cracker ass whites listening to rap. im white and i don't listen to rap. It's a black music - and is also terrible for young black people. But suburban whites listening to rap is the worst.
It's easy listening yet full of profanity and it pisses off their middle age parents - so really it's everything a young man or woman could possibly want.
Porn is degenerate, but you aren't supposed to watch porn and think 'this is okay' - you're supposed to masturbate to it
You're not supposed to 'listen' to most rap, just experience it
Some rap is legitimately good in it's own right though - like with any art there is good, bad, mainstream etc.
Rap can be motivational depending on the artist.
People like Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, etc are very entertaining
You can enjoy rap without thinking too much about the lyrics, but just by going with the beat of the rhythm
Even though im white, i hate Eminem because he stirs too much hatred and thinks his words matter.
ur a fag stan
>muh profanity is edgy
go back to youtube son
rap was different until (((they))) started killing off rappers who were trying to stop the niggerish culture from expanding
now we are here.
The argument is about tastes in music. It's not really up for discussion
It is mostly just pure degeneracy, but once in awhile you can find some decent stuff:
>exhibit A
Some good rappers are really just radical capitalists; listen to Young Roddy and Curren$y
>"Fuck a handout my nigger why don't you try to earn something."
>"Apply yoself fool you can live out your dreams too
every brick that built my mansion will provide the proof"
>"Fuck it man, I'd live the same life again
what doesn't kill you just makes you realer"
Curren$y=Nietzschean prophet
I get hyped as fuck when I listen to this shit.
Music Industry creates the ultimate mascot for white suburban teens to feel cool and rebellious (remember the one friend who would always yell "fuck the police" every time a cop car passed by) in the form of the negro version gangster. Notice how every year for the past 20 years, the gangster negro is constantly being updated. I think we're on version 2.7 or something.
as an old fart and into hip hop since the 80s
hiphop was never a purely "black thing",
what you see on mainstream youtube/tv is not "hip hop" (it's like the hacking bullshit on csi is not hacking).
when you go back to the roots it was more of a multi-cultural thing. puerto ricans (rock steady crew ...) whites (beastie boys) blacks(run dmc, grandmaster flash)
it also wasnt the dealer-pimp shit you see all day today it was more about coming together and having a party. some others had social aware lyrics.
this herp a derp im the greatest shit you hear allday today comes from the freestyle battles (mcs smack talk on stage and the crowd decides who's the winner). same goes for breakdance battles(fun fact: you can only join the rock steady crew when you beat a member of the rock steady crew) and djs.
when hiphop became something which could be sold the record companies promoted the ones with the highest profit expections. which happend to be gangster rappers in the 90s. around this time it became uncool for "real hip hop" the be visible in the main stream.(with some exceptions)
tl;dr : what you see in the main stream media is a product sold to you. because a lot of retards buy that bling bling shit it is sold....
Great troll nigger
Hiphop is just a musical genre, sounds to me like you have a problem with niggers.
Try some aesop rock or something.
Trump should ban hip hop
As a young Black(ish) male, I can wholeheartedly tell you that Hip Hop/Thug culture is absolutely degenerate as has been the downfall of Black People since it was created. Every single message encourages the youth to adulthood to engage in Nigger behavior and then blame "The Man".
I wish the Nigger culture was never created.
Early hip hop was positive. Niggers ruined hip hop for black people.
Black, no such thing as ish, mulattos are black, quadroons black, octoroons black.
Wow you're a complete loser
I say that because my dad is part Oceanic so me and my sister look partly Asian, mostly in the eyes and have fairer skin.
>My dads oceanic and my moms a mermaid lol!
Depends on the rapper.
On the one hand you have Hopsin who basically went on a whimsical rhymey rant about how being a nigger is bad and you have to work for what you have before you can be an asshole about it.
On the other you have
Rich homie quan who basically talks about getting high and habing lots of money that he earned by selling drugs to his own people and how that makes white cops feel some type of way.
Presumably because the white cops must now deal with a horde of blazed goars
pol will never understand the complexity of hip hop. i cry while listening to 2pac.. the pure emotion they put into their music supasses anything white people can ever create. when pac said "they have money for war, but can't feed the poor" that line gave chills down my spine. i love rap music and everything it stands for. hip hop is the greatest form of music
It's sad tho. When it came to
Music, Black people were a pretty innovative bunch. Rock music, Jazz and Blues wouldn't exist if it weren't for blacks. Now you've got
Niggers hating the very genres their great grandfathers generation created, just because whites took over those genres after the 60s. Blacks should have stuck with the blues.