Why does the media and every successful/established person hate Donald Trump?

Why does the media and every successful/established person hate Donald Trump?

I wanna hear some real answers that aren't illuminati, Reptilian, or Alien-related

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>news corporation is funded by a majority of democrats
>news corporation returns the favor and spends millions on clinton's campaign
>try every way they can to blatantly hoist her up
>trump wins
Gee I don't know user.

Reptiles came from planet fuckface to farm our planet ; planet fuckagetty. it's unclear what D.J. Fuckhead will do to stop them if anything. better safe than sorry.

Because they hate the people.


Because of niggers and beaners and faggots and the fucking kikes

Two main reasons.

1. Either they're virtue signaling in hopes of remaining relevant and in good graces with their retainers.

2. Or they so out of touch they believe they know better than the majority of the country.

Because he's not part of there circlejerk and he's gonna bust all their pedo rings.

Kikes, illumunati, reptilialmaos in that order you fucking quack

It's the s((( $_$ )))s

This OP

because its hip
they all think their fighting hitler 2.0
they all can't fucking wait to be on the 'right side of history' so they can virtue signal.

Trump is anti establishment. He never accepted to play by their rules. And they were cunts enough he takes joy in taking them down even though he should be "on their side"

Ted Nugent , Kid Rock, Scott Baio I could go on for days

He's tearing down their system. Idiot.


Because Trump is a nutjob of mediocre intelligence.

It's like they have a vested financial interest in keeping average Americans divided so they fight amongst each other, rather than having them unified so they fight upwards

>the majority of the country

They never did until he entered politics and threatened their establishment of power. Trump was a media darling for literal decades, and was highly popular with celebrities and other 'elites' because he was rich and has charisma.

The shift to hatred of Trump only further exposes their hypocrisy after they spent so many years falling over themselves to kiss his billion dollar ass.

At least Vinny Mac stands by him.

because actual successful people hate that a guy who was only ever good at hosting a tv show became president

it means that the country isn't actually a meritocracy and that lots of successful people just got lucky



It's absolutely mind-boggling to see the left argue against tariffs, infrastructure spending, and isolationism. Democrats have been espousing these policies for decades, but Trump wants them now so they're evil. Same with the Republicans, they've been against these policies for decades, now they love them.

I wish the parties would actually split up into the coalitions that they're made of these two parties that pretend they're monolithic.

this, those people sold out their souls, they hate mankind.

Dont get me wrong, I am angry at mankind, but I dont actually hate you. I believe in you, thats why I am still here, waiting.

>it means that the country isn't actually a meritocracy
which would be true. the only merit you need is to get more votes than the other guy

>only ever good at hosting a TV show

Shariablue, pls go. The guy is a self-made billionaire who woke up one day and decided he wanted to destroy both of the political establishments to restore power back to the people.

Because he is an angry manchild who draws the support of despicables like Sup Forums

I know you don't want to hear it, but.. pic related.


It's actually really simple

Hillary was a carbon copy of Obama. She is what Obama was supposed to be and more. The past 8 years have been "comfy" for Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and big businesses. Why would they vote against their best interests?

Trump is a disruption in "comfyness" for anyone making over 100k, has illegal gardeners, cleaners, and nannies, and live in a gated community/ estate neighborhood.

Bringing factories back and kicking out mexicans would mean higher costs to big corporations, higher salaries to workers, and a net gain to the poor and middle class.

As for the Media, they invested every dime in the support and promotion of Hillary. They lost 63 million customers (Trump voters) because of their false lies and rooting for the wrong candidate for 2 entire years. Their owners are also leftist corporate globalists who all know each other personally, all think the same, and all do the same thing.

This will be a tough 8 years for them

i wish trump would have won in 2000 i bet things would be better off

>man who hosted a tv show was successful in becoming president

c-list musicians and z-list actor

>I wanna hear some real answers that aren't illuminati, Reptilian, or Alien-related


I agree, but I don't think things had gotten bad enough for him to win. Democrats were still appealing to white voters, they supported borders, and all of their candidates opposed gay marriage.

