The president of the United States gets his news from Breitbart. Just let that sink in
The president of the United States gets his news from Breitbart. Just let that sink in
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yea and its fantastic
I suppose (((CNN))) is a better source yeah?
I'd say it's probably pretty accurate considering Bannon is in the white house.
Much better than CNN at least
Breitbart Fox and RT are the only reliable news sources left
He gets his news from Sup Forums. Breitbart is just him hiding his true power level.
as opposed to... what exactly? John Oliver?
Breitbart is a fantastic site. Very quick response to leftist shill jobs.
At least Breitbart's reports include links to sources, from other media sites, that's much better that the reports of (((mainstream media))).
Smart man. There's no better source out there right now.
This, even though they, too, have their flaws.
He also browses the daily stormer
I've lost respect for breitbart after the entire Milo thing; they should've reported on it.
you should too, leaf. you and everyone should look at as many sources as possible
Only reliable sources are blogs. No one ever mentions the treehouse.
Only reliable source of news is Sup Forums
Paul Ryan confirmed that Obama wiretapped Trump tower on March 3rd on fox news.
Where does Treadue get his news?
ShareBlue must have surge prices today.
It's fair and impartial
I read bb every morning, I feel more American than German
0.1 ruble has been deposited into your kremlin account
CBC news.
Unbiased state funded media that has no agenda to get money like American news sources. This means they don't have to lie about shit like Breitbart does to get clicks and profit.
>Just let that sink in
>not fake newz
>not a conflict of interest
>not who you think is the boss
Twerking Tweets of Twump Twitters
only reliable sources are ron paul's channel and newsbud
t. centrist
u get it wrong everytime. we do it for free and out of love for truth.
my great grandparents were victims of the bolschewiks in russia.
>Trump should get their news from CNN!!!
And Fox. He said that shit about something happening in sweden because of a fox news story. I found it interesting the way talked about it like everyone knew what he was talking about. Like everyone, at least everyone who voted for him, watches and trusts fox news. I read an article recently about how he constantly is repeating crap told on fox news, breitbart, and even alex jones.
He gets his news from pic related as well.
Perhaps Trump will actually do something about the gay frogs. We can only hope.
cbc is biased retard.
>get 0.1 ruble every time you mention shareblue
that would be beautiful world, shareblue
wtf i love breitbart now
All media is owned by (((them))) and there are no reliable outlets anymore
>pro kike news
>my great grandparents were victims of the bolschewiks in russia.
Fuck off back to Russia then you filthy shiteating Sl'v
kys nerd virgin you fool no one
>Only reliable source of news is Sup Forums
People always think its a bad place to get news, but when you read about any topic, youre exposed to a variety of mainstream news, academic, and original sources (+discussion) as opposed to just a single source
Have you ever listened to this Andrew Breitbart creature?
Because I've been listening for months, and he's woke as fuck, and nothing he has said is racist, sexist, or homophobic. He's not. HE'S NOT.
Here, have a listen.
the sink will never be let in, IT MIST STAY OUTSIDE, FAGGOT
/ourguy/ confirmed
look at this post, user
No way they could publish an objective story about it.
I'm sure objectivity in media is not something you value, but some do.
ok, now that it's sunken in I've realized that I too should start getting more news from Breitbart and not from CNN, MSNBC or CBS like I normally do.
Better than where the last president got his from.
breitbart has been dead for years.
they killed him.
yes, he was woke.
#do not let it in yu leafy bastard1
extra points because leaf flag
>Unbiased state funded media that has no agenda to get money like American news sources.
Sounds just like Russia Today, I'm in!
This. Leaf was a good guy.
>0.1 ruble
Literally nothing.
They equal something like 0,001$
Explains the quality....
op is ctr
See, what the Trump shills in this thread don't realize is that Breitbart is nothing more than an internet marketing scheme to prey on the right wing. Hell, go to sites like BlackHatWorld and the'll sing praises on how far right spam blogs are money because the people that consume that shit are dumb as a box of rocks.
I like how he doesn't even fly anything past his advisers or confirm anything that he reads on the internet, and just immediately goes to shit post on twitter about these "new and amazing" things he just learned. I'm also amazed they still haven't taken his twitter privileges away from him, he's managed to immediately piss away the bump he got from that state address thing a couple days ago. Like you'd think they would want to keep his appearances and ratings up and do more scripted, coordinated events he can't fuck up. I can't really see him befitting from "merely pretending to be retarded" all day every day, like I figured they might try and keep that "pivot" thing going on. I can't tell if he's genuinely retarded, playing 4d chess or if his own administration is deliberately sabotaging him.
>le ebil Russian hackers
Commit suicide
There's Sputnik
Only reliable news is MSM cross referenced with the average Sup Forums approved site. Get some biases and facts from both sides
Makes him that much more based
Praise kek
I hear them called shariablue so often I forget that's their real name kek
>and RT
You must be kidding. Russian shilling is still shilling, not matter how we want to be friends and all that.
Well, considering the ENTIRE MSM framework (with Fox having plausible deniability) was arrayed against him during the campaign it shouldn't be surprising.
Also, considering the circumstances surrounding Andrew Breitbart's death it's actually encouraging.
Hardly gonna get it from the mainstream sources now is he? CNN? lmao, that's the fakest of fake news.
Breitbart is it's counter and fast becoming popular
>the gay frogs.
We need a federally run program to save the species
RT is russian NPR teir.
Its pro russian, it has a slant and leaves out convenient details. but its not CNN MSNBC bullshit.
>trump gets news from Breitbart
How do we know Bannon isn't tipping off breitbart with developments to give them a head start.
It's obvious he's as retarded as a shitposter from Sup Forums
Good leaf