>what is Bone Broth

Cuz he's an incompetent hack full of shit

looks good, but what do you mean?

this is all bullshit and the media is just scrapping the bones?


>why does the media hate Donald Trump?

Can't imagine why


he is a rich kid who bankrupted casinos and lost a billion dollars in one fiscal year. he's had the most success licensing his name to other people and pretending to be a tycoon on tv

remember when Hillary passed out and the secret service threw her into a van then her campaign pretending everyone was fine? Trump really did the impossible defeating such a talented politician

>Trump is anti establishment
Yeah sure, self-proclaimed bullounaire formerly with a reality TV show on Clapistani TV, a tower named after him in NYC and former beauty pageant owner is "anti-establishment"

Media is run by Jews.
Jews hate populism.
Speaking for Trump will get you socially exiled in Hollywood (which is run by Jews).

Not that difficult really

>a talented politician

Because the majority of people are dumb cucks or shitskins and successful people make their living off taking money from those unwashed masses.

They are just playing to their target demographics.

In the end it's just Jewish greed and people without nationalistic values.

Because his rise destroys the last piece of public importance they have, until now most leaders have rarely tried to counter the mainstream narrative, even though public belive in set narrative is wayning. He is one of the first to directly deny their narrative, and I think thats why they feel threatened

that's the fucking joke bro


>Jews hate populism.
Sanders hated populism so much it was the centerpiece of his entire campaign

Because they are pushing for a one world government that essentially destroys the west through poverty and divide and conquer and Trump wants National Sovereignty and wealth in the western world... It's simple as that

When people say this sort of thing, I brings up one of two possibilities based on the fact that Trump won the election despite $1.6 billion spent against him and the collaboration of every major media outlet, with the possible exception of Fox News, to elect Hillary Clinton. Either Donald Trump is a Lex Luthor level genius super villain who defeated the noble purehearted Hillary through nefarious means, or Hillary is the human equivalent of a flaming bag of dog shit and enough people preferred a bumbling bumblefuck over her. The truth is, the Democrats ran the worst candidate since Michael Dukakis and Trump was a lot better than anyone wanted to admit.

>Trump really did the impossible defeating such a talented politician
She might be talented, but she's cringy to listen to and lacks charisma on stage. Plus you just had 8 years of Democrats so.. I wasn't really surprised. Maybe by your shit polling.

How many casinos went belly up in Atlantic City? All of them. Nobody, not even Caesars Palace, could survive the collapse of Atlantic City.

>lost a billion dollars

Yet, here he is, worth billions more than you, Hillary, and Obama combined.

>Hillary had "Pneumonia" so we can pretend she didn't have everything going for her: thrice as much money, the support of both establishments, the support of the media, and political experience

LOL get raped by more niggers, krautfag.

>country isn't actually a meritocracy
read better

>Jews hate populism.

Also Trump loves kikes and they love him because he's the typical American Zionist.

Sanders was a plant

>thrice as much money, the support of both establishments, the support of the media, and political experience

none of that matters because people fucking hated her. that's what wins or loses elections

>he just got lucky

Because the elites want to be popular... fucking duh.
The truly successful, the 150+ IQ people love trump. Elon Musk, James Woods. They have the brain power to think for themselves. The others... They go with the flow. simple as that.

It's more complicated than that. They killed his friends and he wants revenge. And they know it. It's why Share Blue is being paid to be here and why they're doing everything they can to shut him down.

They're just jealous of his success.

Trump just recently implied that the jewish bomb threats were false flags.

To 'the elite' Trump comes across as vulgar, boorish and uneducated. Basically the last type of person on Earth you would ever want to become POTUS.

On the other hand, the vulgar, boorish and uneducated love him.

Obama, the Dems, the globalists and the Jews that hate Jews are against Trump

He is blocking their globalism and socialism and preventing the chosen few from controlling everything

kek thats why his presidency is going so well

He's a trust fund baby whose been able to keep his value by inflationary monetary policy and a rothschild bailout

Just because he's successful doesn't mean he's a part or even agrees with the current establishment. None of your "points" even disprove that.

Look up the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) and the RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs)

Because they can't control him?

>Why does the media and every successful/established person hate Donald Trump?

It feels like the right thing to do.
Polarized political polemia.

Hes a dumbass in way over his head. He can barely form coherent sentences. If romney had run again and won, fine. Regardless of whether you agree/disagree with his politics, he's got a good resume. This guy just won because are slandering globalism for natural problems and turning to populism.

Yeah I mean it's not like you have a bunch of retards in the government who will never accept him and find every retarded small excuse to de-legitimize him....

wise post

baby steps

jimmy carter won an election he must be a genius too

Donald Trump isn't controllable.

Want to show they can even oust a presient and show their power


Do you realize it would be suspicious if it were the other way around or are you retarded?

>please don't answer this

Ok genius, hope you run for 2020, let's see how smart and lucky you'll be when you campaign


>says others can't form coherent sentences
>types shit like "This guy just won because are slandering globalism"
You are a complete moron.

he made them look like fools the entire election and now their butthurt is fueling them to keep going

>gaslighting this much

user, you cunts were saying everyone hates Trump. "He's the most unlikable candidate in history. " "He's literally Hitler." "He rapes women and laughs at poor, innocent gold star families."

For fucks sake, the day of the election, nobody gave him better than 1:5 odds of winning. And NOBODY thought it was even possible for him to win the states he did.

George Soros lost one billion in one month thanks to Trump winning, so there are always examples of bigger economical failures.

You really missed the sarcasm there?

Jews hate the people
The globalists are jews
The jews have led us to believe Trump is bad
The jews made it hip and they keep pushing it
The jewish system
Jews want to destroy civilization
>I have no idea what I'm talking about, I've been here less than half a year
Lurk more faggot
Except all of this has jews behind it
Get out, this is either just bait or D&C
No argument against him not being establishment. Fuck off.

can I run against Hillary Clinton?

also I like that you applied the "oh yeah, why don't you make a movie if you are so smart" movie criticism defense to running for president this place is so fucking dumb I love it

>a typo on an anonymous tibetan tapestry forum is equivalent to the POTUS making public addresses

He knows about the gay niggers from outer space.

Do you like any of the people that vehemently hate him? Yeah, me neither. That's all morally compromised satanists, literally or not, m8.


There are several stages of grief. A lot of people are still in the "denial" stage.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate. The country didn't want Trump. The country settled for Trump when faced with the horror and entitlement of Hillary. It's like Bill Burr wondered, "How the hell did you lose to that?" When people talk about her "entitlement" they're referencing her refusal to speak on the issues that people cared about the most. People aren't dumb. They understand they're now part of a global economy. The notion of being patriotic about our nation's economy and our competitive advantage in the great scheme of things is popular. The country wanted to talk about the factors that influence our competitive advantage.
>energy production
Hillary was too entitled to care about these issues. She was too entitled to even bother to lie. It's a shame because the Democratic party does indeed have policy prepared on these issues that isn't entirely garbage. Trump won by default.

Because he's a neanderthal who just happened to be born into wealth.

>I wanna hear some real answers that aren't illuminati, Reptilian, or Alien-related

There are none, you colossal fuckwit, now piss off.

yeah the polls and entire media was wrong
defeating Hillary still isn't impressive though

he reminds me of when george w bush was pretending to be retarded the whole time he was president

This. You fucks just over complicate the situation...shape-shifting aliens? Really....it's just egotistical douches with a superiority complex

Because he attacks their financial interests and their hegemony of narrative. It doesn't have to be chalked up to magical cults and elites.

Donald Trump breaks the mold, and gives people a non-establishment option. Americans aren't being pushed down violently, but the government and the media have massive amounts of control.

Big government where it counts. Borders, security etc
Not with their noses in their citizens lives.


Sure you can, you must be smart! Obviously he just got lucky to have won when the rest of the candidates for the GOP were dogshit against even Clinton! So please do run, I would like to see you get demolished by a guy who will make you look worst than Clinton considering you've been blubbering around about how you are not as successful as him!